Tissue Culture in Forestry and Agriculture

Book Description

This symposium is the third in a series featuring the propaga tion of higher plants through tissue culture. The first of these symposia, entitled "A Bridge Between Research and Application," was held at the University in 1978 and was published by the Technical Information Center, Department of Energy. The second symposium, on "Emerging Technologies and Strategies," was held in 1980 and pub lished as a special issue of Environmental and Experimental Botany. One of the aims of these symposia was to examine the current state of-the-art in tissue culture technology and to relate this state of technology to practical, applied, and commercial interests. Thus, the third of this series on development and variation focused on embryogenesis in culture: how to recognize it, factors which affect embryogenesis, use of embryogenic systems, etc.; and variability from culture. A special session on woody species again emphasized somatic embryogenesis as a means of rapid propagation. This volume emphasizes tissue culture of forest trees. All of these areas, we feel, are breakthrough areas in which significant progress is expected in the next few years.

Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry

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Tissue Culture in Forestry

Book Description

2. IMPORTANCE OF NITROGEN METABOLISM 2. 1. Range of naturally occurring nitrogenous components in forest trees 2. 2. Gene expression and mapping 2. 3. Metabolic changes in organized and unorganized systems 2. 4. Nitrogen and nutrition 2. 5. Aspects of intermediary nitrogen metabolism 3. NITROGEN METABOLISM IN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 3. 1. Precultural factors 3. 2. Callus formation 3. 3. Cell suspensions 3. 3. 1. Conifers 3. 3. 2. Acer 3. 4. Morphogenesis 3. 4. 1. Nitrogen metabolism of natural embryos 3. 4. 2. Somatic embryogenesis 3. 4. 2. 1. Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) 3. 4. 2. 2. Douglar-fir and loblolly pine 3. 4. 3. Organogenesis 4. OUTLOOK 11. CARBOHYDRATE UTILIZATION AND METABOLISM - T. A. Thorpe 325 1. INTRODUCTION 2. NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS 3. CARBOHYDRATE UPTAKE 4. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM 4. 1. Sucrose degradation 4. 2. Metabolism of other carbon sources 4. 3. Hexose mobilization and metabolism 4. 3. 1. Cell cycle studies 4. 3. 2. Growth studies 4. 3. 3. Organized development 4. 4. Cell wall biogenesis 4. 4. 1. Primary cell walls 4. 4. 2. Cell wall turnover 4. 4. 3. Secondary cell walls 4. 5. Carbon skeleton utilization 5. OSMOTIC ROLE 6. CONCLUDING THOUGHTS 369 12. THE USE OF IN VITRO TECHNIQUES FOR GENETIC MODIFICATIO~FOREST TREES - E. G. Kirby 1. INTRODUCTION 2. IN VITRO SELECTION 2. 1. Natural variation 2. 2. Induction of variation 2. 3. Selection techniques 2. 4. Plant regeneration 2 . • 5. Applications x 3. SOMATIC HYBRIDIZATION 3. 1.

Tissue Culture in Forestry

Book Description

Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry

Book Description

2. 2. Plant materials 2. 3. Pregrowth conditions 2. 4. Cryoprotectant treatment 2. 5. Freezing 2. 5. 1. Slow freezing 2. 5. 2. Rapid freezing 2. 5. 3. Droplet freezing 2. 6. Storage 2. 7. Thawing 2. 8. Viability testing 2. 9. Post-thaw regrowth 3. EXAMPLES OF CRYOPRESERVATION OF WOODY PLANT MATERIAL 4. POTENTIAL APPLICATION OF CRYOPRESERVATION IN TREE IMPROVEMENT 17. NURSERY HANDLING OF PROPAGULES - J. A. Driver, and 320 G. R. L. Suttle 1. INTRODUCTION 2. COMMERCIAL NURSERY NEEDS VS. LABORATORY PRACTICE 3. SEASONALITY OF GROWTH AND PRODUCTION CYCLES 4. MICROPROPAGATION OPTIONS 4. 1. Trends in commercial micropropagation 4. 1. 1. Contract micropropagation 5. FACTORS AFFECTING SURVIVAL AND GROWTH 5. 1. Hardening of propagules in vitro 5. 2. Greenhouse considerationS------ 5. 3. Field planting 5. 4. New approaches: Direct field rooting 5. 4. 1. Pretreatment in vitro 5. 4. 2. Root induction 5. 4. 3. Field placement 18. MYCORRHIZAE - R. K. Dixon, and D. H. Marx 336 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ROLE OF MYCORRHIZAE IN TREE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 3. PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGUS INOCULUM 3. 1. Bareroot stock 3. 2. Container-grown stock 4. FIELD TRIALS WITH ECTOMYCORRHIZAL PLANTING STOCK 5. PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF ENDOMYCORRHIZAL INOCULUM 6. FIELD TRIALS WITH ENDOMYCORRHIZAL 7. RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES 8. SUMMARY 351 19. TISSUE CULTURE APPLICATIUN TO FOREST PATHOLOGY AND PEST CONTROL - A. M. Diner, and D. F. Karnosky 1. INTRODUCTION 2. HOST AND PATHOGEN: CULTURE AND CHALLENGE 2. 1.

Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry

Book Description

Since the first edition of our book "Tissue Culture in Fores try" in 1982 we have witnessed remarkable advances in cell and tissue culture technologies with woody perennials. In addition to forest biologists in government, industry, and universities, we now have molecular biologists, genetic engineers, and biochemists using cell and tissue cultures of woody species routinely. There fore, the time has come for an update of the earlier edition. In our present effort to cover new developments we have expanded to three volumes: 1. General principles and Biotechnology 2. Specific Principles and Methods: Growth and Development 3. Case Histories: Gymnosperms, Angiosperms and Palms The scientific barriers to progress in tree improvement are not so much lack of foreign gene expression in plants but our current inabili ty to regenerate plants in true-to-type fashion on a mas sive and economic scale. To achieve this in the form of an appro pr iate biotechnology, cell and tissue culture will increasing ly require a better understanding of basic principles in chemistry and physics that determine structural and functional relationships among molecules and macromolecules (proteins, RNA, DNA) within cells and tissues. These principles and their relationship with the culture medium and its physical environment, principles of clonal propagation, and genetic variation and ultrastructure are discussed in volume one.

Applications of Biotechnology in Forestry and Horticulture

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Major and exciting changes have taken place recently in various aspects of bio technology and its applications to forestry. Even more exciting is the prospect of major innovations that the entire field of biotechnology holds for plant growth in general. The importance of these developments for the forestry sector is considerable, particu larly since forestry science has not received the kinds of technical and R&D inputs that, say, agriculture has received in the past few decades. Y ct the problems of defor estation as well as stagnation in yields and productivity of existing forests throughout the world are becoming increasingly apparent, with consequences and ecological ef fects that cause growing worldwide concern. Policies for application of existing knowl edge in biotechnology to the field of forestry and priorities for future research and development are, therefore, of considerable value, because it is only through the adop tion of the right priorities and enlightened policies that scientific developments will move along the right direction, leading to improvements in forestry practices through out the world. It was against this backdrop that the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) or ganised a major international workshop on the "Applications of Biotechnology in For estry and Horticulture" at New Delhi in January 1988. The present volume covers the proceedings of this international workshop.

In Vitro Culture of Trees

Book Description

Woody plants provide many challenges to the tissue culturist. Although there are many excellent tissue culture books and manuals available, these are generally strongly biased towards herbacious crops. Consequently, they often do not pay sufficient attention to the problems that specifically apply to in vitro culture of tree species. Culture of the latter often poses problems which are either absent or of lesser significance when culturing herbacious species. When trees in the field are used as explant source, the problems can be especially severe. For example, the physiological condition of the explants is difficult to control because of variation in weather and biotic factors. Furthermore, it is often difficult to obtain explants free of contaminants from field grown trees. Lack of genetic uniformity and maturation are additional problems one often has to deal with when culturing tree cells or tissues. These problems are emphasized in this text. In vitro culture of trees is not viewed in isolation. It is considered in conjunction with breeding, traditional cloning and other common tree improvement techniques. The text discusses theoretical as well as practical aspects of the in vitro culture of trees.