Touching Lives for Eternity (Effective Evangelism)

Book Description

How do you share the Good News of Jesus Christ? The simple steps in this book will show you the effective way in sharing your faith.

Touching Lives for Eternity

Book Description

A guide to help those who are seeking to influence others for Christ for eternity.

Living for What Really Matters

Book Description

What does it take to live for what really matters? Love for God and for one another, faith in Him, and hope for the future. This book will challenge you to live what matters the most in life.

Living a Life of Fire

Book Description

Living a Life of Fire is more than simple facts about an evangelist's life, it is filled with adventures from the heart of Africa, real-life dramatic stories of people and places that will leave you on the edge of your seat, and powerful demonstrations of the Holy Spirit working in the here and now. An autobiography of the life of one of God's generals that has left a legacy that is still impacting nations today.

Free and Clear

Book Description

Reflects on and researches the most common issues and problems in personal evangelism. "This book is for any pastor or layperson who takes the Great Commission seriously." -Luis Palau


Book Description

Outside of personally living for and loving the Lord, there is arguably no greater work Christians can undertake than preaching the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost. It may be that you do not yet have that burden on your heart, or perhaps eternity itself is not yet a reality to you. Or, perhaps you have that burden, but feel like there are no open doors for ministry available to you. Your church may be cold and currently making no great impact in your community. No matter your current circumstance, only believe that the same One who commissions His people for His work also has sufficient resources to enable the work to move forward. Only believe that as you dig into the Scriptures, perhaps with the help of this book, which serves as a biblical guide, that the One who cares most for this work can also put that same burden and love into the hearts of you and your church. While this book was originally written more than one hundred years ago, it appears that it was written for such a time as this. The author first challenges the reader regarding the need. Then he addresses the church and how to engage your available help. Specifics from inviting your community to your evangelistic events, to how to conduct successful evangelism meetings, are all covered in this invaluable volume. Learn what evangelism is, what it should look like, and how to obtain the power to perform it, using this updated edition of a timeless classic to spur you forward.

NIV, New Spirit-Filled Life Bible

Book Description

Find the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible. Jack Hayford, founding pastor of The Church on the Way, has led a team of anointed scholars to produce the New Spirit-Filled Life Bible. This outstanding resource offers a fresh look at the Scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit. This Bible addresses important issues of Spirit-filled living in the context of solid biblical scholarship. Features include: Kingdom Dynamics - 41 themes throughout the Bible that give us values as we advance the gospel throughout the world Word Wealth - More than 550 key terms defined and brought to life, pulling the language from the original Greek and Hebrew into everyday English Truth-In-Action - Charts with practical application from every book of the Bible Detailed book introductions Verse-by-verse study notes Spirit-Filled Life Bibles sold to date: More than 2 million

HowExpert Guide to Evangelism

Book Description

If you're eager to humbly share God's love and grace with others, "HowExpert Guide to Evangelism" offers a gentle guide into this sacred journey. Introduction Step into the realm of evangelism with humility, recognizing the privilege and responsibility it entails. This guide, rooted in humility and reverence for God's Word, seeks to equip you to humbly serve as a vessel of His love and grace. Chapter 1: Understanding Evangelism Discover the heart of evangelism as an expression of God's relentless love for humanity. Approach this chapter with humility, acknowledging that our understanding of evangelism is but a glimpse of God's infinite wisdom and grace. Chapter 2: Developing a Heart for Evangelism Cultivate a heart of humility and compassion, mirroring the humility and love of Christ. Recognize that it is God who stirs within us a burden for the lost and a desire to see them reconciled to Him. Chapter 3: Equipping Yourself for Evangelism Clothe yourself in humility as you seek to equip yourself for the task of evangelism. Approach the study of God's Word with humility, recognizing that our knowledge is limited and that true wisdom comes from God alone. Chapter 4: Sharing Your Personal Testimony Share your personal testimony with humility, recognizing that it is a testament to God's grace and faithfulness in your life. Approach this chapter with a humble heart, knowing that it is God who works through our stories to touch the lives of others. Chapter 5: Engaging in Conversational Evangelism Engage in conversations with humility and grace, reflecting the humility and love of Christ. Approach each interaction with a spirit of humility, recognizing that it is God who opens hearts and minds to receive His truth. Chapter 6: Evangelizing in Different Contexts Navigate diverse contexts with humility and sensitivity, seeking to meet people where they are with the love of Christ. Approach each encounter with humility, recognizing that it is God who empowers us to share His love in every situation. Chapter 7: Partnering with Churches and Ministries Partner with fellow believers in humility and unity, recognizing that it is God who unites us in His mission. Approach this chapter with humility, knowing that it is only through God's grace that we can work together to advance His kingdom. Chapter 8: Navigating Challenges and Opposition Navigate challenges and opposition with humility and dependence on God. Approach this chapter with humility, knowing that it is only through God's strength that we can overcome obstacles and persevere in our faith. Chapter 9: Discipling New Believers Disciple new believers with humility and grace, recognizing that it is God who transforms hearts and lives. Approach this chapter with humility, knowing that it is only through God's power that we can effectively disciple others. Chapter 10: Living a Life of Evangelism Embrace a life of evangelism with humility and obedience to God's call. Approach this chapter with humility, recognizing that it is God who empowers us to live out His love and grace in every aspect of our lives. Conclusion As you conclude this guide, humbly surrender yourself to God's will and purposes for your life. Recognize that it is only through His grace and strength that we can faithfully serve as ambassadors of His love and grace. All glory and honor belong to God alone. HowExpert publishes how to guides on all topics from A to Z.

Evangelism Where You Live

Book Description

Free and Clear

Book Description

How can we state the gospel correctly and clearly so that non-Christians grasp its meaning?


Veteran evangelist Larry Moyer has spent more than thirty-five years collecting and reflecting on the most common issues and problems in personal evangelism. He has learned that to state the Gospel clearly, one must first understand it. Free and Clear offers believers a thorough understanding of the Gospel message and biblical terms and concepts. Each chapter includes group discussion questions.


Praise for Free and Clear:


"In the simplest, most effective manner I've seen, Larry Moyer explains how to tell people that they can know for sure they can go to heaven. I highly recommend this book!"


"Larry Moyer is to the point and is clear on the issue of salvation Free and Clear says it all."


"Larry Moyer tackles issues surrounding the Gospel that can confuse older Christians as well as new converts. Larry writes like he talkswith clarity and plenty of practical examples."