Today's a Great Day to Quit Cigarettes

Book Description

Have you tried almost everything on the market to quit cigarettes and still cant quit? Then you have arrived at the right place because todays a great day to quit cigarettes. It doesn’t matter if you have smoked for 30+ years or 2. It doesn’t matter if you smoke 2 a day or 30. It doesn’t matter if you think you can quit right now or not or are feeling a little unsure of yourself, today is a great day to quit cigarettes. You can quit permanently and you can quit regardless of how many reasons why you think you might want to smoke. Now you can kick your habit in the butt! Do you answer yes to some of these? · Are you finding it harder to breathe? Your fitness isn’t what it used to be. You’re not keeping up with the kids anymore and getting out of breathe quicker · You really want to stop but it just seems like you have used all your willpower up · You cant stand the smell and don’t like the look of other smokers · You are secretly wondering how you are going to cope without them, what you will do with your hands or wether you will gain weight or not. In this comprehensive e-book you will learn some very controversial truths about · Why its impossible to quit by cutting down · How much involved the government has in every cigarette you smoke · How you can access your powerful unconscious mind and programme it to do anything you want · How you can have no side-effects of cigarettes · When you realise this one simple fact, you wonder why you didn’t see it all along · How easy it is to quit once you see cigarettes and the smoking habit for what it really is · The lies and untold stories · How hard they make it for you to quit and why they do this There has never been a better time to quit than now. You know now is the time because lets have an honest look at the full cost of smoking cigarettes. · We all know cigarettes don’t just cost us money, but lets have a look at this for a moment. Cigarettes cost an average (25 cigs a day) smoker $7300 per year. Times that by 30 years $219,000. That’s a house just about paid for!! Do you really want to continue to blow your money away in the air? · That same smoker would have smoked 9,100 cigarettes per year and 273,000 cigarettes over the 30 years. The full impact of sucking on 273,000 cigarettes is cancer, heart disease, emphysema and ultimately, an early death. · Although most cancers are curable now-a-days, Medicare does not cover the full cost, so not only are you out-of-pocket with cigarettes, but now you are out-of-pocket with medical bills, time off work and generally feeling unwell · Loss of jobs or the ability to work at the appropriate level · Quality time with your children or grandchildren. · Just imagine not being able to watch your children get married or have their own families because you cut your life short. · Lasting relationships · A healthy mindset. I have been told by so many smokers how they hate the fact that cigarettes control them and get this, even have more of a priority than their children! · Avoiding going to places and plan trips around smoking areas or how long it might be before you can have another cigarette. · They are such a time waster. Here are a list of reasons I hear from smokers who want to quit · So I can take a regular holiday and have money to go · Causing health issues · Controls me · Manage my depression easier · Smoking equals failure

Quit Smoking

Book Description

Version two

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

Book Description

The author offers a step-by-step approach to stop smoking without the use of nicotine substitutes.

Quit Smoking Now and Forever!

Book Description

For nicotine addicts wanting their health, looks, libido, energy, time, and money back, this book offers the solution. This is a very powerful program consisting not just of a book, but a whole arsenal of cessation tools. In order to eradicate cravings, release anxiety, and dispel the illusion of smoking as pleasure, there are Tapping and breathing exercises for the reader to follow. An online hypnosis session designed to change the brain back to how it was before nicotine hijacked the system comes part of the package. There are also visualizations that work on the subconscious mind, cutting the chains of addiction and creating a new smoke-free persona. For over 4 years, certified master clinical hypnotist Helen Basinger has empowered smokers to overcome their addiction within her practice, Freedom Healing. Now, her revolutionary cessation program is available. Quit Smoking Now and Forever! is the complete guide for finally conquering the nicotine demon. The text is designed to speak to the subconscious as well as the conscious mind, allowing someone who smokes to literally change their “mind” about being a smoker as they turn the pages. Quit Smoking Now and Forever! is for all those people who have raised their heads above the smoke long enough to realize they need to find a way out. They have probably tried and failed a number of times and are now looking for a definitive solution. With an insatiable urge for ever more money, cigarette manufacturers have now introduced 600 additives, ranging from ammonia to chocolate, into their already genetically modified tobacco - making cigarettes the most addictive drug in the world. It has become so bad that according to the Surgeon General only two and a half percent of people are now able to quit without assistance, while six million people die from this curse every year. This unique book offers the antidote to this deadly addiction, enlightening the smoker to the web of deceit spun to entrap them. Quit Smoking Now and Forever! provides a step-by-step plan that can be tailored to suit different people. After all, not everyone has the same character, emotional state or belief system. Some people want to use natural herbs and homeopathy to help them quit. Some people benefit from Nicotine Replacement Therapy while others need to release the stress behind their smoking habit. A few people just need to get mad enough at how they have been manipulated in order to put cigarettes down forever. Quit Smoking Now and Forever! provides support and advice for every stage of the cessation process—from mentally preparing smokers to quit, to making sure ex-smokers never start again. Many strings are artfully woven together throughout the chapters, with stories and imagery all designed to equip readers with the tools they need to vanquish the nicotine demon - once and for all. Keywords: Quit Smoking, Stop Smoking, Nicotine, Addiction, How To Quit, Hypnosis, Tapping, Herbs, Smoking Cessation, Quit Smoking Plan

