Towards A War-free World: Annals Of Pugwash 1994

Book Description

The book focuses on subjects of nuclear disarmament, the reduction and control of conventional weapons, the arms trade, future roles of the UN, regional confidence-building measures, global governance, sustainable use of resources and ethical challenges in the modern era, all of which related to the ultimate goal of eliminating war.

Towards a War-free World

Book Description

The book focuses on subjects of nuclear disarmament, the reduction and control of conventional weapons, the arms trade, future roles of the UN, regional confidence-building measures, global governance, sustainable use of resources and ethical challenges in the modern era, all of which related to the ultimate goal of eliminating war.

World Citizenship

Book Description

This book discusses the various ways in which the security and prosperity of all countries in the world are linked - by military threats, environmental pollution, and social unrest created by poverty. It is argued that a process of education is needed to make people think in global terms, so that they develop an allegiance to humanity.

Catastrophes and Conflicts

Book Description

First published in 1999, this book describes what the International community of scientific institutions could do to reverse this trend, by pooling its know-how and resources in International and interdisciplinary working groups and standing committees, by preparing options for action and by standing the possibilities for overcoming the political and economic obstacles to the implementation of expert advice. The reasons are given why neighboring groups of people sooner or later start fighting each other unless certain conditions are fulfilled. These conditions are enumerated. Historical examples are presented. Since lack of mutual trust, often based on inherited enemy images, is at the roots of many conflicts is shown how trust among former opponents can be created by working on joint projects, particularly when both sides are threatened by the same danger. In previous history this danger was often a common enemy. Today we must learn that all of mankind is threatened by environmental and other global problems which can only be mastered by joint efforts, forgetting the enmities of earlier generations. Furthermore, it is explained that many catastrophes could be avoided if risks were properly assessed and taken seriously and necessary precautions not avoided for financial reasons, just hoping for the best.


Book Description

The essays are original analyzes and first-hand observations of global forces operating in the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. With a historical framework of globalization and freedom, the author, who taught at the University of Pittsburgh's Semester at Sea Program, critically explores the influence of U.S. foreign policies and American values that has affected these countries where freedom prevails. For example, the author argues with Fidel Castro and his worldview on freedom and human security while a unique process of glocalization takes place in Cuba. With illustrative maps and photos, the distinctive interdisciplinary analysis presents vivid faces of the human side of globalization as it interplays with local communities. The book is about free enterprise and political freedom as the new American influence through the Washington Consensus - the "Trinity of Washington" and its "Ten Commandments" - continues with unintended consequences by glocalizing every society and each of us.

Norm Dynamics in Multilateral Arms Control

Book Description

This volume comprehensively covers a range of issues related to dynamic norm change in the current major international arms control regimes related to nuclear, biological,and chemical weapons; small arms and light weapons; cluster munitions; and antipersonnel mines. Arms control policies of all of the key established and rising state actors are considered, as well as those of nonaligned countries, nongovernmental organizations, and international governing bodies. Recent studies on multilateral arms control tend to focus mostly on "structure," by which opportunities and constraints for action are created. This volume pays equal attention to "agency," through which opportunities and constraints to produce change or maintain the status quo are handled. In addition-and in greater depth than in recent studies-the volume acknowledges the force of moral and ethical impulses (alongside such factors as political, legal, and technological change) in the evolution of arms control norms. The volume begins with a look at the structure of regimes, at the conflicts residing in these structures, and at the dynamic processes in which these conflicts are worked out. The impact of extrinsic factors on norm dynamics is considered next, including technological change and shifts in attitudes and power structures. Essays on the role of agency in driving norm change conclude the volume, with a particular focus on norm entrepreneurship and the importance of acknowledging the competing justice claims surrounding norm-change efforts. Contributors: Una Becker-Jakob, Alexis Below, Marco Fey, Giorgio Franceschini, Andrea Hellmann, Gregor Hofmann, Friederike Klinke, Daniel Müller, Harald Müller, Franziska Plümmer, Carsten Rauch, Judith Reuter, Elvira Rosert, Annette Schaper, Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Tabea Seidler-Diekmann, Simone Wisotzki, Carmen Wunderlich.

Pugwash Newsletter

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World Encyclopedia of Peace

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Nuclear Proliferation

Book Description

Since the nuclear genie was let out of the bottle, nuclear weapons have been the exclusive domain of a select few countries. At the dawn of the millennium, however, the notion that small countries and even individuals may acquire and use them, or threaten to, is a major concern. This annotated bibliography presents 643 entries which deal with dangerous issue.