Time Never Was Where the Human Race Were Not

Book Description

Time Never Was Where the Human Race Were Not By: Heyward C. Sanders This book will help you focus more on life and the things that matter. This will help you see what society you are functioning in – fiction or nonfiction. Each community has both, but some are higher than the other. That’s because some have a higher profit rate than other communities because they’re being more brainwashed by the entertainment world. You will read things about history, religion, criminal law, business law, lifestyles, politics, and how all of it works together in trying to take control of our minds. See, our minds are easily exploited based on who is exploiting us. Some might say they have control over their minds, but how could that be when you live in a society that controls your every move? One might say they have an understanding of what is being done around them and they try to move with the flow that would be more beneficial for them. But that is still called control: which is a good thing because if everybody saw the things in front of them, it could be easier to change in a positive way. Heyward C. Sanders believes this book will help you have a better understanding of what we need to stay focus. Thanks, Peace and Blessing.

Time Never Was Where the Human Race Were Not

Book Description

Time: had permitted me to realize the things I would have never imagined, which made me take another look at what I perceive life to be. That bring to mind what part of my life that I played. Was it a fictional or nonfictional lifestyle? Was it created by what our society allowed to come into the system, to condition me to believe that both might have played a part in creating a lot of fictional characters in real life for me to pattern after? Some of these characters I might have thought they were the right ones that our Creator designed for us to follow, but later, I realize as time went on, that they were not. Was life created to oppress the people of the world by complications, or did we the people of the world adopt behavior that made it easy to function without giving it a second thought?My mind might have been confused by a lot of things that I was confronted with as I was growing up, which had some effects in my make-up. My natural instinct taking control of what my physical side adjusted to without me thinking about the aftereffects that would follow in time, or it might have been because I was growing up into the next level every three to five years. The levels were the opposite against the life that had been created for us by the one percent, who control the making of our lifestyles in the world.Which forced me to follow a dysfunctional society that I was raised in, refusing to recognize how the Creator of life, created a form of nature that works for us to exist, which our system refuses to follow, but at the end of everything they do, they always say in God we trust. "What is it that we trust in God?" Maybe we were born to say those words not understanding what it means, or is it that we trust nothing, but believe in only what our minds created to justify the distrusting ways that we created for ourselves. Then our minds become scrambled to move in so many opposite directions against nature. Some might find the proper words to convince others that what they are doing is right because it feels good. Some might live their life on desire and that will be their understanding of the word feeling, which everything else will be and act for others to think they are caring people to convince the ones who not like them.What come to my mind is that our leaders are hiding something important that can help us? Maybe if they reveal what our life were designed for us to be by the Creator of life, it might help us to understand how our body system works with nature, not against it, and all the negative action that make us function against each other.Are we moving forward, or are we moving in a circle that bringing harm to modern day society?

Time Never Was Where the Human Race Were Not

Book Description

In this book I will give detail facts, with information that can be researched and proved about some things that happened to me, our justice system would not want it to be revealed to the public, and I will also try to find the truth by researching the facts that are in some books we were told was true about our past. First we have to understand that our past, is our history, and our history, is his story the way they seen it, or the way they feel it will have more influence on the readers. See what I am trying to do is untangle some things that just do not set right by me, and I tried to do everything to make it fit, but it still did not come out right to rest my mind, for me to move to the next level. Some information do not carry any knowledge, but just a lot of confusing that put others at odds with each other. All I am trying to figure out is how to unwrap the confusion that weighs on my mind that others want us to believe, without doing any researching all the facts, only half, and we all know what half will do to us. All I ask for you to read the excerpts in the book and I guaranty that you will want to know how it ended, which might help you put some things in its proper perspective. If not thanks for just reading this much.

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