Traditional Shotokan Karate-Do

Book Description

Don A. DeWitt holds the rank of second degree black belt (Nidan) in traditional Shotokan karate-do, including one year studying the Chinese martial art Tai-Chi Chuan, Push Hands, for a combined total of nineteen years experience in the martial arts. In a 1983 tournament he took second place sparring (Kumite). From 1994 to 2002 he was a member of the Zen-Do Kai Martial Arts Association International; and then in 2002 he became a member with the Japan Karate Federation Rengo-Kai, under Shihan Fumio Demura.

Complete Shotokan Karate

Book Description

Appealing to readers interested in both the history and practical applications of Japanese martial arts, here are two books in one: a thorough history of Japanese karate in Asia and the United States, and an instructional manual for students of the Shotokan method. 609 b&w photos. 20 line drawings.

Shotokan Legends

Book Description

In this definitive book about the greatest Shotokan masters, old and new interviews have been gathered to present an integrated and complete view of the style and philosophy of the system developed by the late Grandmaster Gichin Funakoshi.

Shotokan Karate

Book Description

Rare and never-before-published photos complement everything from the Okinawan roots of karate to its development in Japan, the Japan Karate Association, American and international karate organizations, and the current state of the world of Shotokan karate.


Book Description

Shotokan Karate is one of the most effective forms of self-defense but it is this area that is most ignored in traditional Shotokan dojos. This modest manual is different from most Shotokan Karate texts because it focuses on the self-defense application of karate. Traditional Shotokan karate concentrates on three primary areas. They are basics or Kihon, Kata or forms, and sparring or kumite. The sparring may consist of five times sparring, three times sparring, one time sparring, semi-free sparring and free sparring. Self-defense training is seldom practiced and this manual hopes to fill that gap for students of Shotokan and other traditional styles of Karate. This manual covers the basic principles of self-defense, use of force factors in self-defense, simple and effective self-defense techniques to counter arm grabs, body grabs, choke attacks, punching and kicking attack counters, club attacks, knife attacks, gun attacks, ground attacks and multiple attacker self-defense techniques.

Introduction to Karate-Do

Book Description

A comprehensive introduction for the beginning student of Karate.

KARATE-DO: Traditional Training for All Styles, 2Ed

Book Description

Karate-do evolved as a martial art in Okinawa, where it was nurtured bycenturies of Okinawan culture and innovation. What inspired the ancientmasters to develop these martial techniques and practices was the humaninstinct for self-preservation, not a desire for entertainment or sportingcompetition. Traditional Karate-do should be practiced with this in mind.Here you will find a complete personal training handbook to supplementtraining in any Karate-do system or other martial art style. This 2nd Edition is fully revised and greatly expanded. Featuresinclude martial philosophy, theory and practice; optimizing nutrition;physical training; and strategic studies. Bruce Lee advised all martialartists to âAbsorb what is usefulâ and every martial artist will findsomething of value here. The authors sincerely hope this book will inspireyou to train even more diligently, and that the experiences and researchshared here will be useful on your lifelong journey as a martial artist.

Dodo Karate Do

Book Description

Karate Do Training for Life A compendium for mainstream karate and martial arts text books outlining the changes psychological, physical, and spiritual that may be experienced through a lifetime of rigorous physical training. Time Book This contains a brief treatise on the concept of time and how the human race introduced a worldwide schedule for one and all. This also contains theorem on how the body ages. Life Book One Includes information on beginning karate and what to expect in these early days. It also introduces the novice to the way, explains key terminology together with a section on recognition and treatment of common minor injuries and conditions. Life Book Two Concentrates on the development of the individual through the middle years. Contains a section on class operation and promotional grading examinations. Background information on kumite and kata practice is also to be found. Life Book Three Focuses on management of your wellbeing through self care, meditation, and of course continued adherence to the way. Philosophical aspects of training and teaching are also touched upon. Each Life Book opens with a loose description of physical, psychological, and spiritual conditions you may recognize at that point in your life.

Shotokan Karate

Book Description