Book Description
First 720 pages of Lost Highway Times/Times of Hate Times of Joy website at http: // Deals with practically everything in the political and philosophical, and cultural spectrum. Goes from traditional socialist themes to counter-culture, to libertarian socialism and anarchism, to thoughts on religion, to the exploration of obscure but important philosophical movements and figures and how their ideas figure into today's world. Talks a lot about history and explores parallels between different historical epochs. Includes the evaluation of the present day as threatening to veer into fascism, and looks at what some of the structural and economic causes of this veering into could be, why, in the post 9/11 world this is more likely to happen. Everything is mixed in together, and, because it's large format, this is actually much bigger than a conventional 720 page book; this is more like a 900 page conventional format book, and that's only the first 2 years, four months, of the website