Book Description

Si bien es cierto que el término consejería es utilizado en su mayor amplitud en el ámbito Comunitario, como un reconocimiento de las preocupaciones personales y sociales de los públicos externos; además de intentar buenas relaciones interpersonales docente de asesoría académica, capacitación en habilidades de estudio y lectura, exámenes y consulta con los administradores, investigación en consejería, consejería de grupo y el entrenamiento de estudiantes graduados en consejería. Son las funciones del servicio de tutorías las que se evidencian como claro ausentismo en el servicio que los docentes y consejeros de las Facultades de Humanidades, y/o los departamentos de orientación , psicología, y en algunos países de trabajo social, ofrecen a los estudiantes, ya que de acuerdo a los resultados los servicios de consejería se centran en el plano académico, como mera coincidencia sólo en el momento de la matriculación y no siempre, en el seguimiento que debemos desarrollar en el servicio educativo, comunitario y Psico- sociológico , permitiendo el seguimiento tanto individual como grupal del proceso de formación de los estudiantes. Así como el planteamiento y desarrollo de estrategias dirigidas a estimular habilidades y destrezas en todos los niveles, a orientar el desarrollo metodológico de las asignaturas e involucrar al estudiante universitario como parte fundamental y activo del proceso, con el fi n de garantizar una formación de la más alta calidad y por lo tanto el logro de un mayor nivel de conciencia, también hay una singular mezcla de términos y funciones entre lo que signifi ca consejería y tutoría, ya que algunos autores indican servicio de tutoría a una clara utilización de las funciones del servicio de consejería y viceversa.

Handbook of International Social Work

Book Description

Global knowledge is increasingly essential for all aspects of social work. Today's professionals respond to concerns including permeable borders, the upheavals of war, displaced workers, natural disasters, international adoption, and human trafficking. Everywhere, social workers work with service users and colleagues from diverse cultures and countries. Globally relevant concepts such as human rights, development, and inclusion offer new perspectives to enhance policy and practice and facilitate the international exchange of ideas. This handbook is the first major reference text to provide a solid foundation of knowledge for students and researchers alike. The extensive collection of 73 chapters confirms the integral and necessary nature of international social work knowledge to all areas of practice, policy, and research. Chapters systematically map the key issues, organizations, competencies, training and research needs, and ethical guidelines central to international social work practice today, emphasizing the linkages among social work, development, and human rights practice. In-depth country case studies and policy examples encourage readers to understand how their practice in social work touches on international issues, regardless of whether the work is done at home or abroad. Representing all regions of the world, a wide range of contributors that are leaders in their fields have put together an exhaustive collection that represents the state-of-play of international social work today.

Raising the Living Dead

Book Description

An eye-opening look at how incarcerated people, health professionals, and others behind and beyond bars came together to problem-solve incarceration. Raising the Living Dead is a history of Puerto Rico’s carceral rehabilitation system that brings to life the interactions of incarcerated people, their wider social networks, and health care professionals. Alberto Ortiz Díaz describes the ways that multiple communities of care came together both inside and outside of prisons to imagine and enact solution-oriented cultures of rehabilitation from the 1930s to the 1960s. Scientific and humanistic approaches to well-being were deliberately fused to raise the “living dead,” an expression that reemerged in the modern Caribbean to refer to prisoners. These reform groups sought to raise incarcerated people physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, and civically. The book is based on deep, original archival research into the Oso Blanco (White Bear) penitentiary in Puerto Rico, yet it situates its study within Puerto Rico’s broader carceral archipelago and other Caribbean prisons. The agents of this history include not only physical health professionals, but also psychologists and psychiatrists, social workers, spiritual and religious practitioners, and, of course, the prisoners and their families. By following all these groups and emphasizing the interpersonal exercise of power, Ortiz Díaz tells a story that goes beyond debates about structural and social control. The book addresses key issues in the history of prisons and the histories of medicine and belief, including how prisoners’ different racial, class, and cultural identities shaped their incarceration and how professionals living in a colonial society dealt with the challenge of rehabilitating prisoners for citizenship. Raising the Living Dead is not just about convicts, their immediate interlocutors, and their contexts, however, but about how together these open a window into the history of social uplift projects within the (neo)colonial societies of the Caribbean. There is no book like this in Caribbean historiography; few examine these themes in the larger literature on the history of prisons.

