Toward Self & Sanity: On the Genetic Origins of the Human Character

Book Description

by Anthony M. Benis, Sc.D., M.D. This is a paperback Second Edition of the version published in 1985 by Psychological Dimensions Press, updated to 2008. It is the original version of the NPA personality theory derived from the ideas of Karen Horney. The NPA traits, posited to be of genetic origins, are narcissism, perfectionism and aggression. The text is written in question-and-answer (Q & A) format. Book properties: Oversize paperback (7.4"" x 9.7""), 521 pages, 19 figures, 7 tables, 48 plates, glossary, addendum, index. Glossy cover: the front and back covers may be seen [here]. ISBN 978-0-615-26214-7

NPA Personality Theory in Images

Book Description

by A. M. Benis, Sc.D., M.D. This book brings together 171 evocative images that illustrate the essential elements of the NPA model of personality. Particular attention is given to gestures, poses and behaviorisms. Personality types are illustrated with the use of caricatures of well-known individuals and images of historical figures, where you will meet individuals as diverse as Mary Lincoln, Angela Merkel and Rasputin. Topics include narcissism, perfectionism, aggression, dominance and submissiveness, inversions, as well as conditions such as the autistic savant, Down's syndrome and panic disorder. A chapter of images is devoted to the evolutionary origins of personality traits and to their geographic distribution. For readers not acquainted with the NPA model, a synopsis of the basic theory is included in the Appendix. For those interested in a novel theory of personality based on genetic traits, this book would serve as a fine introduction. Hardcover, 236 pp., synopsis, maps, glossary.

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Caricatures of the NPA Personality Types

Book Description

by A.M. Benis, Sc.D., M.D. You may have heard the conventional wisdom that "many, many genes" contribute to personality, so "there is no such thing as a personality type". We take the contrarian view: We show that a few basic traits are inherited, and that combinations of the traits not only give rise to personality types, but they also explain WHY the types behave as they do. The underlying theory explains the concepts of narcissism, perfectionism, aggression. It clarifies the distinction between personality and temperament, as well as relationships of dominance and submission and of "morbid dependency". A vignette is included that describes a symbiotic relationship called "the power behind the throne", where the Power is a perfectionistic-aggressive individual bent on domination. The book is illustrated with caricatures of well-known individuals, and it includes a synopsis of the NPA model, referencing in particular the pioneering work of Karen Horney. Paperback, 164 pp., illus., glossary, index.

The Enigma of Short Parents Who Have Tall Children

Book Description

For decades, geneticists have been puzzled by families where both of the parents are short, or of normal stature, but some of the children - even all of the children - are tall. This book presents a solution to the enigma, and it comes from an unlikely source: a theory of personality based on genetic traits. It shows that a simple mechanism, based on classical genetics, can explain some very complicated families where there are short parents, but very tall children alongside of children of normal stature. The author uses case examples to derive the solution to the puzzle. Here you will meet Sylvester and Wendy, Yevgeny who works in the Kremlin, and the Estonian sea captain, Feliks. The illustrative examples show how the dissimilarity of stature in families can have a precise genetic cause. The cause is shown to come from both the father's and mother's side of the family, and is not due to recessive genes or to some vagabond gene from one side of the family. Paperback, 90 pp., synopsis, glossary, illustrated.

Malignant Self Love

Book Description

The FULL TEXT of Sam Vaknin's classic, groundbreaking BIBLE of NARCISSISM and NARCISSISTIC ABUSE, now in its 9th revision. Tips and advice as well as the most complete clinical background. Narcissistic Personality Disorder and its effects on the narcissist, the psychopath and their nearest and dearest - in 100 frequently asked questions and two essays - a total of 680 pages! Updated to reflect the NEW criteria in the recent fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM).

NPA Theory of Personality

Book Description

by A.M. Benis, Sc.D., M.D. This is the updated hardcover edition of NPA personality theory, originally published as "Toward Self & Sanity: On the genetic origins of the human character" by Psychological Dimensions Press in 1985. It has been updated and contains recently published work: a seventeen page synopsis of the NPA theory, and an article on personality traits in the Australian Aborigines. It contains the original version of the NPA theory as derived from the ideas of Karen Horney. The three NPA traits, posited to be of genetic origins, are sanguinity, perfectionism and aggression. Most of the text is written in question-and-answer (Q & A) format. Book properties: Trade quality hardcover with dust jacket (6" x 9"), 547 pages, 21 figures, 9 tables, 48 plates, glossary, addendum, index.

How Your Personality Type Is Inherited

Book Description

by A.M. Benis, ScD, MD. The purpose of this book is to allow you, the reader, to see how your personality type was inherited. Our premise is that everyone has several major personality traits resulting from just a few genes, and that we can trace the traits in a family tree. By personality type, we mean that the traits assort themselves - one, two or three traits together. There are three basic traits and about a dozen common personality types. If you are not familiar with the NPA model, the introductory chapters will bring you up to speed quickly. Next, we present twenty "case studies" that illustrate how the personality traits are transmitted. Here, you will meet Giovanni and Pania, Bogdan and Lulu, as well as King Lucifer IV and his many mistresses. Each of the cases has an instructive element, and when you are through with them, you should be in good form to do your own analysis... of yourself, your family, your significant other, and even of children who are not yet born. Softcover, illustrated, 157 pp.