Touch Me Guide to Healing

Book Description

The book Touch Me was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As I was anxiously waiting to receive my first copy, the Holy Spirit spoke this into my heart. I am calling you to develop a curriculum on healing. There are many nuggets which consist of dreams, visions and Gods spoken and written word throughout the book that bring encouragement that God is in control of everything! In order to allow the Holy Spirit to plant these truths into your heart to bring growth to your spirit you will need to study and meditate on His words! Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. (Psalm 34:8 NIV) Are you ready to experience a fresh new awareness of Gods love? Are you tired of allowing the enemy of discouragement, anger, fear, worry and unforgiveness weigh you down by your negativity and others? This "Guide to Healing" is a companion to the book Touch Me by Jenny Hagemeyer. Touch Me gives an account of the healing that God led Jenny through in the midst of pain and sorrow that led her to develop a personal intimate relationship with Him! This companion book guides you into a healing process that brings restoration in your heart and mind. These two books will meet the criteria for Bible study groups, Sunday school classes, prison ministry, personal devotional times and so forth. Get ready for GODS EXPLOSION OF LOVE that will change you, your family and friends!

Tom Brown's Guide to Healing the Earth

Book Description

As a child he was taught to respect nature by an Apache elder he called Grandfather, now as a bestselling author and master tracker Tom Brown, Jr., shares his secrets for nurturing and saving our planet. Tom Brown, Jr., is America's most acclaimed outdoorsman, tracker, and teacher. When he was eight he met Stalking Wolf, an Apache elder who taught the young man how to survive in the wild, and more importantly, how to value our place in the natural order. For more than three decades, Tom Brown, Jr., has shared these insights with the world through teaching, writing, and film. Now, for the first time, he has detailed actions that each of us can take to help heal our ailing planet.

Lessons from Danny

Book Description

Ecclesiastes 3:4 says, There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. In Lessons from Danny there will be moments you will cry and moments that bring laughter. Did you ever wonder what your pets would say if they could talk? After all, God spoke through a donkeys mouth in the Bible. I encourage you to envision with me as our little mixed Shih Tzu, Danny, gives his version of his testimony of a time in his life that he came to the brink of dying. In February 2012 Danny became very ill. The veterinarian had taken x-rays and found a mass on Dannys stomach that was the size of a softball. He told us Danny wouldnt live longer than one week. We were broken hearted and wept for our little guy. How could this be happening? He was like our little child and part of our family. You will be amazed how God led Fred and Jenny day by day with His wisdom and direction for their loving little Danny. Join Dannys class as he teaches lessons led by the Holy Spirit!

Your Touch Can Heal

Book Description

The author, Malcolm Miner, became involved with healing almost by accident as he called on the sick & they were healed as he touched them & prayed for them. As a healer & teacher he has traveled extensively conducting workshops on the healing touch. He explains in his book how we all have the touch that can heal, that it is a natural attribute shared by all humans, & tells stories of personal experiences with healing. To order this book send $6.95 plus $1.50 postage & handling. You can call, fax or write to us: Faith Ridge, Rt. 1, Box 1039, Keswick, VA 22947. Ph. (804) 295-7411, FAX: (804) 295-7100.

The Healing Touch

Book Description

Our society is brimming with people suffering the effects of past abuse, rejection, physical illness, bad choices, and unhealthy relationships. Author and radio personality Norma Dearing has spent thousands of hours listening to and praying with those in need of emotional, physical, or spiritual healing. In The Healing Touch, she shares stories from countless people who have been set free from unhealthy relationships, unholy unions, addictions, generational influences, and physical illnesses associated with these. The Healing Touch is divided into three sections: Healing our Relationship with God, How to Have a Right Relationship with God, and Living within a Right Relationship with God. Packed with wise counsel, the book includes specific prayers for healing in the reader's own life and prayer for others in need. Dearing also covers rarely addressed problems such as healing from occult experience and pre-birth traumas, and explores the issue of why some people are not healed. This handbook is for counselors, lay leaders, pastors, and individuals who want to see people delivered from the unnatural ravages of hurt and sin. It is a powerful reminder that God longs for his people to be healthy and whole.