Social Workers Affecting Social Policy

Book Description

Furthering social justice and human rights is a fundamental principle underlying the social work profession. Engaging in social policy formulation processes is a major route through which social workers can realise this goal. This type of social work activity has been termed ‘policy practice’. The aim of this book is to shed light on policy practice in social work discourse, education and practice in eight liberal democracies. This is the first effort to undertake a cross-national study of social worker engagement in social policy formulation processes. The book offers insights into questions such as ‘what is the importance attributed to social worker involvement in policy change in the social work discourse and education in different countries?’ and ‘how do social workers influence social policy in various national settings?’ These issues are relevant to social worker practitioners, students, educators and researchers, as well as to social policy scholars, who are interested in the role of professionals in social policy formulation.

The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching

Book Description

This handbook is a comprehensive text on social work education based on the narratives of social work educators, practitioners, and researchers from Asia and the Pacific, North and South America, Australia and Oceania, and Europe. It discusses innovations, challenges, pedagogy, and tested methods of social work teaching at various levels of educational programmes. The volume: Examines key concepts that underpin debates concerning social work teaching, research, and practice Brings out key concerns, debates, and narratives concerning various teaching, learning, and pedagogical methods from different countries Documents principal perspectives of different stakeholders involved in social work education – from educators and practitioners to novice social workers The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching will be an effective instrument in informing policy decisions related to social work teaching and pedagogy at the global and local levels. It will be essential for educators, researchers, and practitioners within social work institutions and for professional associations around the world.

Models of Social Intervention and Constructionism

Book Description

This book takes a new, critical, and multidisciplinary look at experiences and meanings of social intervention in different social contexts, taking the approaches of social constructionism as a theoretical approach. The volume collects the results of theoretical-practical experiences that social science professionals with critical and constructionist visions linked to social work intervention have carried out in different spaces. It considers the way social work intervention models are built, their foundation, and their application. It provides the findings on tested intervention models built according to the basis of social constructionism in specific social scenarios, providing interesting findings that show intervention alternatives beyond traditional approaches. The social intervention strategies discussed take place in diverse situations, including health recovery and reconstruction in breast cancer, family abandonment issues of institutionalized adolescents, institutional care of refugee families, women caregivers of children with disabilities, men who exercise violence, and more.

Social work in XXI Century St. Challenges for academic and professional training.

Book Description

The book that you hold in your hands or on the screen of any technological device is the result of the effort made by a group of professors with the collaboration of professionals in different universities and study centres in twenty-five countries. It is title is already revealing: Social Work in the 21st Century. It is remarkable the coordination of professors Concepción Nieto-Morales and Monica Solange De Martino Bermúdez for readers to know not only the curriculum of Social Work in each of the countries that appear, but also the profile of the student body and the identification and reflection on the challenges that the 21st century poses to the teaching of the profession, among other elements.Being a social worker in these times requires a previous awareness before starting the long road that begins with academic training and ends with the daily work linked to people who need help; they need us to help them to conquer their rights. There is something else. Social problems over the years seem not to change their name: homeless; drug addicts, minors... but we must know that the internal dynamics of these marginalized groups evolve over time. We must act according to today’s situation, with today’s schemes, otherwise the essence of social work will disappear.

Ambivalences of Inclusion in Society and Social Work

Book Description

This book represents the work of the European Research Network: Inclusive Society and the Role of Social Work, which comprises researchers from Barcelona, Spain; Koblenz, Germany; Maastricht, The Netherlands; and Zagreb, Croatia. The authors present research results and reflections from these four different European countries to provide a comprehensive introduction and discussion of the ambivalences of inclusive processes in society and social work. The development towards an inclusive society is a subject of ongoing discussion in Europe. How the subject is addressed, through an examination of political and social characteristics, differs significantly by country. Each country-specific chapter includes evidence-based reflections on inclusive society and the role of social work: In The Netherlands, there is evidence of a top-down process implementing inclusive social policy and social work principles through the self-proclaimed ‘participation society’. In Spain, the process to inclusion is accompanied by the third sector often replacing governmental responsibilities, namely through the bottom-up activities of non-governmental organizations in social work. In Croatia, inclusion is a state initiative in transitioning society and an academic approach to deinstitutionalising social work. In Germany, inclusion is discussed in social systems theory and the reform of school systems. In the migration discourse it was introduced as a less-loaded alternative to integration. Ambivalences of Inclusion in Society and Social Work: Research-Based Reflections in Four European Countries is a useful resource for learners, teachers, practitioners, and researchers in social work, as well as those who have an interest in social policy, social welfare, and sociology.

