Traditioneering Like Jesus

Book Description

RECLAIM THE POWER OF TRADITION! "Holt Clarke understand that the tradition of Jesus was about getting the Church into the world - not the world into the church." Michael Slaughter, Pastor Ginghamsburg Church “Some think that TRADITION IS PAST, but when you read Holt Clarke’s book, you will realize that TRADITION IS CONTEMPORARY and it has a ‘Power Point’ that sustains you for the FUTURE.” Dr. Dennis Swanberg America’s Minister of Encouragement "Holt Clarke's book is a must have discipleship resource for thoughtful laypersons and clergy alike. The theological depth and creative thinking will equip and empower pastors, teachers, and laypeople for the church's mission of transforming the world." Younglae Kim, Ph.D Professor of Christian Education Methodist Theological Seminary Seoul, Korea

Get the Hell Out of Church

Book Description

Churches rife with infighting and backstabbing. Biblical illiteracy rampant among Christians. Atheism on the rise. Nearly four thousand church closings a year. And business is booming for the Devil. The church mortality rate is at epidemic proportions, and the current rate of morbidity is staggering. People are leaving the church in droves, tired of the hate, intolerance, and hypocrisy. The prevalence of gang leadership through bullying is creating a crisis of spiritual leadership for many church communities. Numerous churches are facing the threat of extinction as they perilously condone devilish behaviors that are worldly, divisive, and hypocritical. Caution is thrown to the wind as church bullies subvert the witness of Christianity in the world. In "Get the Hell Out of Church," author Holt Clarke provides biblical wisdom and practical insights for diagnosing and effectively addressing destructive attitudes and behaviors that wreak havoc and subvert the spiritual life of a church community. Having served over twenty years in spiritual combat, enduring several tours of duty as a pastor, Holt Clarke writes from firsthand experience in dealing with evil behaviors that take church communities by storm. With theological expertise, Holt Clarke equips and empowers you to clean house and throw the Devil out with the trash. Join Holt Clarke for a literary experience in spiritual calisthenics that can optimize your spiritual life while promoting church health and growth. A powerful concentration of spiritual awareness and practical wisdom, this book can equip and empower you to detect and put a stop to virulent behaviors while promoting spiritual health and well-being. You will learn: practical and biblical insights into the spiritual nature of evil, how to effectively deal with the emotional baggage derived from toxic experiences, and no-nonsense strategies to triumph over evil attitudes and behaviors that afflict and subvert your life.

Lights of Revelation and the Secrets of Interpretation

Book Description

This single volume contains the Arabic edition, English translation and notes by Dr. Gibril Fouad Haddad of 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar b.Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Baydawi's first hizb of Anwar al-Tanzil wa-Asrar al-Ta'wil (The Lights of Revelation and the Secrets of Interpretation). As a revised and improved version of al-Zamakhshari's landmark Tafsiral-Kashshaf, Anwar al-Tanzil contains the most concise analysis of the Quranic use of Arabic grammar and style to date and was viewed early on as a foremost demonstration of the Qur'an's essential and structural inimitability (i'jaz ma'nawi wa-lughawi) in Sunni literature. Anwar al-Tanzil is important and significant, because of its fame and influence. In Dr. Haddad's own estimation, this work "became and remained for seven centuries the most studied of all Tafsirs," and it is to be regarded as "the most important commentary on the Qur'an in the history of Islam."

Islamic Civilisation and The Modern World

Book Description

This book presents a thematic treatment of Islamic civilisation. Each of the fourteen chapters comprising this book treats at least one of the major themes that are characteristic of this youngest religiously-based civilisation of the world. The author’s thematic approach is primarily meant to promote a better appreciation of the living nature of Islamic civilisation. The book’s content provides ample evidence that Islamic civilisation is not merely a passing historical phenomenon. The various themes it discusses clearly demonstrate the continuing relevance of Islamic civilisation to the present and future humanity.

Classification of Knowledge in Islam

Book Description

Dr. Richard I. Evans interviews Jung about his relationship to Freud and his differences with Freudian theory, his views of the unconscious, introversion-extroversion theories, his concept of archetypes, and his responses to some of the contemporary challenges to psychology.

The Qur'an and Its Interpreters: Volume 2

Book Description

For almost fourteen centuries the Qur’an has been a source of inspiration and solace and, above all, a guide along the way of life toward eternity. Using commentaries from the classical period through the medieval and modern periods to the present, this series presents the Qur’anic explanation as Muslims have understood it and interiorized it throughout its rich exegetical history, and has been written not primarily for scholars but for those interested readers and non-Arabic speaking students of Islam, both Muslim and non-Muslim. This volume is the second in the series containing the third surah, Al Imran. The first volume contains the first and the second surahs. The entire collection will comprise an encyclopedia of the Qur’an commentary.

The Ta'ríkh-I-Guzída

Book Description

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Al Ghazali's Theory on the Recitation and Interpretation of the Qur'an

Book Description

This book is the first accurate English translation, with useful introduction and many valuable notes, of al-Ghazali's Kitab Adab Tilawat al-Qu'ran, which is a part of his greatest work Ihya' 'Ulum al-Deen (The Revival of the Religious Sciences). In the Introduction of this translation (pages 9-18) the subject of Qu'ran-reading is nicely initiated. In chapter I (pp. 19-33) the merits of Qu'ran- recitation are discussed. In chapters II & III (pp. 34-85) ten external etiquettes or praiseworthy manners and ten internal (mental) tasks of Quran-recitation are set forth. In chapter IV (pp. 86-104) the existence of deep, hidden meaning of the Qu'ran is proved as against the proponents of outward exegetes. The obstacles to the understanding of deep, hidden meanings of the Qu'ranic verses are pointed out. The Prophet's prohibition of Qu'ran-explanation according to one's personal opinion is discussed in detail in pp. 90-104. In this context the controversial problem of tafsir bi-l ray (interpretation of Qur'an acconding to valid personal opinion) is seriously considered and supported with proofs and evidences.The Arabic text translated here has been compared with eight other printed Arabic texts and then translated very carefully and accurately using free-flowing, modern English