Towards Infrared Finite S-matrix in Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

This book presents the better understanding of infrared structures of particle scattering processes in quantum electrodynamics (QED) in four-dimensional spacetime. An S-matrix is the fundamental quantity in scattering theory. However, if a theory involves massless particles, such as QED and gravity, the conventional S-matrix has not been well defined due to the infrared divergence, and infrared dynamics thus needs to be understood in-depth to figure out the S-matrix. The book begins with introducing fundamental nature of the charge conservation law associated with asymptotic symmetry, and explaining its relations to soft theorems and memory effect. Subsequently it looks into an appropriate asymptotic state of the S-matrix without infrared divergences. The Faddeev-Kulish dressed state is known as a candidate of such a state, and its gauge invariant condition and its relation to the asymptotic symmetry are discussed. It offers an important building blocks for constructing the S-matrix without infrared divergences.

An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

Starting from introductory quantum and classical mechanics, this text develops the quantum field theories that make up the `Standard Model' of elementary processes in a systematic presentation emphasizing theoretical concepts as well as experimental applications.

Quantum Infrared Physics

Book Description

The common thread of the contributions collected here is an infrared approach to pressing problems in quantum field theory. Both high and low energy physics are represented, with much emphasis on QCD (Gribov horizons, infrared models, semiclassical applications, and effective Lagrangians). Other fields of interest are thermal infrared singularities, soft Pomeron physics, eikonal scattering phenomenology and the physics of bound states.

An Introduction to Non-Perturbative Foundations of Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) has proved to be the most useful strategy for the description of elementary particle interactions and as such is regarded as a fundamental part of modern theoretical physics. In most presentations, the emphasis is on the effectiveness of the theory in producing experimentally testable predictions, which at present essentially means Perturbative QFT. However, after more than fifty years of QFT, we still are in the embarrassing situation of not knowing a single non-trivial (even non-realistic) model of QFT in 3+1 dimensions, allowing a non-perturbative control. As a reaction to these consistency problems one may take the position that they are related to our ignorance of the physics of small distances and that QFT is only an effective theory, so that radically new ideas are needed for a consistent quantum theory of relativistic interactions (in 3+1 dimensions). The book starts by discussing the conflict between locality or hyperbolicity and positivity of the energy for relativistic wave equations, which marks the origin of quantum field theory, and the mathematical problems of the perturbative expansion (canonical quantization, interaction picture, non-Fock representation, asymptotic convergence of the series etc.). The general physical principles of positivity of the energy, Poincare' covariance and locality provide a substitute for canonical quantization, qualify the non-perturbative foundation and lead to very relevant results, like the Spin-statistics theorem, TCP symmetry, a substitute for canonical quantization, non-canonical behaviour, the euclidean formulation at the basis of the functional integral approach, the non-perturbative definition of the S-matrix (LSZ, Haag-Ruelle-Buchholz theory). A characteristic feature of gauge field theories is Gauss' law constraint. It is responsible for the conflict between locality of the charged fields and positivity, it yields the superselection of the (unbroken) gauge charges, provides a non-perturbative explanation of the Higgs mechanism in the local gauges, implies the infraparticle structure of the charged particles in QED and the breaking of the Lorentz group in the charged sectors. A non-perturbative proof of the Higgs mechanism is discussed in the Coulomb gauge: the vector bosons corresponding to the broken generators are massive and their two point function dominates the Goldstone spectrum, thus excluding the occurrence of massless Goldstone bosons. The solution of the U(1) problem in QCD, the theta vacuum structure and the inevitable breaking of the chiral symmetry in each theta sector are derived solely from the topology of the gauge group, without relying on the semiclassical instanton approximation.

Finite Quantum Electrodynamics

Book Description

In this book the author carefully analyses the role of the concept of causality in Quantum Electrodynamics. This approach makes it possible for the first time to publish a textbook on QED which not only includes full proofs and detailed calculations but is also mathematically rigorous. The book begins with Dirac's theory in part one, followed in part two by the quantum theory of free fields including a new approach to the concept of exterior fields. The third part is devoted to the study of the S-matrix of QED avoiding ultraviolet divergence. The most important physical results of QED are derived, and significant themes such as unitarity and renormalizability of the theory are discussed. This slim book addresses graduate students in physics. From the reviews: "In the summary on the back cover the unheard-of statement appears that now the first (mathematically) rigorous textbook on Quantum Electrodynamics was on hand. ... In fact, "Finite Quantum Electrodynamics" does justice to this claim. And, in addition, in a pregnant, lifely form. On 220 pages G. Scharf (Zurich) succeeds in presenting a concise description of QED ... As promised, only finite quantities appear ... In Russia I often feel frustrated that I studied Latin in school and Russian was not offered. Now I have the same feeling after reading Scharf's book. I studied the wrong grammar up to now." #Translated from a review by Thomas Schücker in Physik in unserer Zeit#1

Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

This book develops quantum field theory starting from its foundation in quantum mechanics. Quantum field theory is the basic theory of elementary particle physics. In recent years, many techniques have been developed which extend and clarify this theory. This book incorporates these modern methods, giving a thoroughly modern pedagogic account which starts from first principles. The path integral formulation is introduced right at the beginning. The method of dimensional continuation is employed to regulate and renormalize the theory. This facilitates the introduction of the concepts of the renormalization group at an early stage. The notion of spontaneous symmetry breakdown is also introduced early on by the example of superfluid helium. Topics in quantum electrodynamics are described which have an analog in quantum chromodynamics. Some novel techniques are employed, such as the use of dimensional continuation to compute the Lamb shift. Many problems are included.

Low-Dimensional Applications of Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

The Cargese Summer School "Low Dimensional Applications of Quantum Field Theory" was held in July 1995. The School was dedicated to the memory of Claude Itzykson. This session focused on the recent progress in quantum field theory in two dimen sions with a particular emphasis on integrable models and applications of quantum field theory to condensed matter physics. A large fraction of the school was also devoted to a detailed review of the exciting developments in four dimensional super symmetric Yang-Mills theory. The diversity of the topics presented constitute, in our opinion, one of the most attractive features of these proceedings. Some contributions constitute a very thor ough introduction to their subject matter and should be helpful to advanced students in the field while others present entirely new research, not previously published, and should be of considerable interest to the specialist. There were in depth introductory lectures on the application of conformal field theory techniques to disordered systems, on the quantum Hall effect, on quantum in tegrable systems, on the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and on the new developments in supersymmetric gauges theories. The computation of the three point function of the Liouville model using conformal bootstrap methods was presented in detail.

Renormalized Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

'Et moi. ... - Ii j'avait su CClIIIIIIaIt CD 1'CVCDir, ODe scmcc matbcmatK:s bas I'CIIdcRd!be je D', semis paiDt ~. humaD mcc. It bas put common sease bact Jules Vcmc 'WIIcR it bdoDp, 011!be topmost sbdl JlCXt 10!be dully c:uista' t.bdlcd 'cIiIc:arded DOlI- The series is diverpt; therefore we may be sense'. Eric T. BcII able 10 do sometbiD & with it O. Heavilide Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly ncceuary tool in a world where both feedback and non- 1inearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statements as: 'One service topology has rendered mathematical physics .. .'; 'One service logic has rendered com puter science .. .'; 'One service category theory has rendered mathematics .. .'. All arguably true. And all statements obtainable this way form part of the l'Iison d'etre of this series.

An Iteration of the Scattering Matrix in Finite Terms

Book Description

Computation of collision cross section in quantum field theory are performed by evaluating the Tmatrix. The T-matrix is defined when the Hamiltonian can be separated into a free particle interaction. However the T-Matrix not being consistent with requirements for solution to free particle interaction is replaced by the R-Matrix. The R-Matrix was developed for the Hamiltonian on a free particle interaction. Results indicate that field theories can be classified into two varieties: one kind which gives rise to finite weak coupling iterative expansions and another kind which gives rise to infinities. Presumably these latter infinites are indicative of some more deep seated pathology in the field equations or in the approximation by which a nonrelativistic Hamiltonian is obtained from a relativistic one. The gradient coupling theory, for example, gives rise to infinite R-Matrix elements, though these don't diverge as badly as the corresponding unrenormalized T-matrix elements evaluated by cut-off methods.

The Theory of Photons and Electrons

Book Description

Since the discovery of the corpuscular nature of radiation by Planck more than fifty years ago the quantum theory of radiation has gone through many stages of development which seemed to alternate between spectacular success and hopeless frustration. The most recent phase started in 1947 with the discovery of the electromagnetic level shifts and the realization that the exist ing theory, when properly interpreted, was perfectly adequate to explain these effects to an apparently unlimited degree of accuracy. This phase has now reached a certain conclusion: for the first time in the checkered history of this field of research it has become possible to give a unified and consistent presen tation of radiation theory in full conformity with the principles of relativity and quantum mechanics. To this task the present book is devoted. The plan for a book of this type was conceived during the year 1951 while the first-named author (J. M. J. ) held a Fulbright research scholarship at Cambridge University. During this year of freedom from teaching and other duties he had the opportunity of conferring with physicists in many different countries on the recent developments in radiation theory. The comments seemed to be almost unanimous that a book on quantum electrodynamics at the present time would be of inestimable value to physicists in many parts of the world. However, it was not until the spring of 1952 that work on the book began in earnest.