Towards a Non-violent Society

Book Description

1. Training in Non-Violence Acharya Tulsi ...........................................................11 2. Non-Violence and its Many Facets Acharya Mahaprajna.................................................21 3. Ecology and Non-Violence Acharya Mahashraman .............................................31 4. Role of Women in the Training for Non-Violence Sadhavi Pramukha Kanak Prabha...............................35 5. Toward a Non-Violent 21St Century Glenn D. Paige.........................................................41 6. The Spirituality of Non-Violence Donal Harrington......................................................50 7. Peace and Conflict-Resolution: Indian Experience of Non-Violence Professor Ramjee Singh ............................................61 8. Human Rights as the Basic Principle for Non-Violence Training Luis Perez Aguirre ....................................................79 9. Peace With Justice and Dignity Guillermo Michel......................................................88 10. Ahimsa And Human Development: A Different Paradigm for Conflict Resolution Ursula Oswald Spring .............................................102 11. Nonviolence as a Science of Conflict Resolution Antonino Drago ......................................................123 12. Globalization Process and Conflicts in the World Order B.M. Jain ..............................................................135 13. Towards an Era of Culture of Peace N. Radhakrishnan ..................................................147 14. Sustainable Development for Peaceful Living B.R. Dugar ............................................................159 15. Teaching Peace and Harmony Through English Dr Sanjay Goyal......................................................168 16. Gandhian Technique of Conflict Resolution: An International Perspective Dashrath Singh ......................................................176 17. Non-Violence in the Information Age Katsuya Kodama ....................................................198 18. The Way of Nonviolence R. B. Deats............................................................204 19. Vision for Human Development and Self-Transformation N.B. Mirza.............................................................213 20. Education as Impetus in Shaping Attitudes Relating to Peace and the Environment Kamala Sharma .....................................................225

Why Civil Resistance Works

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For more than a century, from 1900 to 2006, campaigns of nonviolent resistance were more than twice as effective as their violent counterparts in achieving their stated goals. By attracting impressive support from citizens, whose activism takes the form of protests, boycotts, civil disobedience, and other forms of nonviolent noncooperation, these efforts help separate regimes from their main sources of power and produce remarkable results, even in Iran, Burma, the Philippines, and the Palestinian Territories. Combining statistical analysis with case studies of specific countries and territories, Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan detail the factors enabling such campaigns to succeed and, sometimes, causing them to fail. They find that nonviolent resistance presents fewer obstacles to moral and physical involvement and commitment, and that higher levels of participation contribute to enhanced resilience, greater opportunities for tactical innovation and civic disruption (and therefore less incentive for a regime to maintain its status quo), and shifts in loyalty among opponents' erstwhile supporters, including members of the military establishment. Chenoweth and Stephan conclude that successful nonviolent resistance ushers in more durable and internally peaceful democracies, which are less likely to regress into civil war. Presenting a rich, evidentiary argument, they originally and systematically compare violent and nonviolent outcomes in different historical periods and geographical contexts, debunking the myth that violence occurs because of structural and environmental factors and that it is necessary to achieve certain political goals. Instead, the authors discover, violent insurgency is rarely justifiable on strategic grounds.

The Force of Nonviolence

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Judith Butler’s new book shows how an ethic of nonviolence must be connected to a broader political struggle for social equality. Further, it argues that nonviolence is often misunderstood as a passive practice that emanates from a calm region of the soul, or as an individualist ethical relation to existing forms of power. But, in fact, nonviolence is an ethical position found in the midst of the political field. An aggressive form of nonviolence accepts that hostility is part of our psychic constitution, but values ambivalence as a way of checking the conversion of aggression into violence. One contemporary challenge to a politics of nonviolence points out that there is a difference of opinion on what counts as violence and nonviolence. The distinction between them can be mobilised in the service of ratifying the state’s monopoly on violence. Considering nonviolence as an ethical problem within a political philosophy requires a critique of individualism as well as an understanding of the psychosocial dimensions of violence. Butler draws upon Foucault, Fanon, Freud, and Benjamin to consider how the interdiction against violence fails to include lives regarded as ungrievable. By considering how ‘racial phantasms’ inform justifications of state and administrative violence, Butler tracks how violence is often attributed to those who are most severely exposed to its lethal effects. The struggle for nonviolence is found in movements for social transformation that reframe the grievability of lives in light of social equality and whose ethical claims follow from an insight into the interdependency of life as the basis of social and political equality.

