Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis

Book Description

Prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) is a unique, non-destructive nuclear analytical method with multi-element capabilities. It is most effective if intense neutron beams (especially cold beams) of nuclear reactors are used to induce the prompt gamma radiation. Based largely on the authors' pioneering research in cold neutron PGAA, the handbook describes the methodology in self-contained manner and reviews recent applications. The library of prompt gamma ray data and spectra for all natural elements is a unique aid to the practitioner. The level is understandable by a broad audience, which facilitates teaching and training. The Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis is a comprehensive handbook written for those practising the method, wanting to implement it at a reactor facility, or just looking for a powerful non-destructive method of element analysis. The book is also useful for nuclear physics, chemistry and engineering scientists, scholars and graduate students interested in neutron-induced gamma ray spectroscopy and nuclear analytical methods.

Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis

Book Description

Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis introduces the fundamental principals and the unique characteristics of the gamma-ray activation method together with its applications and limitations. Sample preparation, instruments, shielding and irradiation using prompt gamma-ray activation analysis techniques with various neutron sources are described in detail. The neutron damage to PGAA instruments, particularly the radiation detector, is investigated. The book compares unique features and limitations of PGAA versus conventional NAA methods. Approximately 50 tables help to illustrate and describe these exciting new methods.

Development of a Prompt-gamma, Neutron-activation Analysis Facility at the Texas A & M University Nuclear Science Center

Book Description

A prompt-gamma, neutron-activation analysis facility earlier developed at the Nuclear Science Center of Texas A & M University could not be used successfully to analyze geologic samples due to high detection background, low neutron fluence rate and poor detection equipment . A systematic investigation into the performance capability of a prompt-gamma, neutron activation analysis facility was undertaken in this research project. The facility was reconstructed and used to obtain prompt-gamma spectra of chlorine and cadmium and from the spectra, the net peak area counts for the most intense prompt-gamma-ray energies were obtained. A theoretical model was developed which can predict the net peak area counts expected on these prompt-gamma-ray energies using the thermal neutron fluence rate at the sample position, the absolute efficiency of the detector, and the mass and partial gamma-ray production cross section data for the samples. The experimental and predicted results were compared to establish the performance capability of the reconstructed facility. Good agreements between experimental and predicted results were obtained for chlorine, but results from cadmium showed larger discrepancies due to self-shielding effects. Corrections for self-shielding effects were applied to results from cadmium and the experimental and predicted results were also in good agreement. The satisfactory results indicate that it is possible to implement the prompt-gamma, neutron-activation analysis technique at Beam Port #1 of the Nuclear Science Center Reactor. To be able to obtain excellent results from other samples, improvements in shielding materials to attain a lower detection background and a highly efficient detection system should be incorporated.

Development of Monte Carlo Code for Coincidence Prompt Gamma-ray Neutron Activation Analysis

Book Description

Prompt Gamma-Ray Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) offers a non-destructive, relatively rapid on-line method for determination of elemental composition of bulk and other samples. However, PGNAA has an inherently large background. These backgrounds are primarily due to the presence of the neutron excitation source. It also includes neutron activation of the detector and the prompt gamma rays from the structure materials of PGNAA devices. These large backgrounds limit the sensitivity and accuracy of PGNAA. Since Most of the prompt gamma rays from the same element are emitted in coincidence, a possible approach for further improvement is to change the traditional PGNAA detection technique and introduce the gamma-gamma coincidence technique. It is well known that the coincidence technique can eliminate most of the interference backgrounds and improve the signal-to-noise ratio. A new Monte Carlo code CEARCPG is being developed at CEAR to predict coincidence counting in coincidence PGNAA. Compared to the other existing Monte Carlo code, a new algorithm of sampling the prompt gamma rays, which are produced from neutron capture reaction and neutron inelastic scattering reaction, is developed in this work. All the prompt gamma rays are taken into account by using this new algorithm. Before this work, the commonly used method is to interpolate the prompt gamma rays from the pre-calculated gamma-ray table. It works fine for the single spectrum. However it limits the capability to simulate the coincidence spectrum. This new algorithm is to sample the prompt gamma rays from the nucleus scheme. It makes possible to simulate the coincidence spectrum by using Monte Carlo method. The primary nuclear data library used to sample the prompt gamma rays comes from ENSDF library. Three cases are simulated and the simulated results are checked with the experiments. The first case is the prototype for ETI PGNAA application. This case is designed to check the capability of CEARCPG for sing.

Neutron Activation Analysis of Inhomogeneous Large Samples

Book Description

The aim of the work described in this thesis is the development of a reconstruction method for the determination of spatial element distributions using Large-Sample Neutron Activation Analysis. For a proper introduction to this field of research, first the principles of Neutron Activation Analysis are described. Secondly, Large-Sample Neutron Activation Analysis is summarized. This is followed by the scope of the thesis and an overview of its contents. Contents include: Reconstruction of element distributions in neutron activated inhomogeneous large samples, introduction, Sampling, homogeneity and representativity, Reconstruction of element distributions in neutron activated inhomogeneous large samples, 3D-modeling of the GE detector full-energy peak efficiency for measurements of the spatial radioactivity distributions, Optimisation of the LS-INAA measurement facility for scanned measurements, Detection of inhomogeneities via collimated scanning, Gamma-ray attenuation assessment, Reconstruction Algorithms for analysis of element distributions in neutron-activated inhomogeneous large samples, REDNAILS: application with prior knowledge to samples of practical interest, General discussion.

Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) and Short-lived Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Applied to the Characterization of Legacy Materials

Book Description

Without quality historical records that provide the composition of legacy materials, the elemental and/or chemical characterization of such materials requires a manual analytical strategy that may expose the analyst to unknown toxicological hazards. In addition, much of the existing legacy inventory also incorporates radioactivity, and, although radiological composition may be determined by various nuclear-analytical methods, most importantly, gamma-spectroscopy, current methods of chemical characterization still require direct sample manipulation, thereby presenting special problems with broad implications for both the analyst and the environment. Alternately, prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) provides a'single-shot' in-situ, non-destructive method that provides a complete assay of all major entrained elemental constituents. 1-3. Additionally, neutron activation analysis (NAA) using short-lived activation products complements PGAA and is especially useful when NAA activation surpasses the PGAA in elemental sensitivity.