Tires, Spokes, and Sprockets

Book Description

Discusses wheels and axles, what they are and how they are used.

Tires, Spokes, and Sprockets

Book Description

Discusses wheels and axles, what they are and how they are used.


Book Description


Book Description

The Horseless Age

Book Description

Wheels and Axles to the Rescue

Book Description

Describes wheels and axles, including what they are, how they work, past uses, and common uses of these simple machines today.

Cut, Chop, and Stop

Book Description

Discusses what wedges are and how they are used.

Pull, Lift, and Lower

Book Description

Describes many different kinds, uses, and benefits of pulleys. Provides examples of pulleys by showing a flagpole, a crane, an elevator and window blinds.

Twist, Dig, and Drill

Book Description

Provides examples showing how screws are simple machines that make joining things together and moving, easier.

Roll, Slope, and Slide

Book Description

Explains how and why ramps and other inclined planes are used in everyday life.