Tierra del fuego

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Tierra Amarilla

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Bilingual collection of short stories in English and Spanish about rural life in northern New Mexico.

Talking with Mother Earth / Hablando Con Madre Tierra

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This illustrated book for children presents poems which explore a Pipil Nahua Indian boy's connection to Mother Earth and how it heals the wounds of racism.


Book Description

Examines the natural forces that shape our planet, covering such topics as climate, the oceans, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and glaciers.

Tierra Del Fuego

Book Description

This novel explores Captain Robert Fitzroy's abduction of Jemmy Button from his home in Cape Horn and Fitzroy's attempt to "civilize" Button in England in order to return him to his country as a bearer of "enlightened society." The experiment leads to tragic consequences. Tierra del Fuego deals with European arrogance and exploitation without resorting to the cliche of the "Noble Savage."".

Geological Resources of Tierra del Fuego

Book Description

The CADIC’s Geological Resources Program will soon turn 40 years of fruitful development. During this period many projects were carried out and others remain to be implemented. In the course of time three generations of researchers have been formed. Mentioning names would be unfair to those that could be involuntarily omitted. There is still a long way to go. The eagerness for knowledge should not stop. This book is a tribute to all those people who have worked in the different projects of pure and applied science, and educational, and human resources training, granted to this founding program and associated laboratories of the regional center of CONICET in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. The twenty papers which constitute this book have a genuine Latin appeal, having been written by 50 authors based in Argentina and Spain. All this contributions are concerned with Fuegian geological resources. Everyone concerned with this work hopes that it will prove a fitting and lasting memorial to Nacho Subías, whose personal contribution to our knowledge of this geology was outstanding.

The Tierra Solution

Book Description

"A visionary and immensely practical approach to reforming today's bubble finance and taming its global casino. Verhagen [...] illuminates the win-win solutions possible when we combine monetary transformation with low-carbon, renewable resource strategies and equitable approaches to sustainable development." -Hazel Henderson, President of Ethical Markets Media, author and creator of The Green Transition Scoreboard As climate change continues to threaten the earth and as the global financial crisis lingers, governments and communities need to take charge of their own and global monetary systems. Sustainability sociologist Frans Verhagen proposes a solution-the Tierra Solution-to repair the present global monetary, financial, and economic systems that enrich the few, impoverish the many, and imperil the planet. Verhagen calls for transformational changes in order to advance climate-resilient economic development. The Tierra Solution proposes: -A credit-based financial system governed by a Global Central Bank, -A banking system without the privilege of money creation, and most importantly, -A carbon standard for the international monetary system with the Tierra as the unit of account. The Tierra Solution is an in-depth and thought-provoking read that shows an innovative path for global citizens who want to combat climate change, the economic crisis and poverty, and for public officials, economists, international development experts, and climate scientists who want to be part of an integrated solution to the dual challenges of climate change and financial crises. "Whether you agree or disagree, The Tierra Solution challenges us with an innovative proposal. No tinkering here. Verhagen is out to lay a new foundation for environmental and climate justice, with an overhaul of the international monetary system that builds the cost of environmental degradation into economic calculations." -Rev. Arthur Simon, President Emeritus and founder of Bread for the World "This plan for a carbon-based international monetary standard that addresses both climate change and global economic inequities is bold, visionary, and truly transformative. It is a must-read for everyone who cares about the fate of the earth." -Sheila D. Collins, Professor of Political Science Emerita, William Paterson University FRANS C. VERHAGEN is a sustainability sociologist with a Ph.D. in the sociology of international development from Columbia University. He founded the Queens Green Party, the Riverside Church Ecology Task Force, and the Ecolinguistics Commission. He has worked around the world and online teaching environmental policies and sustainability.

Planeta Tierra Hermoso y Amado

Book Description

La escritora Rosa María Ramírez Moya viene de una familia campesina originaria de Guateque, Boyacá, Colombia; ella es la cuarta de siete hermanos y se siente orgullosa de haber nacido en la bella región del Valle de Tenza. Este es el momento para explicar la singularidad de Rosa María, poetisa, cuentista, ensayista, de inspiración objetiva, directa y escritora de varias obras. Lo primero que destaca en sus escritos ya sean poéticos o en prosa es el terreno elegido para desplegar las herramientas de su oficio "el amor a la Naturaleza". Lo segundo es el tono y el reconocimiento que hace a los seres o lugares que son dignos de elogios, características animadoras de su trabajo; el aprecio y la belleza. Entre sus Obras destacan: "Setenta Poemas a Colombia con alma, vida y corazón", "Cien Poemas con Sentimiento intenso", "Poemas a la Madre Reina de la Familia", "Amor y Paz, luz de vida" y la Coordinación y responsabilidad de Autoría de la presente obra "Planeta Tierra hermoso y amado" (Antología). Rosa María es la ganadora del Concurso Literario "La Mejor Frase" realizado por la Editorial Palibrio; con la frase "Escribir es una representación de ideas con palabras, números, notas musicales o jeroglíficos; es componer o crear alguna forma de texto el cual contiene belleza". Es muy natural el estilo de esta escritora que explora los temas ecológicos, ese tan importante territorio de la vida en nuestro Planeta Tierra. Estamos seguros que después de su lectura, las comunidades entrarán en reflexión y se irán poniendo en práctica los mensajes aquí contenidos, todos ellos orientados hacia la protección de la vida en nuestro amado Planeta Tierra. Disfruten esta lectura.

La inapropiabilidad de la Tierra

Book Description

La Tierra está en estado crítico. La propiedad domina nuestro tiempo y también aumenta la desigualdad entre las sociedades del mundo. La Tierra no es solo la tierra, sino que también y fundamentalmente es el mundo habitable; pero está siendo continuamente destruida, el hombre la destruye. Es urgente pensar en ello y si la humanidad desea permanecer libre pensar en qué va a transmitir a las generaciones futuras. Mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre otros desarrollos posibles, pero carecía de un principio que pudiera explicar el sentido filosófico de la vuelta que debemos tomar. Este es el tema de este libro, que tiene la intención de repensar el concepto de inapropiabilidad, nuestro ser en su relación con los demás, para la humanidad y el mundo de los vivos. Esta reforma tiene tres pilares (cosmopolitas, políticos y éticos) y viene a revisitar nuestra forma de vivir y actuar, individual y colectivamente. En última estancia, debemos superar el nihilismo contemporáneo y restaurar la esperanza en el futuro que no esté obsesionado con el fantasma del desastre.