
Book Description

In this definitive book on the scientifically proven health and stress-relieving benefits of Transcendental Meditation, a renowned psychiatrist and researcher explores why TM works, what it can do, and how to use it for maximum effect.

Order and Transcendence

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The Power of Transcendence

Book Description

The Power of Transcendence: Transcendental Meditation Practices Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a simple, natural meditation practice focused on achieving a deep state of relaxation and heightened awareness. This book delves into the origins and foundations of TM, a technique that was introduced to the Western world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1950s, but which has millennia-old roots in the Vedic traditions of India. Designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their culture or religion, TM has been widely adopted around the world for its multiple applications, from promoting general well-being to reducing stress. The book explores in detail how the regular practice of TM can positively impact physical and mental health, supported by a wide range of scientific research. Among the documented benefits are a significant reduction in stress, improved cardiovascular health, a strengthened immune system, relief from anxiety and depression, and an overall increase in creativity and productivity. The book also addresses the subjective experience of the practice, highlighting how the repetition of a personally chosen mantra can lead the mind into states of “alert rest”, where the body relaxes deeply while the mind remains awake. In addition to the practical and scientific aspects, the book encourages a broader understanding of TM as a tool for personal and spiritual development. With accessible language and practical examples, this guide is ideal both for those just starting out on their TM journey and for practitioners who wish to deepen their experience. The book is an invitation to explore the transformative power of Transcendental Meditation, providing a more balanced, healthy life in harmony with the universe. Transcendental Meditation for deep relaxation Maharishi MaheshYogi teachinghigher consciousness Vedic traditions for mental and physical health Stress reduction techniques for cardiovascular health How to promote immune strengthening Transcendental Meditation for anxiety and depression Transcendental Meditation for self-knowledge and well-being Transcendental Meditation for increased productivity Transcendental Meditation for spiritual development

Intentionality and Transcendence

Book Description

Marcia Henry and Sally Parsons have created a delightful journey through the alphabet. Marcia s fun loving and appealing verse coupled with Sally s detailed artistic depiction of life on Madeline will captivate young and old as they travel through this familiar sequence. The book promotes literacy for youngsters, historical background for the older reader, and sheer pleasure for all. Carol Sowl, teacher, La Pointe SchoolSupported by a grant from the La Pointe Center, which is funded by the people of Madeline Island, the Wisconsin Arts Board, and the State of Wisconsin Full-color illustrations throughout Recommended for children ages 2 to 9 Madeline Island ABC Book contains: ABC verses and illustrationsA brief history of Madeline IslandAn ABC Island Treasure HuntAn Alphabet Search at the Madeline Island Historical Museum"

Transcendence and Hermeneutics

Book Description

''The problem of Transcendence is the problem of our time. " I Needless to say, Transcendence was a particularly lively i~sue when Karl Heim wrote these words in the mid-1930's. Within the province of philosophi cal theology and philosophy of religion, however, it is always the prob lem, as Gordon Kaufman has recently reminded us. 2Por the question concerning the nature and the reality of Transcendence has not only to do with self-transcendence, but with the being of Transcendence-Itself, that is to say, with the nature and the reality of God as experienced and understood at any given time or place. Now there are those today who would claim that any further discus sion of the latter half of this proposition, namely,Transcendence-Itse1f or God, is worthless and quite beside the point. Such persons would claim that the particular logia represented by the theological sciences has collapsed by virtue of its object having disappeared. Indeed, when one surveys the contemporary scene in philosophy and theology, there is a good deal of evidence that this is the case':"" theology of late having be come something of a "spectacle," to use Pritz Buri's term. One of the reasons for this, we here contend, is that the richness and the diversity of the meaning of Transcendence has been lost. And even though we do not here intend to resolve the issue, neither do we assume that such an enqui ry is either impossible or irrelevant.

Immanent Transcendence

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Long considered one of late scholasticism’s most important thinkers, Francisco Suárez has, paradoxically enough, often been treated only in relation to other medieval authors or as a transitional figure in the shift from medieval to early modern philosophy. As such, his thought has often been obscured and framed in terms of an alien paradigm. This book seeks to correct such approaches and examines Suárez's metaphysical thinking as it stands on its own. Suárez is shown to be much more in line with his medieval predecessors who developed their accounts of being to express the theological commitments they had made. Central to Suárez’s account is a fundamental existential orientation, one that many interpreters have overlooked in favour of an understanding of being as reduced to essence or to the thinkable.

Meaning, Mattering, Transcendence

Book Description

This book examines the meaning of some of the most basic terms we use in both confessional and secular discussion about morality and religion. Is there any credible and distinctive meaning in what we refer to as “right and wrong” and “God”? What do we even mean by meaning itself? Outside specialist academic discourse these terms are rarely examined in depth. Here they are probed with as much rigor as possible, but also accessibly. Literary, philosophical, and theological sources are all widely drawn on in the discussion. Experiences of ordinary life help illustrate the issue and arguments at stake. As a collection of essays each section is freestanding. But there is also a clear overall connecting argument. It demonstrates a common trajectory towards “ultimacy” or “transcendence” in the meaning of these terms. It argues that the meaning of morality, of God, and of meaning itself, is not just an individual or social construction. It is grounded in what lies beyond us. In this way it offers an alternative to reductionist views, and advances a thesis about transcendence which connects across a wide range of both religious and non-religious experience.

Dialectical Approaches to Studying Personal Relationships

Book Description

This book describes many different and useful ways of understanding personal relationships from a dialectical perspective. It is written for scholars in higher education, both faculty and students, across many fields within the social sciences and the humanities who seek answers to questions about how people relate to one another. The book is valuable for all scholars who pursue new ideas because it models a form of scholarly communication in which: * multiple voices can be acknowledged as valid; * the worth of one perspective is not measured by the denigration of another; and * difference is celebrated as conducive to learning rather than threatening to it. The contributors emphasize the characteristics of their dialectical view that set them apart from other dialectical authors and describe their methods of studying relationships from a dialectical perspective. Following the Bakhtinian perspective, they honor the values of dialogism by respecting different and sometimes contradictory views, assuming that these views can be valid, and joining in a discussion with the editors and other contributors about their emerging work. They also acknowledge that the chapters in this text are part of an ongoing process to frame and reframe emerging ideas, and allow the dialogue that occurs within this frame the freedom to express creative, unique ideas.


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Whether initiated by injury or disease, induced and sustained by changes in the nervous system, or manifested by society and culture, chronic pain can change one's first-person experience of the body and the world, and ultimately impacts cognitions, emotions, and behavior. Many fine medical books address the causes and management of chronic intract