How Nations Succeed: Manufacturing, Trade, Industrial Policy, and Economic Development

Book Description

This book assesses developmental experience in different countries as well as British expansion following the industrial revolution from a developmental perspective. It explains why some nations are rich and others are poor, and discusses how manufacturing made economies flourish and spur economic development. It explains how today’s governments can design and implement industrial policy, and how they can determine economically strategic sectors to break out of Low and Middle Income Traps. Closely linked to global trade and (im)balances, industrialization was never an accident. Industrialization explains how some countries experience export-led growth and others import-led slowdowns. Many confuse industrialization with the construction of factory buildings rather than a capacity and skill building process through certain stages. Industrial policy helps countries advance through those stages. Explaining technical concepts in understandable terms, the book discusses the capacity and limits of the developmental state in industrialization and in general in economic development, demonstrating how picking-the-winner type focused industrial policy has worked in different countries. It also discusses how industrial policy and science, technology and innovation policies should be sequenced for best results.

Development and Modern Industrial Policy in Practice

Book Description

Analysis of industrial policy in Australia, the EU, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and the US.

Trade and Industrial Policy in Developing Countries

Book Description

Comprehensive coverage of trade policy theory for the developing world

Industrial Policy in Developing Countries

Book Description

Against the backdrop of persistently high levels of poverty and inequality, critical environmental boundaries and increasing global economic interdependence, this book addresses the role and impact of industrial policies in developing countries. Accepting the reality of both market failure and policy failure, it identifies the conditions under which industrial policy can deliver socially desirable results. General conclusions on the political economy of development are complemented by country case studies covering Ethiopia, Mozambique, Namibia, Tunisia and Vietnam.

Industrial Policy

Book Description

What is Industrial Policy A country's industrial policy (IP) or industrial strategy is its official strategic effort to encourage the development and growth of all or part of the economy, often focused on all or part of the manufacturing sector. The government takes measures "aimed at improving the competitiveness and capabilities of domestic firms and promoting structural transformation". A country's infrastructure is a major enabler of the wider economy and so often has a key role in IP. How you will benefit (I) Insights, and validations about the following topics: Chapter 1: Industrial policy Chapter 2: Economy of South Korea Chapter 3: Free trade Chapter 4: Import substitution industrialization Chapter 5: Protectionism Chapter 6: Four Asian Tigers Chapter 7: Development economics Chapter 8: Knowledge economy Chapter 9: Washington Consensus Chapter 10: Dani Rodrik Chapter 11: Jomo Kwame Sundaram Chapter 12: International economics Chapter 13: Export-oriented industrialization Chapter 14: Developmental state Chapter 15: Taiwan Miracle Chapter 16: Competition (economics) Chapter 17: Ha-Joon Chang Chapter 18: Gerschenkron effect Chapter 19: Structuralist economics Chapter 20: Sanjaya Lall Chapter 21: Green industrial policy (II) Answering the public top questions about industrial policy. (III) Real world examples for the usage of industrial policy in many fields. Who this book is for Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of Industrial Policy.

Industrial Policy and the World Trade Organization

Book Description

Highlights what national governments should know to properly conduct their industrial policies under the multilateral trading system.

Industrialization and Development in the Third World

Book Description

Developing countries have undergone significant industrialization in the last three decades. Yet industrial growth reveals marked spatial inequalities in terms of both country and location. The Newly Industrialised Countries have achieved spectacular growth in sharp contrast to many other countries of the South. Industrial structure has changed, moving away from labour intensive industries to more technologically advanced manufacturing. Developing countries have had considerable success in penetrating developed country markets but they are now encountering more market restrictions. The role of the government in the development of the economy is also changing. Increasingly, countries are turning towards export-orientated industrialization strategies and privatization whilst their governments are emphasising their facilitative role.

Trade, Industrial Policy, and International Competition, Second Edition

Book Description

Richard Harris’s now classic study on trade and industrial policy was written for the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada (also known as the Macdonald Commission). First published in 1985 when the Canadian economy faced dramatic changes arising from the emergence of manufacturing competitors among newly industrialized nations and increased protectionism in the US, its recommendations were instrumental in the negotiation of the North America Free Trade Agreement. Addressing the key issues surrounding the design and choice of policies for the Canadian economy, Trade, Industrial Policy, and International Competition reviews the theory and evidence concerning trade liberalization as a mechanism to enhance economic growth, disinvestment in sections that are disadvantageous in the international marketplace, and future problems for the marketing sector caused by increasing competition from developing countries. Drawing from many streams of conventional economic thinking, Harris develops an original and sophisticated model for assessing the broader economic impacts of trade liberalization on the Canadian economy. He concludes that free trade and industrial policy should be regarded as complementary, not substitutes for one another, and recommends a free trade agreement with the United States as a top priority. A new introduction by David Wolfe situates this work within its time and shows how Harris’s analytical insights and policy prescriptions are as relevant today as they when they were originally crafted three decades ago.

The Politics of Trade and Industrial Policy in Africa

Book Description

This book maps the process and political economy of policy making in Africa. It's focus on trade and industrial policy makes it unique and it will appeal to students and academics in economics, political economy, political science and African studies. Detailed case studies help the reader to understand how the process and motivation behind policy decisions can vary from country to country depending on the form of government, ethnicity and nationality and other social factors.