Let Thy Kingdom Come

Book Description

Let Thy Kingdom Come is a door that enters into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is my truth. I offer this only as my truth. It is a new look at the Holy Scriptures, a new look as a path into spirituality, a door into the kingdom of Heaven. It is not a plan for salvation but rather a plan for living openly to the joy of the kingdom of heaven now in this life. You are a creature to whom the Creator has given freedom of choice with the ability to choose joy. This book will help you become God's partner in putting your life in order, if you are tired of living in a world held in bondage by fear, by evil, by a lack of love, this book is for you. I am sure that the secrets revealed in this book works in my life. I am equally sure that there is some truth hidden within these pages that can transform your life. Take only what is true for you in the NOW; the remaining truths may not be intended for you, at this moment. This book contains many secrets and when read with prayer and an open seeking heart will transform your pain into joy; your worry into faith; and death into everlasting life. Forever is going to start tonight.

Thy Kingdom Come

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Thy Kingdom Come

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Thy Kingdom Come

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Thy Kingdom Come

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The Institute Tie

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Christian Thought

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Book Description

The foundation truth is that God made and upholds everything with the Word of His power. His Word is truth; His Word is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Spirit of truth while the devil is the spirit of error. The root cause of every problem is ignorance of the truth. The solution is in seeking, acknowledging, and applying the truth. Jesus Christ; the living Word of God is a privilege beyond description. He came to bear witness to the truth. Truth is the keys to salvation and the kingdom of God. Jesus said, `And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.' (John 8:32). There is no other way but the truth. `For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.' (2 Corinthians 13:8). For a meaningful, significant, fulfilled, and abundant life to be attained, knowing the truth is inevitable. Those who were ordained for eternal life seek, hear, understand, acknowledge, stand, and manifest the truth. `But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.' (John 20:31). Truth is light. It will help you to navigate the journey through life filled with errors, snares, pitfalls, tests, trials, troubles, and temptations. Those who are of the light comes to the light. Therefore build upon the sure foundation and anchor your life on Christ Jesus. Be always ready to affirm, `THY WORD IS TRUTH.'

Thy Kingdom Come

Book Description

The gospel Jesus and His disciples preached is not what we preach today. They preached, "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." We preach, "We are sinners; Jesus died for our sins, and if we accept Him as Savior, we will be saved." Why are these two gospels different? Who might be closer to the truth? Let's revisit Jesus' gospel and understand how to truly bring people into God's kingdom.