Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments

Book Description

Integration of ichnological information into sedimentological models, and vice versa, is one of the main means by which we can improve our understanding of ancient depositional environments. Mainly intended for sedimentologists, this book aims to make ichnological methods as part of facies interpretation more popular, providing an analytical review of the ichnology of all major depositional environments and the use of ichnology in biostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic analysis. It starts with an introduction to the historical aspect of ichnology, introducing common concepts and methods, and then continues with parts treating the main depositional systems from continental, shallow-marine and deep-marine siliciclastics, and marine carbonates. The last part is dedicated to the ichnology in hydrocarbon reservoir and aquifer characterization. First overview in 25 years of the status of ichnological studies in facies reconstructions of all major depositional environments Written by a selected, well-experienced and specialized international authorship Provides easy access to the comprehensive and widespread literature

The Study of Trace Fossils

Book Description

In 1971 I published a review of ichnology other concentrating only on traces made (Houston AAPG: SEPM Trace Fossil Field by a certain group of organisms, regardless Trip Guidebook) that I thought could be of their setting. Nevertheless, needless re dundancy has hopefully been eliminated. expanded rather easily into a worthwhile Some of the chapters are more special book on the subject. I probed that possi ized than others (because of the nature of bility for a while, thinking that I would particular topics); hence, these may be write the book myself. As I began to out somewhat less familiar or "comprehensible" line the chapters in more detail, however, than others-depending upon the reader's it soon became apparent that my personal own interests and background. Other dif knowledge of too many facets of ichnology ferences in the scope and content of vari scraped bottom all too soon. I quickly de ous chapters stem from the simple fact cided that a better book could be produced that a considerably greater backlog of pre by soliciting specific contributions from vious work is available in certain facets of other workers who, collectively, had first ichnology than in others. But we hope hand experience with virtually every aspect that all of the chapters will prove to be use of the field. That became the actual plan, ful to anyone wishing to delve 'into them. the result of which is this book.

Atlas of Trace Fossils in Well Core

Book Description

This book provides readers with a well-balanced blend of high-quality photographs, figures and accompanying texts on the identification of trace fossils, both in core and in outcrop. Ichnological data has become increasingly important in sedimentological and paleoenvironmental interpretations, not only in the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons but also in the characterization of aquifers and in scientific drilling. Following an introduction to the study of trace fossils in core and an outline of ichnological basics, principles and concepts, the book provides detailed descriptions and interpretations of 39 trace fossils (ichnogenera) and associated features (such as bioturbate texture, plant roots and their traces, borings and pseudo-trace fossils) commonly encountered in well cores and in outcrop. The trace fossils are highlighted by their expression in well cores and illustrated with carefully prepared, eye-catching core photographs. This unique information is complemented by examples of trace fossils in outcrop, as well as relevant key figures from the literature. Each description is presented in a consistent manner, stating the ichnogenus name and author in the title, followed by sections on the morphology and size, ichnotaxonomy, substrate, appearance in core, similar trace fossils, producers, ethology, depositional environment, ichnofacies, age, and reservoir quality. An extensive list of references per chapter for further reading rounds out the book, which is based on the author’s continuous work with trace fossils in core over the past two decades.

Biogenic Structures

Book Description


Book Description

Trace Fossils

Book Description

This book serves as an up-to-date introduction, as well as overview to modern trace fossil research and covers nearly all of the essential aspects of modern ichnology. Divided into three section, Trace Fossils covers the historical background and concepts of ichnology, on-going research problems, and indications about the possible future growth of the discipline and potential connections to other fields. This work is intended for a broad audience of geological and biological scientists. Workers new to the field could get a sense of the main concepts of ichnology and a clear idea of how trace fossil research is conducted. Scientists in related disciplines could find potential uses for trace fossils in their fields. And, established workers could use the book to check on the progress of their particular brand of ichnology. By design, there is something here for novice and veteran, insider and outsider, and for the biologically-oriented workers and for the sedimentary geologists. * Presents a review of the state of ichnology at the beginning of the 21st Century* Summarizes the basic concepts and methods of modern trace fossil research* Discusses crucial background information about the history of trace fossil research, the main concepts of ichnology, examples of current problems and future directions, and the potential connections to other disciplines within both biology and geology

Methods in Paleoecology

Book Description

This volume focuses on the reconstruction of past ecosystems and provides a comprehensive review of current techniques and their application in exemplar studies. The 18 chapters address a wide variety of topics that span vertebrate paleobiology and paleoecology (body mass, postcranial functional morphology, evolutionary dental morphology, microwear and mesowear, ecomorphology, mammal community structure analysis), contextual paleoenvironmental studies (paleosols and sedimentology, ichnofossils, pollen, phytoliths, plant macrofossils), and special techniques (bone microstructure, biomineral isotopes, inorganic isotopes, 3-D morphometrics, and ecometric modeling). A final chapter discusses how to integrate results of these studies with taphonomic data in order to more accurately characterize an ancient ecosystem. Current investigators, advanced undergraduates, and graduate students interested in the field of paleoecology will find this book immensely useful. The length and structure of the volume also makes it suitable for teaching a college-level course on reconstructing Cenozoic ecosystems.

Trace Fossil Analysis

Book Description

This definitive textbook by a renowned field observer and analyst of trace fossils concentrates on the most distinctive examples, mostly made by infaunal invertebrates in originally soft sediments. It covers the whole geologic column and ranges from deep-sea to shallow-marine and continental environments. The book is designed to foster interpretative skills using the author's own drawings. They are thematically grouped in 75 plates that form the core for the descriptive text and annotated references. A glossary of ichnological terms is also provided. This book’s author is perhaps the world’s most acknowledged expert in the field of trace fossils.

The Application of Ichnology to Palaeoenvironmental and Stratigraphic Analysis

Book Description

It has been increasingly realized by sedimentologist in the petroleum industry and academia that integration of ichonological information into sedimentological models, and vice versa, is one of the main means by which we can improve our understanding of ancient depositional environments. This volume aims to provide an analytical review of yhe ichnology of all major depositional environments and the use ichnology in biostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic analysis, as well as highly refined palaeeoenvironmental studies. The remit of the book is achieved through a combination of review articles and novel research papers that outline methodologies and protocols for improving our understanding of ancient palaeoenvironments. Trace fossils from microscopic borings to dinosaur footprints are considered.