Dr. Judith Orloff's Guide to Intuitive Healing

Book Description

Through 5 practical steps, Dr. Judith Orloff's guide will show you how to recapture, nurture, and affirm your intuitive ability, so that you can utilize it to help heal yourself. In her groundbreaking book, Dr. Orloff leads readers to the heart of a radical revolution in health care: the union of medicine and intuition, of body, mind, and soul. Intuition plays an indispensable role in self-diagnosis, pain control, immune response, and recovery from acute and chronic illness; it can lead you to breakthroughs in anxiety, panic, depression, and other emotional blockages, even when traditional psychotherapy has failed. Intuition also offers insights into the use of medications and the selection of the right healer for your needs. Further, it is integral for sexual healing, since sexuality is a potent connector and energy source for clarifying spirituality and improving vitality. With Dr. Orloff's five practical steps, you'll learn to clarify your beliefs, listen to your body's messages, access inner guidance, sense subtle energy, and interpret your dreams. Practicing the steps, you'll recognize early warning signals and act on them to help prevent illness. You'll have skills to uncover important information from meditation and remote viewing (a way of intuitively tuning in) to make sense of confusing signals. The insights you'll gain from these tools will lend reason, compassion, and meaning to events such as illness, loss, or despair. Following Dr. Orloff's simple, clear instructions, illustrated with examples from her own experience and psychiatric practice, you'll recapture a sense of vision that will bring vibrance to all that you do. "Our intuition can open us up to our spirituality and show us how to be more healthy and whole," writes Dr. Orloff. "If you're in good health, you'll want to know about intuition because it can help you stay well and recognize messages that prevent illness. If you or your loved ones need healing, you'll also want intuition to show the way." Written with abundant warmth, humor, and compassion, this guide is your companion to a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me

Book Description

Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me: The Path to Physical, Emotional, Sexual and Spiritual Reawakening shows us what it takes to love, touch, and heal our own self. As we heal, we develop a renewed passion for life, a deep sense of being connected to something beyond our immediate life circumstances, and an increased desire for intimate loving. Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me is meant to be a coming out party, coming out of hiding, bringing our total self into the light for examination, acceptance, and readiness to share our authentic self intimately with others.

Jesus is Your Healer Study Guide

Book Description

By His Stripes You Are Healed! In His Word, God pulls back the curtain to reveal the fullness of Jesus Christ — and one of the most powerful revelations He has given us is that Jesus is our Savior and He is our Healer! Through the work of redemption on the Cross, Jesus paid not only for your sins but for your healing too. His very nature is to heal, and through faith in Him, healing belongs to you! In this powerful series, Denise Renner walks you through the Word of God and highlights scripture after scripture, proving it IS God's will for you to be healed and made well. Titles in this empowering series include: Pulling Back the Curtain on Healing Faith Stands Still Faith That Overcomes the Impossible Jesus Is Both Savior and Healer Hope Opens the Door for Healing You may know Jesus as your Savior, but do you know Him as your Healer? Don't wait another minute! Get to know your Healer and embrace the precious gift of healing that has been bought and paid for — and has your name on it!

Wisdom Walking

Book Description

Over the course of countless miles and numerous days, we will mine the golden wisdom hidden within our pilgrimage experience. "Everyone has taken a pilgrimage," says author Gil Stafford "Some pilgrimages are intentional: I walked across Ireland. Some are unintentional: I walked my mother through the final days of her life. Life is a pilgrimage. But, do we walk intentionally, embracing the transformational process?" Stafford begins Wisdom Walking with the idea that life is a pilgrimage and uses this to guide readers on their own pilgrimage towards wisdom. He layers onto that idea the notion that on our pilgrimages of life we can be gaining wisdom about our lives. Stafford then adds the Jungian typology for gaining wisdom and tells all of this through stories of his own and others' pilgrimages in a very readable fashion. Life is a pilgrimage; make yours one that leads to greater wisdom!

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Self-Esteem

Book Description

You’re no idiot, of course. You know there are moments when you have been creative, attractive, and even intelligent. But when it comes to sizing yourself up in the mirror, stepping onto a scale to get weighed, or socializing at a party full of extroverts, you feel like a wallflower that hasn’t been watered in years. Don’t just stand there with your head in the sand! The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Enhancing Self-Esteem shows you how to break through negativity, open yourself to risk and change, and move toward a richer and more integrated life. In this Complete Idiot’s Guide®, you get: • Straightforward questions that will inspire you to look deeper within yourself. • Self-quizzes that will help you see the “real you” more clearly. • Inspirational thoughts and poems. • Insights drawn from the experiences of others. • Common-sense advice on what to do when feeling insecure.