Toxicological Profile for DDT/DDD/DDE (Update)

Book Description

DDT is a pesticide that was once widely used to control insects. Both DDD and DDE are breakdown products of DDT. This profile includes: (1) The examination, summary, and interpretation of available toxicologic info. and epidemiologic evaluations on DDT/DDD/DDE to ascertain the levels of significant human exposure for the substance and the associated chronic health effects; (2) A determination of whether adequate info. on the health effects of DDT/DDD/DDE is available to determine levels of exposure that present a significant risk to human health of chronic health effects; and (3) Identification of toxicologic testing needed to identify the types or levels of exposure that may present significant risk of adverse health effects in humans. Illus.

Toxicological Profle for 4, 4'-DDT, 4, 4'-DDE, 4,4'-DDD (Update)

Book Description

Provides information about 4, 4'-DDT, 4, 4'-DDE, & 4, 4'-DDD & the human health effects of exposure. These chemicals have been found in many sites identified by the EPA for long-term Federal cleanup activities. The report includes a Public Health Statement which explains the toxicologic properties of 4, 4'-DDT, 4, 4'-DDE, & 4, 4'-DDD in a nontechnical, Q&A format, & a review of the general health effects observed following exposure; a description of health effects; how the chemical can affect children; & info. on its chemical & physical properties, production, use & disposal, potential for human exposure, analytical methods, & regulations & advisories.