Trade Union Revitalisation

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A comprehensive introduction to the state of trade unionism in the world today. Leading labour scholars discuss the health of the trade union movement, the present political and economic climate for trade union advancement, the dominant revitalisation strategies, and future prospects for each nation.

Trade Unionism Since 1945

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Overview This book offers the detailed historical background required for a holistic appreciation of current problems faced and the possibilities for revitalisation. In two volumes it provides introductory overviews of trade union development since the end of World War II in 26 countries from every corner of the globe. Each chapter explains the main contours of trade union growth and development in one country from the pivotal year 1945 to the present. Each chapter assesses the often dynamic expansion of trade unionism in the 1950s and 1960s; the role of trade unionism in the movements for national liberation in the Global South and the erection of social welfare systems in the developed North; the economic shocks that resulted in membership decline and loss of political influence from the late 1970s onward; the economic restructuring and growing labour market diversity of the 1980s and 1990s that undercut the traditional bases of trade union membership; and the historical roots of the contemporary political and economic context in which revitalisation efforts are taking place.

Union Revitalisation in Advanced Economies

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After a decade of 'union organizing' in Britain, the time has come to make a thoroughgoing assessment of it. This book evaluates the efficacy of the union organising in terms of union strategies, tactics, styles and resources, and assesses the impact of differing regulatory regimes on union organizing.

Varieties of Unionism

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As unions face an ongoing crisis all over the industrialized world, they have often been portrayed as outmoded remnants of an old economic structure. This book argues that despite structural shifts in the economy and in politics, unions retain important functions for capitalist economies as well as for political democracy. Union revitalization in the face of their current difficulties is therefore of fundamental importance. The book charts the strategies unions are using to respond to global union decline and to revive their fortunes in five countries - US, UK, Germany, Italy and Spain - providing a wide range of institutional settings, union structures, identities and union responses. It provides a rich source of documentation about union activity, but more importantly it goes beyond description to address two of the big questions in comparative research: How can we explain cross-country differences of union responses to global decline? And how effective are these actions in helping to revitalize the labour movements? Union strategies and union revitalization outcomes varied strongly across countries and were shaped by national industrial relations institutions, as well as by the interactions between union, employer and state strategies. These findings support the argument for national divergence of the varieties of capitalism literature and challenge the globalization thesis which predicts a degree of convergence in the fate of union movements across the advanced capitalist world. There is no single revitalization strategy that works well for all union movements; the same strategy is likely to produce different results in different countries. Moreover, evidence for variation in revitalization outcomes emerges most clearly when we adopt a multi-dimensional conceptualization of revitalization, moving beyond union membership and density to embrace economic and political power as well as the institutional dimension of union reform. Despite serious revitalization attempts in all countries the scale of revitalization is extremely modest when compared to the great upsurges of unionism in history. Varieties of Unionism presents important research and analysis of union strategy for academics and graduate students of Industrial Relations, Management, Politics, Political Economy, and Sociology.

Community as a (f)actor in Trade Union Revitalization

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Trade union decline has been considerable over the past three decades but it undesirable and unwelcome given unions' roles in industrial relations, economics and civil society. Unions have engaged in a welter of responses to revitalise themselves. Yet decline continues and organising, the hitherto preeminent and preferred strategy to counter it, is not succeeding in achieving its aims, thus focus needs to be turned to other potential strategies. Despite an increasing literature on community unionism as a revitalisation strategy there is a dearth of UK examples of it being pursued and there is little empirical study of individual unions and whether and how community, consciously or not, features as part of their revitalisation strategies. This research seeks to partially address that gap; informed by a realist perspective and a critical stance, it uses a case study of a single, UK, public-sector trade union and poses the research question: to what extent is, or can be, community a (f)actor in trade union revitalisation? The research highlights continuing challenges for the case study union in its quest to revitalise both internally and externally. The union is unashamedly political, weaving its political priorities into its bargaining, organising and campaigning. The union sees the resultant mobilisation activity, coupled with good bread-and-butter services, as its best retention strategy. The research found that community could be an element in union revitalisation, and that community features in the case study union's revitalisation approach although there is no distinct community strategy. The union's dominant sectoral position, with its range of union-friendly arrangements, and its inherited substantial levels of density and organisation are not found everywhere. It is not, therefore, a transferable model although lessons, ideas and practices can and should be drawn upon where possible.

Rough Waters

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Paths to Union Renewal

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"The diverse cases and experiences examined in this book hold valuable lessons for labour everywhere." - Elaine Bernard, Harvard Law School

The Impact of Political Action on Labour Movement Strength

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In light of the decline of trade union membership and the role TU are expected to play in industrial relations, this book explores the consequences of government action and the economic policies on TU membership, investigating the forms of political action undertaken by TU and reviewing the conditions under which these actions succeed or fail.

Ver.Di and Trade Union Revitalisation in Germany

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Recent research on the fate of organised labour in western Europe has emphasised the capacity trade unions have to develop and implement revitalisation strategies as well as the fact that different trade union movements implement different strategies. In the case of Germany, trade unions have tended to defend existing mechanisms of social partnership and restructure the movement through mergers. This article argues that this approach has severe limitations given the diverse transformation of the German political economy. It presents research on the revitalisation strategies of Germany's new service sector trade union Ver.di established in 2001. The article argues that Ver.di has an awareness of the necessity of adopting new and comprehensive strategies for revitalisation, but that it is tending towards traditional strategies. This disadvantages those regions and sectors where institutions of industrial relations are not embedded.

Trade unions for a change of course in Europe

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In the wake of the financial and economic crisis, the trade unions face unprecedented challenges. While the European powers that be are blatantly coordinating the advent of national and European austerity policies, entailing drastic consequences for workers and the weaker members of society, the trade unions are set to mobilize their forces. The authors describe and illustrate various facets of this new situation. What role is played by economic governance? Does co-determination still have a chance? Is belief in market forces already firmly entrenched or can ways still be found of strengthening social rights? Do the European umbrella organisations pay obeisance to the official European bodies or are they mobilizing to bring about a serious change of course, to find the road to an alternative Europe?