Gandhi: A Very Short Introduction

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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) was one of the few men in history to fight simultaneously on moral, religious, political, social, economic, and cultural fronts. His life and thought has had an enormous impact on the Indian nation, and he continues to be widely revered - known before and after his death by assassination as Mahatma, the Great Soul.

Perspectives on Nonviolence

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Paddock has referred to societies as "anti-violent" that Inhibit the expressIon of aggresSion. In his book Violence and Aggression, KE. Moyer nas made a brief but interesting comparison of several violent and nonviolent cultures. Whereas studies of violence have ranged from genetic, cultural to Situation effects, and have been pursued through empirical and nonempirical methods over the past several decades, nonviolence did not become a favorite area of study among social scientists. Although it is impossible to make a complete list of the various reasons for the lack of interest among social scientists on this subject, it is generally believed that a lack of understanding of the concept and a failure to either develop or apply adequate methods are to Olame. Therefore we are not surprized that nonviolence has remained, by and large, a favorite topic among religious thinkers and leaders only. A good example of how people have difficulty understanding the concept of nonviolence came to me when I delivered a lecture to a group of political science students several years ago. I experienced similar problems when I spoke to the history and political science professors. Subsequent dialogues with faculty members in other disciplines convinced me that our perspectives on nonVIolence were not commonly clear to all of us. or course, most of us did agree on one thing--that Is, there Is a distinct difference separating Eastern from Western views of nonviolence.

Towards a Non-violent Society

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Feeling Safe a First Step Towards Making You Safe

Book Description

The author is a retired attorney who has spent a lifetime in Americas society peacefully resolving controversies his clients had with other persons and companies. Since retiring at the turn of the century, he, like many others, have observed a definite trend in Americas society toward violence. The causes for this unwanted trend are many and obvious but not the subject of this book. Instead this book was written as an awakening to the fact that this trend is leading us all down the road to a sick violent society and it is up to us all to oppose the trend with common sense. Some suggestions for taking a stand against this trend, highlighted in this book are (a) Lets encounter strangers as potential friends with a smile and not a sneer with one hand pressed against a concealed handgun; (b) Lets get rid of lethal handguns altogether and make them as unaccessible to the ordinary citizen as explosives; (c) As parents and grandparents, lets be careful what we teach our kids by word or example. For instance, hate being a word to avoid along with negative feelings toward others who are diff erent; (d) And most importantly, lets put a stop to all killings; in war zones abroad as a way to peace; and on our streets and highways here at home by speeding. And much more! The Author knows that if you follow the suggestions of his book you will not only feel and be safer, you will feel good about yourself and what you do.

The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense

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Because of the way in which the history of nonviolence has been marginalized, relatively few people have a sense of the rich history of nonviolent struggle or realize that it can be systematically planned and applied. Nevertheless, the historical record illustrates that nonviolent struggle is a powerful form of political action. But can it be effective against military aggression? The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense answers this question in the affirmative by first defining the notion of "social cosmology"—the four mutually reinforcing features that determine the character of any society. It then devotes attention to strategies for dealing with conflict, in particular, to developing a strategic theory and framework for planning a strategy of nonviolent defense. In order to develop this theory, Burrowes synthesizes insights drawn from the strategic theory of Carl von Clausewitz, the nonviolence of Mahatma Gandhi, and recent human needs and conflict theory.

Understanding Nonviolence

Book Description

The use of nonviolent action is on the rise. From the Occupy Movement to the Arab Spring and mass protests on the streets of Brazil, activists across the world are increasingly using unarmed tactics to challenge oppressive, corrupt and unjust systems. But what exactly do we mean by nonviolence? How is it deployed and to what effect? Do nonviolent campaigns with political motivations differ from those driven by primarily economic concerns? What are the limits and opportunities for activists engaging in nonviolent action today? Is the growing number of nonviolence protests indicative of a new type of twenty-first century struggle or is it simply a passing trend? Understanding Nonviolence: Contours and Contexts is the first book to offer a comprehensive introduction to nonviolence in theory and practice. Combining insightful analysis of key theoretical debates with fresh perspectives on contemporary and historical case studies, it explores the varied approaches, aims, and trajectories of nonviolent campaigns from Gandhi to the present day. With cutting-edge contributions from leading scholars and practitioners in the field, this accessible and lively book will be essential reading for activists, students and teachers of contentious politics, international security, and peace and conflict studies.