Toxic Injustice

Book Description

The pesticide dibromochloropropane, known as DBCP, was developed by the chemical companies Dow and Shell in the 1950s to target wormlike, soil-dwelling creatures called nematodes. Despite signs that the chemical was dangerous, it was widely used in U.S. agriculture and on Chiquita and Dole banana plantations in Central America. In the late 1970s, DBCP was linked to male sterility, but an uneven regulatory process left many workers—especially on Dole’s banana farms—exposed for years after health risks were known. Susanna Rankin Bohme tells an intriguing, multilayered history that spans fifty years, highlighting the transnational reach of corporations and social justice movements. Toxic Injustice links health inequalities and worker struggles as it charts how people excluded from workplace and legal protections have found ways to challenge power structures and seek justice from states and transnational corporations alike.

Toxic Literacies

Book Description

"Official documentation" hides human rights violations in this country. In this book, Denny Taylor explains how we allow this to happen and makes a compelling case for it to stop.

Toxic Truths

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Post-truth politics have threatened science itself. Drawing on case studies from around the world, Toxic Truths examines enduring issues and new challenges for tackling environmental injustice in a post-truth age.

Toxic Debt

Book Description

From the mid-nineteenth until the mid-twentieth century, environmentally unregulated industrial capitalism produced outsized environmental risks for poor and working-class Detroiters, made all the worse for African Americans by housing and job discrimination. Then as the auto industry abandoned Detroit, the banking and real estate industries turned those risks into disasters with predatory loans to African American homebuyers, and to an increasingly indebted city government. Following years of cuts in welfare assistance to poor families and a devastating subprime mortgage meltdown, the state of Michigan used municipal debt to justify suspending democracy in majority-Black cities. In Detroit and Flint, austerity policies imposed under emergency financial management deprived hundreds of thousands of people of clean water, with lethal consequences that most recently exacerbated the spread of COVID-19. Toxic Debt is not only a book about racism, capitalism, and the making of these environmental disasters. It is also a history of Detroit's environmental justice movement, which emerged from over a century of battles over public health in the city and involved radical auto workers, ecofeminists, and working-class women fighting for clean water. Linking the histories of urban political economy, the environment, and social movements, Toxic Debt lucidly narrates the story of debt, environmental disaster, and resistance in Detroit.

Our American Injustice System

Book Description

The driving force behind this book is the need to convince the populace that the danger is real and paramount: the system has decayed to the point that it would no longer be recognizable to the Framers if they were alive. If you think you are immune from attack because you follow the law, think again. You must take an active role—even simply by spreading the word—to stem the tide. This publication is not intended to be a protective guide like Stack the Legal Odds in Your Favor. It is intended to be another reliable smaller news source. It is a recounting or an exposé of true events related to the author’s and others’ legal experiences—all supported by irrefutable facts and evidence. This work should be viewed as a lengthy news article or a reporter’s marathon dialogue at the scene of an unfolding catastrophic event. People who have committed wrongdoing and crimes will be named in this book. Unlike protection associated with any form of immunity—qualified, judicial, absolute, or otherwise—nobody will evade culpability. Government lawyers, such as Kristin Tavia Mihelic, will be named. Her misconduct will be revealed. Her crimes will be exposed. Judge Louise DeCarl Adler will similarly be thrust into the spotlight. Her misconduct and crimes will also not escape exposure. The list of miscreants is lengthy and is constantly growing, but everyone within my purview who is responsible for their iniquitous or criminal acts will be held accountable in this true report. Most people who have not (yet) experienced our illustrious injustice system may think the events described herein would be part of the script for a Hollywood fantasy movie—or more appropriately, a Hollywood horror flick. This is not so. Everything put forth will be supported by rock-solid evidence. The intent of this eye-opener is to prove to readers that any outrageous system-related stories they may have heard from friends, family members, or colleagues are likely true. It is also intended to be the proverbial whack on the side of the head that some individuals need to make them understand that being struck with the syndicate is not an “other person’s disease.” Ordinary people in Amerika must wake up to the fact that chances are high they will someday encounter the toxic waste dump also known as the world’s largest crime syndicate. The information in this book is a clarion call; however, time is running out. Read it, but fasten your seatbelts first. It’s going to be one heck of a bumpy ride.....

Reproductive Injustice

Book Description

A troubling study of the role that medical racism plays in the lives of black women who have given birth to premature and low birth weight infants Black women have higher rates of premature birth than other women in America. This cannot be simply explained by economic factors, with poorer women lacking resources or access to care. Even professional, middle-class black women are at a much higher risk of premature birth than low-income white women in the United States. Dána-Ain Davis looks into this phenomenon, placing racial differences in birth outcomes into a historical context, revealing that ideas about reproduction and race today have been influenced by the legacy of ideas which developed during the era of slavery. While poor and low-income black women are often the “mascots” of premature birth outcomes, this book focuses on professional black women, who are just as likely to give birth prematurely. Drawing on an impressive array of interviews with nearly fifty mothers, fathers, neonatologists, nurses, midwives, and reproductive justice advocates, Dána-Ain Davis argues that events leading up to an infant’s arrival in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and the parents’ experiences while they are in the NICU, reveal subtle but pernicious forms of racism that confound the perceived class dynamics that are frequently understood to be a central factor of premature birth. The book argues not only that medical racism persists and must be considered when examining adverse outcomes—as well as upsetting experiences for parents—but also that NICUs and life-saving technologies should not be the only strategies for improving the outcomes for black pregnant women and their babies. Davis makes the case for other avenues, such as community-based birthing projects, doulas, and midwives, that support women during pregnancy and labor are just as important and effective in avoiding premature births and mortality.