A Great Day for the Deadly

Book Description

As St. Patrick’s Day nears, a retired FBI agent must solve a sinful crime near a small-town convent: “[An] engrossing murder case . . . enjoyable” (Publishers Weekly). Her childhood friends wanted careers, but Brigit Ann Reilly spent her youth looking forward to her wedding—her wedding to God. When she finally gets to don the habit, her new order sends her to Maryville, where a former sister is poised to become Rome’s first Irish-American saint. Brigit has no time to worry about Vatican politics. She’s about to become a martyr herself. Brigit is found dead in the basement of her local library, her corpse swarming with ten poisonous water moccasins. When ex-FBI investigator Gregor Demarkian hears of her death, he is puzzled by two things: Water moccasins are not native to upstate New York, and Brigit died of hemlock poisoning, not the snakes’ venom. As Maryville whips itself into a pious frenzy in search of evidence for its hometown hero’s sainthood, Demarkian will attempt his own miracle by finding justice for the murdered young nun.

Quitting Smoking & Vaping For Dummies

Book Description

Give up smoking and vaping for good Most people know that smoking is bad for their health and believe vaping is a better alternative. Now, vaping has become a national epidemic and shows no sign of slowing. Quitting Smoking & Vaping For Dummies delivers facts about the differences between smoking and vaping, the effects on their short-term and long-term health, and how addiction works. Whether you’re a smoker or a vaper, or have a loved one that needs to break the habit, this trusted guidebook walks you through building a personal quitting plan. Offering information on new and effective medication treatments, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), and building resilience, it sets you or a family member on the path to recovery. This book breaks down the psychology of your addiction so you can identify the methods that are most useful and effective for becoming smoke free for good. Start your recovery today, and look forward to a long and healthy life. Inside • Determine your quit day • Change thought patterns • Explain the dangers of vaping to children/teens • Avoid or move past relapses • Recognize the risks • Deal with triggers • Help a loved one quit

Manual for Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine E-Book

Book Description

Clinical Practice Manual for Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, by Judd W. Landsberg, MD, is a unique point-of-care manual that provides essential information on managing inpatients and outpatients with common, serious respiratory and internal medicine presentation and problems. Easy-to-follow diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms are accompanied by case-based illustrations encountered on a daily basis by attendings, fellows, residents, and students. The bulleted format, concise approach, and familiar examples provide a framework for effective teaching, learning, and patient care. Identifies common but important misconceptions that are regularly encountered in pulmonary and critical care training. Uses a concise, bulleted format throughout, helping you find key information quickly. Illustrates cases with primary data such as x-rays, monitor strips, ventilator wave forms, and other familiar documentation. Helps you develop your ability to effectively explain your thought process in the clinical setting to other practitioners at the bedside. Serves as a ‘teachers guide’ for clinician educators, organizing topics in an easy to teach fashion, amenable to ‘chalk talks’ and bedside didactics Provides focused discussions of basic physiology and pathophysiology related to pulmonary and critical care medicine.

Quitting Smoking For Dummies

Book Description

The decision to quit smoking is far from a casual one. Quitting smoking involves your complete commitment; it must become your number-one priority. Mustering all the support you can get, you need to decide to turn up the flame on your survival instincts, your belief in a healthy future, and your will power and faith that you can and will quit. The sooner you stop smoking, the better your chances of avoiding some of the unwelcome consequences of smoking. You body and brain begin to recover almost immediately. Cigarette cravings aside, your body wants to stop smoking, and the moment you cut loose the smokes, your respiratory system begins to clear itself out. Here are just a few of the benefits you can reap from kicking the habit: A longer life with a lower risk of cancer and other deadly diseases No more sore throats, congested lungs, and persistent cough The ability to exercise and "get back into shape" Kissable breath and clothes that don't smell like you just came home from a bar Being able to really taste good food Pleasing your family and friends and no more being the outcast Like all smokers, you've probably tried to quit a half dozen times, only to relapse. Perhaps you'd given up all hope of being able to quit, but now you're getting pressure from others, such as family members, to end your smoking career completely. But how do you take those first steps? And how do you follow through with your commitment to quit smoking? Quitting Smoking For Dummies can help. Quitting Smoking For Dummies takes a total approach to help you quit smoking – short of yanking the cigarettes from your hands. It gives you the cold, hard truth about why you're addicted and how smoking harms your body – and it helps you develop a plan for finally quitting. Here's just a sampling of the topics you'll find covered: Understanding the various forms of tobacco – and their effects Figuring out why you're addicted Analyzing the health risks of smoking Developing a strategy to quit smoking Exploring nicotine replacement therapies Staying clean: Avoiding the relapse Getting help from support groups and programs Special considerations for pregnancy and teen smoking So, the question to ask yourself is, "Why wait to quit?" You're going to have to eventually; why not start now? With Quitting Smoking For Dummies, you can start your recovery today, and look forward to a long and healthy life.