Transaction Costs and Security Institutions

Book Description

Examines international cooperation in European security from a transaction cost economics perspective. This book addresses the puzzle of how to approach differing institutional preferences. It argues that the reduction and limitation of transaction costs was the primary determinant of security preferences.

Transaction Costs and Security Institutions

Book Description

Examines international cooperation in European security from a transaction cost economics perspective. This book addresses the puzzle of how to approach differing institutional preferences. It argues that the reduction and limitation of transaction costs was the primary determinant of security preferences.

Transaction Costs and Security Institutions of the State Institutions

Book Description

Examines international cooperation in European security from a transaction cost economics perspective. This book addresses the puzzle of how to approach differing institutional preferences. It argues that the reduction and limitation of transaction costs was the primary determinant of security preferences."


Book Description

Why are locally owned processes so critical to producing sustainable security sector reform? While academic literature has long noted that a central component of durable reforms is that they be context specific and involve deep engagement with the local population, there has been comparatively little explanation of why this is so important. This lack of explanation may be one reason this approach continues to be neglected in practice. This paper draws on North's theories of formal and informal institutions as well as literature from the field of new institutional economics to provide a more thorough explanation of why top- down reforms are unlikely to produce lasting change in the security sector. Without the support of local buy- in, reforms are simply too inefficient to be maintained.

Hierarchy amidst Anarchy

Book Description

Hierarchy amidst Anarchy is a study of state security provisions, explaining not only why states cooperate, and with whom, but also why they choose the specific types of cooperation they do. In contrast to competing theories that explain international cooperation in terms of the desire to be "bigger" or "stronger", Weber insists that the key to understanding countries' international institutional choices can be found by focusing on economic theories of organization and, more specifically, transaction costs. Cross-sectional studies of two historical periods, the final years of the Napoleonic Wars (1812-15) and the post-1945 period – such contrasting security structures as NATO and the European Defense Community - are used to illustrate the argument.

Institutional and Organizational Analysis

Book Description

Why isn't the whole world developed? This toolkit for institutional analysis explains how rules affect the performance of countries, firms, and even families.

Hierarchy amidst Anarchy

Book Description

Analyzes the underlying basis for state participation in cooperative international structures.

Conflict and Cooperation in Intelligence and Security Organisations

Book Description

This book provides an institutional costs framework for intelligence and security communities to examine the factors that can encourage or obstruct cooperation. The governmental functions of security and intelligence require various organisations to interact in a symbiotic way. These organisations must constantly negotiate with each other to establish who should address which issue and with what resources. By coupling adapted versions of transaction costs theories with socio-political perspectives, this book provides a model to explain why some cooperative endeavours are successful, whilst others fail. This framework is applied to counterterrorism and defence intelligence in the UK and the US to demonstrate that the view of good cooperation in the former and poor cooperation in the latter is overly simplistic. Neither is necessarily more disposed to behave cooperatively than the other; rather, the institutional costs created by their respective organisational architectures incentivise different cooperative behaviour in different circumstances. This book will be of much interest to students of intelligence studies, organisational studies, politics and security studies.

Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance

Book Description

An analytical framework for explaining the ways in which institutions and institutional change affect the performance of economies is developed in this analysis of economic structures.