Towards a science of ideas: An inquiry into the emergence, evolution and expansion of ideas and their translation into action

Book Description

Ideas are the basic building blocks that construct the world we live in. Yet despite the abundance of literature on creativity and innovation, there has been little reflection on ideas as such, their nature and their working mechanisms. This book provides foundations for a reflection focused specifically on ideas - what they are, how they emerge, develop, interact, gain acceptance and become translated into actions. In doing so the book moves beyond the mainstream approaches, offering new, promising theoretical angles, presenting original findings and initiating a research agenda for a science of ideas. This book provides a fresh perspective on how to conceptualize and study ideas and their working mechanisms by treating ideas as the main object of the study and by bringing together a group of original thinkers, scholars, and philosophers to move beyond the mainstream academic discourse on creativity and innovation.

Bridging Health, Environment, and Legalities: A Holistic Approach

Book Description

The intricate web of healthcare, sustainability, and legalities has never been more significant or complex. Bridging Health, Environment, and Legalities: A Holistic Approach embarks on an enlightening journey through these interwoven domains, exploring their relationships and their pivotal role in shaping global well-being. Not merely content with the surface, this book navigates the complex terrain of health equity and access to care, unveiling the role of social determinants of health and their legal implications. It critically examines sustainable medical innovations, scrutinizing the legal and regulatory challenges in adopting and implementing groundbreaking medical advancements. Intellectual property rights and ethical considerations in medical research are carefully dissected, offering guidance on promoting sustainable medical breakthroughs through policy and law.

Towards a Science of Ideas: an Inquiry Into the Emergence, Evolution and Expansion of Ideas and Their Translation Into Action

Book Description

Ideas are the basic building blocks that construct the world we live in. Yet despite the abundance of literature on creativity and innovation, there has been little reflection on ideas as such, their nature and their working mechanisms. This book provides foundations for a reflection focused specifically on ideas - what they are, how they emerge, develop, interact, gain acceptance and become translated into actions. In doing so the book moves beyond the mainstream approaches, offering new, promising theoretical angles, presenting original findings and initiating a research agenda for a science of ideas. This book provides a fresh perspective on how to conceptualize and study ideas and their working mechanisms by treating ideas as the main object of the study and by bringing together a group of original thinkers, scholars, and philosophers to move beyond the mainstream academic discourse on creativity and innovation.

Fostering an Ecological Shift Through Effective Environmental Education

Book Description

In the face of our planet's escalating environmental crisis and climate change, humanity stands at a crossroads, urgently requiring a transformative response. The task of averting environmental destruction necessitates not only a shift in our economy and technology but, more fundamentally, a profound cultural transformation. This imperative transformation involves a collective move from the self-centered "Ego" to an ecologically conscious "Eco." To unravel the complexities of this metamorphosis, scholars are turning to the potent tool of environmental education, recognized for its capacity to foster personal and social growth while promoting environmental conservation. Enter Fostering an Ecological Shift Through Effective Environmental Education, a groundbreaking exploration into the transformative power of education in the pursuit of sustainable change. As readers embark on this scholarly journey, the book reveals the profound psychological connection to nature achievable through environmental education. It scrutinizes the connection between heightened nature awareness and the adoption of sustainable practices, providing valuable insights for educators at various levels. The chapters traverse diverse topics, from the historical roots of environmental education to the role of indigenous knowledge, yoga, and eco-spirituality within nature education. The book's comprehensive approach extends to eco-therapy, forest school programs, and the influence of parents in environmental education. By scrutinizing case studies and global movements, this work illuminates the achievements and challenges of environmental education on both national and global scales.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Book Description

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Book Description

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.

The Idea of Progress

Book Description

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Book Description

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.

Popular Science

Book Description

Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Book Description

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.