Trade in Counterfeit Goods and Free Trade Zones

Book Description

This study examines the potential for the misuse of Free Trade Zones for trade in counterfeit and pirated goods.

Illicit Trade Trends in Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods

Book Description

This study examines the value, scope and trends of trade in counterfeit and pirated goods. First, it presents the overall scale of this trade and discusses which parts of the economy are particularly at risk. Next, it looks at the main economies of origin of fakes in global trade. Finally, it ...

Illicit Trade Governance Frameworks to Counter Illicit Trade

Book Description

This report examines governance frameworks to counter illicit trade. It looks at the adequacy and effectiveness of sanctions and penalties applicable, the steps parties engaged in illicit trade take to lower the risk of detection - for example through small shipments - and the use of free trade ...

Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods

Book Description

This study offers unique up-to-date analysis of the impact on global trade of counterfeit and pirated products, known as "fakes" by the general public. Using statistical analysis and drawing on a global dataset covering almost half million customs data on seizures, the study estimates the huge share of international trade commandeered by counterfeit and pirated goods. In 2013, international trade in such products represented up to 2.5% of world trade, or as much as USD 461 billion. This is the equivalent of the GDP of Austria, or the combined GDP of Ireland and the Czech Republic. Above all, it highlights that right holders, governments and the formal economy as a whole suffer from significant economic and social losses. It also gives an idea about the potential financial revenues collected by criminal networks that are behind such trade.^More specifically, counterfeit and pirated products amounted to up to 5 % of imports in 2013 in the European Union, or as much as EUR 85 billion (USD 116 billion). This suggests that the relative impact of counterfeiting is twice as high for a group of developed countries, such as the EU, than it is for the world as a whole. The scope of the phenomenon appears to be greater than a decade ago. Back in 2008, a previous OECD study estimated that counterfeit and pirated goods accounted for up to 1.9 % of world imports, or up to USD 200 billion, relying on the best data and more limited methods available at that time. In the context of today's revival of international trade in the global economy, there is no shortage of opportunities for counterfeiters and criminals. Counterfeit and pirated trade is a major threat to any modern, knowledge-based economy. Counterfeiting and piracy matter in an innovation driven global economy.^Intellectual property (IP) is a key value generator for firms, helping them succeed in competitive markets. At the macroeconomic level, IP protection and enforcement is one of the main drivers of innovation, which contributes to long term economic growth. Given the fundamental economic importance of IP, counterfeiting and piracy must be directly targeted as a threat to sustainable IP-based business models.

Tax Free Trade Zones of the World and in the United States

Book Description

This definitive and comprehensive book, with contributions from world-renowned foreign trade zone expert, the late Walter Diamond, provides an up-to-date guide to the free trade zones and subzones in the United States and around the world. Economic reasons for using free trade zones are explored, encompassing the benefits gained and profits earned, such as exemptions, reductions from customs duties, proximity to foreign export markets, and low-cost processing and packaging of goods designed to lower duties or freight charges. Practical, hard-to-locate data and contact details are provided on every free trade zone in the US, as well as information on the history, growth and types of users in each zone, storage space, transportation access, the cost of user facilities, utilities, communications, labor availability, warehousing features, and enterprise zones within the free trade zone. Tax Free Trade Zones of the World and in the United States will be an invaluable reference tool for a wide-ranging professional audience including: international, multinational and business law firms, tax advisory and finance firms, international sales and marketing executives, import, export and shipping companies, customs brokers and insurance agencies. In addition, it will prove a useful, practical resource for law students focusing on international business and international trade.

The Economics of Counterfeit Trade

Book Description

The expansion of world trade has brought with it an explosive growth in counterfeit merchandise. Estimates put the world total for counterfeit products at about one half trillion dollars annually, although it is impossible to accurately determine the true size of the counterfeit market. What is known is that this illicit trade has infected nearly every industry from pharmaceuticals to aircraft parts. Software and music piracy are easy targets widely reported in the media. In 2007, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) estimated that 38% of personal computer software installed worldwide was illegal and the losses to the software industry were $48 billion worldwide. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) reported a 58% increase in the seizures of counterfeit CDs. Overall, a wide range of industries agree that there is a severe problem with the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) throughout the world, yet there have been virtually no attempts to describe all aspects of the problem. This work aims to give the most complete description of various characteristics of the IPR environment in a global context. We believe a holistic understanding of the problem must include consumer complicity to purchase counterfeit products, tactics of the counterfeiters (pirates) as well as actions (or inaction) by home and host governments, and the role of international organizations and industry alliances. This book establishes the full environmental aspects of piracy, describes successful anti-counterfeiting actions and then prescribes measures IPR owners should take to protect their intellectual property.

Countering Counterfeit Trade

Book Description

The book constitutes a unique combination of in-depth insights into the counterfeit market, best-practice strategies, novel management tools, and product protection technologies. It provides both the insights required to develop effective brand and product protection strategies, and the insights that are required to effectively respond to counterfeit trade. Key benefits are the unbiased analysis of the counterfeit market, the strong focus on assisting practitioners to deal with the challenge, and the high standard of research that supports the presented findings.

Illicit Trade Trade in Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products

Book Description

This report, one in a series of studies by the OECD and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), enhances understanding of the issues and challenges facing governments, businesses and society posed by the trade in fake pharmaceutical products.