Tibetan Mahayoga Tantra

Book Description

The Generation Stage in Buddhist Tantra

Book Description

This book offers an exceptionally clear and accessible presentation of the generation stage practices of deity yoga. Gyatrul Rinpoche explains the state of mind to be established at the beginning of the practice session, the details of the visualization sequences, the three types of offerings, and proper mantra recitation—as well as mudras, tormas, and malas. Practitioners from all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism will find that these teachings enhance their understanding of sadhana practice. Rinpoche's detailed explanations make it possible to practice these meditations as they were intended and as they were practiced in Tibet and ancient China. It was originally published as Generating the Deity.

Deity, Mantra, and Wisdom

Book Description

This collection contains four of the most cherished Tibetan Buddhist commentaries on the practices of visualization, mantra recitation, and meditative absorption—elements that form the core of development stage meditation, one of the most important practices of Buddhist Tantra. The texts within this volume—Ladder to Akaniṣṭha, Clarifying the Difficult Points in the Development Stage, The Four Stakes That Bind the Life-Force, and Husks of Unity—are among the most widely studied commentaries on this topic and have formed the basis for spiritual study and practice for centuries. In these eloquent and inspiring translations, Jigme Lingpa, Patrul Rinpoche, and Getse Mahāpaṇḍita explain the fundamental philosophy of the development stage, illuminating its profound insights into the nature of reality and how to utilize these insights through the practice of meditation.

Teachings and Practice of Tibetan Tantra

Book Description

Concise guide describes the art of spiritualizing one's sexuality and offers efficient methods for transmuting fear and attachment into love and universal power. Step-by-step instructions demonstrate how to perform traditional yoga exercises.

Nyingma: Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga, Part Two

Book Description

A collection of texts and commentaries from the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism on Dzogchen, or Great Perfection teachings, which introduce us to our most basic nature—the clear and pristine awareness that is the nature of the mind. The Treasury of Precious Instructions, compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye, one of Tibet’s greatest Buddhist masters, is a shining jewel of Tibetan literature, presenting essential teachings from the entire spectrum of practice lineages that existed in Tibet. In its eighteen volumes, Kongtrul brings together some of the most important texts on key topics of Buddhist thought and practice as well as authoring significant new sections of his own. Teachings and practices of the Nyingma lineage, the first of the eight lineages, are presented in the first and second volumes of the series, the second one of which is translated here. These texts are all related to the three yogas: Mahāyoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga. The first Nyingma volume includes works that are representative of the first two yogas, while this volume focuses especially on those belonging to the “pith-instruction class,” specifically those related to the unsurpassed secret section—the Heart Essence, or Nyingtik. According to the understanding of the Nyingma school, the most profound tenet of the Buddha’s teachings is that within the mind of every being—as its bedrock, fundamental stratum, or element—lies the buddha nature. The teachings of this volume each present this essential tenet in a variety of ways and are composed by various Tibetan and Indian masters, including the Buddha, Garab Dorje, Mañjuśrīmitra, Śrīsiṃha, Jñānasūtra, Padmasambhava, Longchen Rabjam, and Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Taye.

Yoga of the Guhyasamājatantra

Book Description

This work opens up the subject of perhaps the most profound of Buddhist Tantras, The Guhyasamajatantra by shedding light on its relation with previous literature including the Brahmanical tradition and by revealing the elevated typa of Yoga. It goes far toward replacing the previous supposition that this Tantra can be understood by mere reading by one oblivious of the extensive commerentarial tradition that incorporates the procepts of the Gurus.The author has used the edited Sanskrit texts the Pradipaddyotana Ms the relevant texts translated into Tibetan in the Kanjur and Tanjur and thirteen Tibetan works on the Tantra by Tsong kha pa founder of the Gelugpa sect of Tibetan Buddhism.

The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, Volume One

Book Description

Tantra in Tibet is the first volume in The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra series in which the Dalai Lama offers illuminating commentary on Tsongkhapa’s seminal text on Buddhist tantra. It is followed by Volume II: Deity Yoga and Volume III: Yoga Tantra. This revised work describes the differences between the Mahayana and Hinayana streams in the sutra tradition, and between the sutra tradition and that of tantra generally. It includes highly practical and compassionate explanations from H.H. the Dalai Lama on tantra for spiritual development; the first part of the classic Great Exposition of Secret Mantra text; and a supplement by Jeffrey Hopkins on the meaning of emptiness, transformation, and the purpose of the four classes of tantra.

The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Books 15 to 17

Book Description

Choying Tobden Dorje's magnum opus presented in English for the first time, in an authoritative translation prepared under the auspices of well-known and highly respected Tibetan teachers and translators. The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, a multivolume masterwork by the eighteenth-century tantric master Choying Tobden Dorje, traces the path of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism from beginning to end. Books 15 to 17: The Essential Tantras of Mahayoga concerns the first of the three classes of highest, or inner, tantras. It presents the entire text of the Guhyagarbha Tantra, in Tibetan and English, together with one of its most important commentaries, Dispelling the Darkness of the Ten Directions, by the outstanding fourteenth-century master Longchen Rabjam. In addition, it presents the author's rewriting of Candragomin's inspirational Extensive Commentary on the Sublime Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī, which correlates diverse aspects of Mañjuśrī to the five pristine cognitions. This product (Books 15 to 17) will be published as two volumes in a slipcase.

The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Books 1 to 10

Book Description

In 1838, Choying Tobden Dorje, a Buddhist yogi-scholar of eastern Tibet, completed a multivolume masterwork that traces the entire path of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism from beginning to end. Written by a lay practitioner for laypeople, it was intended to be accessible, informative, inspirational, and above all, practical. Its twenty-five books, or topical divisions, offer a comprehensive and detailed view of the Buddhist path according to the early translation school of Tibetan Buddhism, spanning the vast range of Buddhist teachings from the initial steps to the highest esoteric teachings of great perfection. Choying Tobden Dorje’s magnum opus appears in English here for the first time. In Foundations of the Buddhist Path, which covers the first ten of the treatise’s twenty-five books, the author surveys the scope of the entire work and then begins with the topics that set the cornerstones for all subsequent Buddhist practice: what constitutes proper spiritual apprenticeship, how to receive the teachings, how to make the best use of this life, and how to motivate ourselves to generate effort on the spiritual path. He then describes refuge and the vows that define the path of individual liberation before turning to the bodhisattva’s way—buddha nature, how to uplift the mind to supreme awakening, the bodhisattva’s training, and the attainments of the paths leading to supreme awakening.