Towards global tax co-operation

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Towards global tax co-operation

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The OECD "harmful Tax Competition" Initiative

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Explores the issues which arise from two OECD reports: "Harmful Tax Competition: An Emerging Global Issue", and "Towards Global Tax Co-operation: Progress in Identifying and Eliminating Tax Practices".

Coordination and Cooperation

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Series on International Taxation #81 The tax landscape today looks dramatically different from how it appeared even a generation ago. Ongoing sweeping changes in information technologies, massive economic downturns, unforeseen catastrophes such as the global pandemic that hit the world in 2020, and ever more sophisticated methods of tax evasion and avoidance are only some of the factors that have perplexed and even confounded tax authorities. This important book provides a comprehensive overview of the global tax challenges confronting tax policy today, with insightful contributions by both well-known tax experts and fresh new voices in the field. The authors address such critical issues as the following: international tax reform initiatives; effects of climate change; tax justice in times of crisis; international tax cooperation; taxing multinationals; role of tax havens; participation and collaboration of developing countries; the growing presence of artificial intelligence and robots; prospects for a green economic recovery; and tax ethics and social inclusiveness. The contributions originated with the groundbreaking tax summit TaxCOOP2020, held online at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic in October 2020. At a time when tax policy seems poised at the dawn of a fundamental transformation, this inestimable volume will be welcomed by tax practitioners and academics, concerned government officials, businesspeople, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), all of whom will here have access to a variety of points of view and innovative approaches to the future direction of taxation.

Harmful Tax Competition An Emerging Global Issue

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Tax competition in the form of harmful tax practices can distort trade and investment patterns, erode national tax bases and shift part of the tax burden onto less mobile tax bases. The Report emphasises that governments must intensify their cooperative actions to curb harmful tax practices.

What Is the U.S. Position on Offshore Tax Havens?

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Witnesses: Paul O'Neill, Sec. of the Treas.; Robert Morgenthau, Manhattan (NY) Dist. Att.; Michael Chertoff, Assist. AG, Crim. Div., Dept. of Justice; and Donald Alexander and Sheldon Cohen, former Comm., IRS. Includes 30 exhibits: 2000 OECD List of Offshore Tax Havens, Commitments Sought From Tax Havens, No. of U.S. Taxpayers Reporting Foreign Accounts, and No. of Offshore Banks and Co. in 35 OECD Tax Havens; "Towards Global Tax Cooperation", OECD Report, and Progress in Identifying and Eliminating Harmful Tax Practices; and statements by John Lyons, former U.S. Competent Authority responsible for admin. tax treaties and agreements, Robert McIntyre, Citizens for Tax Justice, and Richard Hammer, U.S. Council for Internat. Bus.

Tax Cooperation in an Unjust World

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The way that nation states design their tax systems impacts the sharing of resources and wealth within and across societies. To date, wealthy countries have made tax policy design and coordination choices which allow them to claim more than they are justifiably entitled to from the global economy. In Tax Cooperation in an Unjust World, Allison Christians and Laurens van Apeldoorn show how this presently accepted reality both facilitates and feeds off continued human suffering, and therefore violates conceptions of international distributive justice. They examine two principles that govern tax cooperation across states, and explain how the current international tax order impedes their realization. They then show how states could work toward fulfilling the principles and building a fairer international tax system via incremental yet effective adaptation of key international tax norms and rules.