An Evaluation of the Fish Resources of the Mackenzie River Valley Based on 1974 Data

Book Description

In April 1974, the Department of the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service began the final year of a four year investigation into possible effects of pipeline construction on fish resources of the Mackenzie River valley. The present program includes new and revised findings from the 1974 program. During 1974, emphasis was placed on refining and adding to life history data, particularly migration routes and timing, movements of fry and juveniles and location of overwintering areas. The fish tagging program was intensified on several systems in each study area. A fish fence was constructed in the Trail River to monitor fish movements and to obtain spawning population estimates. Fry traps were used to determine movements of fry and juveniles. A winter survey was conducted to locate significant overwintering areas. Pertinent information on species distribution and migration routes obtained by Fisheries and Marine Service crews based on Richards Island and the Great Bear River also has been incorporated.

The Ecology of River Systems

Book Description

Our understanding of the ecology of running waters has come a long way during the past few years. From being a largely descriptive subject, with a few under tones concerned with such things as fisheries, pollution or control of blackflies, it has evolved into a discipline with hypotheses, such as the River Continuum Concept (Vannote et a/. 1980), and even a book suggesting that it offers opportunity for the testing of ecological theory (Barnes & Minshall 1983). However, perusal of the literature reveals that, although some of the very early studies were concerned with large rivers (references in Hynes 1970), the great mass of the work that has been done on running water has been on streams and small rivers, and information on larger rivers is either on such limited topics as fisheries or plankton, scattered among the journals, or not available to the general limnologist. The only exceptions are a few books in this series of publications, such as those on the Nile (Rz6ska 1976), the Volga (Morduckai Boltovskoi 1979) and the Amazon {Sioli 1984), and the recent compendium by Whitton (1984) on European rivers, among which there are a few that rate as large.