
Book Description

Today, hell is a front-burner topic, thanks to media attention stirred by megapastors Rob Bell, Francis Chan, and others. But, between the extremes of universal salvation and everlasting torment, a third view known as conditional immortality, claims the most biblical support of all.

Rethinking Hell

Book Description

Most evangelical Christians believe that those people who are not saved before they die will be punished in hell forever. But is this what the Bible truly teaches? Do Christians need to rethink their understanding of hell? In the late twentieth century, a growing number of evangelical theologians, biblical scholars, and philosophers began to reject the traditional doctrine of eternal conscious torment in hell in favor of a minority theological perspective called conditional immortality. This view contends that the unsaved are resurrected to face divine judgment, just as Christians have always believed, but due to the fact that immortality is only given to those who are in Christ, the unsaved do not exist forever in hell. Instead, they face the punishment of the "second death"--an end to their conscious existence. This volume brings together excerpts from a variety of well-respected evangelical thinkers, including John Stott, John Wenham, and E. Earl Ellis, as they articulate the biblical, theological, and philosophical arguments for conditionalism. These readings will give thoughtful Christians strong evidence that there are indeed compelling reasons for rethinking hell.

Sheol Know!

Book Description

What happens to the soul & spirit of unsaved people when they die? This refers to anyone who has not experienced spiritual regeneration through the gospel, which includes Old Testament saints. The Bible shows that the souls of these people go to (or went to) Sheol at the point of physical decease. Sheol corresponds to Hades. These souls will be resurrected from Sheol one day (Revelation 20:11-15), which is why Sheol/Hades is described as the "intermediate state" since it refers to the condition of unredeemed souls between physical death and later resurrection. So what's the state of souls in Sheol/Hades? Jesus' story of the rich man and Lazarus, if taken literal, suggests a conscious state where people either hang out in bliss with father Abraham or suffer constant fiery torment hoping for a mere drop of water for relief. SHEOL KNOW is an honest and thorough examination of the Scriptures to determine the precise nature of Sheol/Hades. Once you see what God's Word FULLY SAYS on the subject from Genesis to Revelation and not just a single tale that Jesus told, you'll see the truth and, as Jesus said, "the truth shall set you FREE."

Persephone: Hades' Torment

Book Description

According to the ancient legend, the Lord of the Dead kidnapped the innocent daughter of Demeter--or did he? The truth is, Persephone is no damsel in distress, but a spirited young lady with an overbearing mother. A failed scheme by Apollo leads Persephone to a chance encounter with the mysterious and handsome Hades, who is struck by love's arrow. Now Hades must wrestle with his aching heart before he loses total control of his feelings, but desire is raging inside Persepone herself.

Hell Know! (New Revised Edition)

Book Description

Hell is a hot topic! The Bible teaches that unredeemed people will stand before God on Judgment Day and those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire. The Bible calls this the "second death." What is the nature of this second death? Will these people suffer fiery torment forever and ever, as has been taught since the time of Augustine in the early 5th Century? Or will they be BURNED UP-literally destroyed forever with no hope of resurrection? And what about universalism, the idea that everyone will ultimately be saved? The author used to subscribe to the eternal torture doctrine until he honestly studied the Scriptures and discovered what they plainly teach on the subject-EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION. The biblical evidence is actually overwhelming! Read HELL KNOW and see for yourself. HELL KNOW has been a hit on the internet for years. This is the NEW REVISED EDITION (2016) with 26 pages of NEW MATERIAL.


Book Description

Glenn Packiam redefines the word lucky in the context of Jesus’ beatitudes in Luke’s Gospel. Lucky uncovers how the poor, hungry, mourning and persecuted are blessed because the Kingdom of heaven—its fullness, comfort, and reward—is theirs in spite of their condition. This is Christ’s announcement: the Kingdom of God has come to unlikely people. Like the people Jesus addressed, we are called lucky not because of our pain or brokenness but because in spite of it, we have been invited into the Kingdom. The trajectory of our lives have been altered. What’s more, we now have a part in the future that God is bringing. Like Abraham, we have been blessed to carry blessing, to live as luck-bearers to the unlikely and unlucky.

Heaven and the Afterlife

Book Description

Get ready for life after death. Combining three books that together have sold nearly 1 million copies, Heaven and the Afterlife gives you Erwin Lutzer’s best reflections on eternity and what it means for you today. The trilogyincludes: One Minute After You Die. A simple and moving explanation of what the Bible teaches about death, this book makes you consider a sobering truth: one minute after you die, your life will not be over. Rather, it will be just beginning—in a place of unimaginable bliss or indescribable gloom. Are you ready for that moment? How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity with Godsummarizes the Bible’s teaching on salvation, answering questions like, “What role do I play in my own salvation? Can I lose my salvation if I commit a serious sin? What if I doubt that I’m saved?” Your Eternal Reward. This book explores the often-overlooked Scriptures about reward and judgment for Christians, answering questions like, “How will believers be judged? Do rewards for faithfulness vary? If heaven is perfect, why do rewards even matter?” Together these books will help you live faithfully today, readying you for that final hour when you meet your Maker.

Tormented in Hades

Book Description

The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) seems to condemn the rich man to torments in Hades for no other apparent reason than his wealth and to reward poor Lazarus with bliss at Abraham's side for no other apparent reason than his poverty. Is divine judgment simply a matter of eternal reward for the poor and condemnation for the rich, a mathematical function inversely proportional to one's financial net worth? Or taken another way, is not the rich man's prosperity a tangible sign of divine blessing for a life well lived, and the poor man's misery an obvious sign of a divine punishment for a life of moral bankruptcy? But if this were true, then why would God reverse the eternal fates of these men upon their deaths? The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus is one of seven "money-lover" parables in the Lucan Travel Narrative that addresses the issue of whether it is possible to be both rich and Christian--and if so, how so? When read utilizing the socio-narratological approach employed in this book, these parables come alive with new insights and implications for living a more authentic Christian discipleship.