Aids to Reflection ...

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Toto's Reflections

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Running with the Big Dogs! In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy's Toto was clearly a dog of character. He knew when to sit still, when to bark, and when to make a fuss. He was simply a real dog with real observations about real situations. And the Oz experience reinforced what his parents taught him as a small pup: Care deeply. Bark only when necessary but then, forcefully. Be curious. Express yourself. Embrace the world and have no fears. The story of Dorothy's journey to Oz has captivated generations of children and adults alike since it was first published by L. Frank Baum in 1900. Dorothy's adventures have been analyzed from virtually every perspective-psychological, historical, economic, and the like-except from the perspective of the only other character that was with her every step of the way: Toto! Dorothy's little dog wrote this book and buried his manuscript in a can with an old bone on the original Gale farmstead. Dr. Fickenscher came upon it quite accidently and was given the opportunity to edit Toto's original thoughts on the Leadership Lessons from The Wizard of Oz, which he now shares with you. Of course, there are the usual thoughts on brainpower, heart, and courage, but in this book, there is much, much more. The many lessons of Oz will captivate your imagination and, no doubt, serve as a guide in your quest to become a better leader! Toto's Reflections will help you contribute to making a difference in the world, and challenge you to consider what you can do, starting right now, to make the world a better place!

Basic Theory in Reflection Seismology

Book Description

The material in this volume provides the basic theory necessary to understand the principles behind imaging the subsurface of the Earth using reflection and refraction seismology. For reflection seismology, the end product is a "record section" from a collection of "wiggly traces" that are recorded in the field from which information about the properties of subsurface structure and rock can be derived. For the most part, the principles of imaging are the same regardless of the depth to the target; the same mathematical background is necessary for targeting a shallow water table as for investigating the base of the earth's continental "crust" at a depth of 30-50 km.

Velocities in Reflection Seismology

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Although considera bIe efforts are now being made to find new sources of energy, alI the experts are agreed that hydrocarbons will have to provide the greater part of our energy needs for a generation ahead. Exploration for and production of hydrocarbons therefore pose a serious problem for our future, as much for the quantitative satisfaction of our requirements as for our search for self-sufficiency in energy. As a direct result of improvements in technology throughout the world, geophysics has progressively enlarged its field of influence in the realms of exploration and production. But amongst the various geophysical methods available, seismic reflection has gradually become accepted as the basic tool of the oiI prospector. Reflection seismology has reached and consolidated this position because it has shown itself to be capable of adapting to the increasing complexity of the requirements of exploration. Initially directed towards geometric mapping of the sub-surface, it became the means of detection of structural traps in geotectonically quiescent regions, and thereafter in increasingly complex surroundings. It has enabled us to clothe the structural framework with a lithology, initially approximate, but becoming more and more precise, assisting the explorer to locate stratigraphic traps. Further developments enable us under favourable circumstances to estimate the quality of the deposits and to detect the presence of fluids and of their interfaces; it then becomes an unrivalled tool for the producer, both in the development of deposits and in the application of enhanced recovery methods.


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The Mathematics of Shock Reflection-Diffraction and von Neumann's Conjectures

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This book offers a survey of recent developments in the analysis of shock reflection-diffraction, a detailed presentation of original mathematical proofs of von Neumann's conjectures for potential flow, and a collection of related results and new techniques in the analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs), as well as a set of fundamental open problems for further development. Shock waves are fundamental in nature. They are governed by the Euler equations or their variants, generally in the form of nonlinear conservation laws—PDEs of divergence form. When a shock hits an obstacle, shock reflection-diffraction configurations take shape. To understand the fundamental issues involved, such as the structure and transition criteria of different configuration patterns, it is essential to establish the global existence, regularity, and structural stability of shock reflection-diffraction solutions. This involves dealing with several core difficulties in the analysis of nonlinear PDEs—mixed type, free boundaries, and corner singularities—that also arise in fundamental problems in diverse areas such as continuum mechanics, differential geometry, mathematical physics, and materials science. Presenting recently developed approaches and techniques, which will be useful for solving problems with similar difficulties, this book opens up new research opportunities.

Synesthetic Design

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Synesthetic design strives to develop products that systematically incorporate all five senses. In future, the current wealth of medical technical insights in psychology, physiology, motor functions, and neurology and the development of innovative materials with astonishing new properties will open up almost unlimited opportunities for the designer’s creativity. Haverkamp brings together for the first time precisely those aspects of this fundamental knowledge that are specifically relevant for designers. The result is a book that offers designers of all schools a clear and well-organized practical handbook and a solid foundation for their own designs.

Propagation And Reflection Of Shock Waves

Book Description

This volume deals with the propagation of three-dimensional shock waves and their reflection from curved walls. It is divided into two parts. The first part presents a ray method. This is based on the expansion of fluid properties in power series at an arbitrary point on the shock front. Continuous fractions are used. Results for shock propagation in non-uniform fluids are given.The second part discusses the shock reflection from a concave body. The important shock-focusing problem is included. The work is supported by both numerical and experimental results. Many interesting features, such as formation of a jet, vortices and the appearance of disturbances on the shock front, are discussed.Besides shock waves in gases, the distinctive features of shock propagation through a weakly ionized plasma are considered.

The Totos

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Tribal community of West Bengal, India.