Made-to-Measure Future(s) for Democracy?

Book Description

This open access volume analyses the development of democracy at different levels of governance (from local to global). The Basque search for an institutional and democratic model that adapts to its social needs and solves its problems offers an interesting perspective for analyzing the way in which democracy is seeking new forms of materialization from the local to the global. The volume is divided into four parts. The chapters in Part I analyze the tensions between the neoliberal vision of democracy and the voices contesting it, with projections at different levels of government. The chapters in Part II focus on the emerging framework and scales of Western democracy. The chapters in Part III present new forms of citizen participation, paying special - though not exclusive - attention to new practical strategies for Basque society. The volume concludes with a block of chapters on the relevance of reviewing the methodological and epistemological frameworks from which knowledge about democracy and mechanisms of citizen participation is generated (Part IV). By delving deeper into the idea and practice of democratic governance, this volume will be of interest to researchers and students from all disciplines of politics, international relations, sociology and law.

Fundamentos de los sistemas de implementación de protección social

Book Description

Fundamentos de los sistemas de implementación de protección social: Libro de referencia sintetiza las experiencias reales y las lecciones aprendidas de la aplicación de estos sistemas en todo el mundo mostrando una perspectiva amplia de la protección social sobre diversas poblaciones objetivo, como familias pobres o de bajos ingresos, trabajadores en situación de desempleo, personas en condición de discapacidad y personas en situación de riesgo social. El libro analiza diferentes tipos de intervenciones de los gobiernos para ayudar a las personas, familias u hogares mediante programas categóricos, programas contra la pobreza, programas y servicios laborales, prestaciones y servicios por discapacidad, y servicios sociales. El libro de referencia aborda preguntas concretas sobre procedimientos, el «cómo», entre las que se encuentran: ¿Cómo distribuyen los países los beneficios y servicios sociales? ¿Cómo logran hacerlo de forma eficaz y eficiente? ¿Cómo garantizan la inclusión dinámica, sobre todo para las personas más vulnerables y necesitadas? ¿Cómo promueven una mejor coordinación e integración, no sólo entre los programas de protección social, sino también entre programas de otros sectores del gobierno? ¿Cómo pueden responder a las necesidades de sus poblaciones objetivo y proporcionar una mejor experiencia al cliente? El marco de sistemas de implementación profundiza en los elementos clave de ese entorno operativo. Dicho marco se basa en fases esenciales a lo largo de la cadena de implementación. Los actores principales, como las personas y las instituciones, interactúan a lo largo de esta cadena a través de las comunicaciones, los sistemas de información y la tecnología. Este marco se puede aplicar a la implementación de uno o varios programas y a la implementación de la protección social adaptativa. El libro de referencia se estructura en torno a ocho principios que encuadran el concepto de los sistemas de implementación: 1. No hay un modelo único para los sistemas de implementación, pero existen puntos en común que constituyen el núcleo del marco de los sistemas de implementación. 2. La calidad de la implementación es importante: Las debilidades en alguno de los elementos principales afectarán negativamente a todo el sistema, lo que, a su vez, reducirá el impacto de los programas a los que dan apoyo. 3. Los sistemas de implementación evolucionan a lo largo del tiempo de forma no lineal, y los puntos de partida son fundamentales. 4. Es necesario buscar «la sencillez» y «hacer bien lo sencillo» desde el inicio. 5. La «primera milla» (la interfaz mediante la cual las personas interaccionan directamente con las funciones administrativas) suele ser el eslabón más débil en la cadena de implementación. Reformarlo puede requerir un cambio sistémico, pero mejorará considerablemente la eficacia general y mitigará el riesgo de fallos en la primera instancia. 6. Los programas de protección social no operan en un vacío, por lo que sus sistemas de implementación no deberían desarrollarse de forma aislada. Las sinergias entre distintas instituciones y sistemas de información son posibles y pueden mejorar los resultados de los programas. 7. Los sistemas de implementación de protección social contribuyen a la capacidad del gobierno de ayudar a otros sectores, por ejemplo, las subvenciones para seguros de salud, las becas, las tarifas energéticas sociales, las ayudas para la vivienda y los servicios legales. 8. Los desafíos asociados a la inclusión y a la coordinación son amplios y perennes, y motivan la mejora continua de los sistemas de implementación a través de un planteamiento dinámico, integrado y centrado en las personas.