Toxic Inequality

Book Description

From a leading authority on race and public policy, a deeply researched account of how families rise and fall today Since the Great Recession, most Americans' standard of living has stagnated or declined. Economic inequality is at historic highs. But inequality's impact differs by race; African Americans' net wealth is just a tenth that of white Americans, and over recent decades, white families have accumulated wealth at three times the rate of black families. In our increasingly diverse nation, sociologist Thomas M. Shapiro argues, wealth disparities must be understood in tandem with racial inequities -- a dangerous combination he terms "toxic inequality." In Toxic Inequality, Shapiro reveals how these forces combine to trap families in place. Following nearly two hundred families of different races and income levels over a period of twelve years, Shapiro's research vividly documents the recession's toll on parents and children, the ways families use assets to manage crises and create opportunities, and the real reasons some families build wealth while others struggle in poverty. The structure of our neighborhoods, workplaces, and tax code-much more than individual choices-push some forward and hold others back. A lack of assets, far more common in families of color, can often ruin parents' careful plans for themselves and their children. Toxic inequality may seem inexorable, but it is not inevitable. America's growing wealth gap and its yawning racial divide have been forged by history and preserved by policy, and only bold, race-conscious reforms can move us toward a more just society. "Everyone concerned about the toxic effects of inequality must read this book." -- Robert B. Reich "This is one of the most thought-provoking books I have read on economic inequality in the US." -- William Julius Wilson

Environmental Injustice In The U.S.

Book Description

Provides systematic insight into the political, social, and economic dynamics of environmental decision making and how they effect minority communities. Includes a quantitative analysis of the relationship between race, class, and political mobilization and environmental harm at the city, state and county levels.

Toxic Communities

Book Description

From St. Louis to New Orleans, from Baltimore to Oklahoma City, there are poor and minority neighborhoods so beset by pollution that just living in them can be hazardous to your health. Due to entrenched segregation, zoning ordinances that privilege wealthier communities, or because businesses have found the OCypaths of least resistance, OCO there are many hazardous waste and toxic facilities in these communities, leading residents to experience health and wellness problems on top of the race and class discrimination most already experience. Taking stock of the recent environmental justice scholarship, a Toxic Communities aexamines the connections among residential segregation, zoning, and exposure to environmental hazards. Renowned environmental sociologist Dorceta Taylor focuses on the locations of hazardous facilities in low-income and minority communities and shows how they have been dumped on, contaminated and exposed. Drawing on an array of historical and contemporary case studies from across the country, Taylor explores controversies over racially-motivated decisions in zoning laws, eminent domain, government regulation (or lack thereof), and urban renewal. She provides a comprehensive overview of the debate over whether or not there is a link between environmental transgressions and discrimination, drawing a clear picture of the state of the environmental justice field today and where it is going. In doing so, she introduces new concepts and theories for understanding environmental racism that will be essential for environmental justice scholars. A fascinating landmark study, a Toxic Communities agreatly contributes to the study of race, the environment, and space in the contemporary United States."

The American Injustice System

Book Description

How many legal cases in America have we seen the victim continually become the victim in our "so called judicial system"? How many times have we in America seen the obvious criminal or guilty party walk free in our "so called judicial system"? Two questions that bewilder millions in our country especially with what seem like countless high profile and televised cases in the last couple decades where justice was obviously not served.This passion filled novel is based upon a true life story of a family of six stricken with countless illnesses; including an incurable disease for its husband and father who fought a legal battle over the loss of their estate home during the housing boom due to shoddy craftsmanship, numerous building code violations and finally losing it ALL due to unqualified mold testing and remediation services. WATCH the family's leader, David Deptula, use the legal system AGAINST itself knowing the "little guy", David, had to hit the powerful Goliath's of the insurance companies with tactics NEVER seen before in a legal battle stretching over five years.Scores of healthcare visits for his family and fighting an incurable disease himself due to the toxic exposure, the tactics the reader see David used brought him in front of some of the most powerful National, State and Local government leaders in this country including then Governor Jeb Bush of Florida and brother of the President of the United States using unconventional and often highly criticized methods making sure to not rely on what I frequently called for decades "The American Injustice System". The legislation was vetoed by Governor Bush. Florida's next Governor Charlie Crist, putting every special interest group aside, signed this life saving legislation into law putting his constituents in front of politics.Americans MUST read and absorb just how "convoluded and intertwined" our Country has allowed wrongdoings to dominate politics, banking and insurance, business conscious and our lack of a just judicial system. The time for changing of tactics is "now" for all of Americans and this novel will show all what it takes.