Transcriptional Control of Lineage Differentiation in Immune Cells

Book Description

Insights into the regulation of immune cell lineage differentiation and specification as well as into the control of lineage integrity, stability and plasticity are of fundamental importance to understanding innate and adaptive immune responses. In this volume, leading experts provide an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of recent advances in the transcriptional control mechanisms and transcription factor networks that regulate these processes in a variety of different immune cell lineages. The chapters cover the regulation of T versus B cell lineage choice, discuss early B cell development and pre-B cell leukemia prevention, address transcriptional control mechanisms during the differentiation, in regulatory T cells and iNKT cells, detail genomic switches in helper cell fate choice and plasticity and highlight the role of the BTB-zinc finger family of transcription factors in T cells. Moreover, the chapters discuss transcriptional networks in DCs, NK cells and in innate lymphoid cells. Together, the reviews illustrate key transcriptional control mechanisms that regulate the development and function of immune cells and demonstrate the impressive advances made over the last decade.

Molecular Analysis of B Lymphocyte Development and Activation

Book Description

The B lymphocyte lineage represents an important paradigm for exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying cell fate specification, differentiation and cellular activation. In the past five years, major advances have been achieved in our understanding of the transcriptional control of early B cell development and terminal plasma cell differentiation. In addition new insights became available for the processes of B cell activation, class switch recombination and somatic hypermutation. Many of the new findings and their implications for a molecular understanding of B cell biology in particular and cell differentiation in general are covered in this volume.

Transcriptional Control of Neural Crest Development

Book Description

The neural crest is a remarkable embryonic population of cells found only in vertebrates and has the potential to give rise to many different cell types contributing throughout the body. These derivatives range from the mesenchymal bone and cartilage comprising the facial skeleton, to neuronal derivatives of the peripheral sensory and autonomic nervous systems, to melanocytes throughout the body, and to smooth muscle of the great arteries of the heart. For these cells to correctly progress from an unspecifi ed, nonmigratory population to a wide array of dynamic, differentiated cell types-some of which retain stem cell characteristics presumably to replenish these derivatives-requires a complex network of molecular switches to control the gene programs giving these cells their defi ning structural, enzymatic, migratory, and signaling capacities. This review will bring together current knowledge of neural crest-specifi c transcription factors governing these progressions throughout the course of development. A more thorough understanding of the mechanisms of transcriptional control in differentiation will aid in strategies designed to push undifferentiated cells toward a particular lineage, and unraveling these processes will help toward reprogramming cells from a differentiated to a more naive state. Table of Contents: Introduction / AP Genes / bHLH Genes / ETS Genes / Fox Genes / Homeobox Genes / Hox Genes / Lim Genes / Pax Genes / POU Domain Genes / RAR/RXR Genes / Smad Genes / Sox Genes / Zinc Finger Genes / Other Miscellaneous Genes / References / Author Biographies

Janeway's Immunobiology

Book Description

The Janeway's Immunobiology CD-ROM, Immunobiology Interactive, is included with each book, and can be purchased separately. It contains animations and videos with voiceover narration, as well as the figures from the text for presentation purposes.


Book Description

Humoral immunity plays a pivotal role in both protective and autoimmune responses. Following a vaccination or pathogenic challenge, B lymphocytes respond by differentiating through germinal center (GC) or extrafollicular (EF) pathways to ultimately become antibody forming cells, which produce antibodies to protect the host. In autoimmune diseases, like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), these pathways become dysregulated which allows autoreactive B cells to produce antibodies against self-antigen. Thus, deciphering the transcriptional networks that regulate protective and aberrant responses in autoimmune diseases is paramount to guiding insights for new vaccines or therapeutics for autoimmune conditions. The GC is a site of B cell evolution and is the dominant source of high-affinity long lived plasma cells (LLPCs). GCs are canonically organized into two distinct niches, the dark (DZ) and light (LZ) zone. A bottle neck for the selection of high-affinity B cells within the GC is at the T cell-mediated selection stage in the light zone (LZ) of the GC. STAT3 is a transcription factor activated by several cytokines and signals critical to B cell biology and has a known role in plasma cell maturation. How STAT3 influences the GC reaction remains incompletely understood. Using numerous stage-specific and inducible B cell intrinsic systems, we determined that STAT3 is not required for the initiation or maintenance of a GC reaction, but rather is required for the zonal organization of the GC. STAT3-deficient GCs have an expansion of the LZ and reduction of the DZ. STAT3 exerts its functions independent of any effects on proliferation, cell cycle progression, DNA damage, or apoptosis. Further, we identified that STAT3 is not required for memory B cell (MBC) formation or the initial progression towards a plasma cell but is required for post-GC PC maturation. We discovered that STAT3 is activated in the LZ of the GC in a T-dependent manner, which permits STAT3 to orchestrate the transcriptional program required for LZ GC B cells to progress into DZ GC B cells. We next sought to delineate the functions of another STAT transcription factor, STAT4, in regulating SLE and Th1-mediated B cell responses. STAT4 has been suggested to be involved in autoimmune and protective B cell responses, but its exact contribution remains undefined. Further, numerous GWAS identified polymorphisms in or near the Stat4 locus in SLE patients. To examine the role of STAT4 in the regulation of B cell responses in SLE-like autoimmunity, we investigated the effects of STAT4 deficiency in three autoimmune- or lupus-prone mouse models: Fc[gamma]RIIB-/-, B6.Sle1b, and imiquimod treated B6.Sle1b.We found no significant effects of STAT4 on autoimmune B and T cell responses, and SLE-like autoimmunity. We next investigated if STAT4 deficiency impacted B cell responses to immunization or influenza viral infection. Again, we identified no significant impact on B or T cell responses in the absence of STAT4. From these results, we conclude that STAT4 is not required for autoimmune or protective B cell responses. Finally, B cell responses in SLE are heavily dependent upon Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) signaling. TLR7 activation results in the activation of several transcription factors, including interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF7). IRF7 has been generally suspected to be involved in promoting autoimmunity, but its functions in various immune cells remain unexplored. We utilized mouse models of SLE autoimmunity and scRNAseq to delineate the mechanisms by which IRF7 in B cells drives autoimmune B cell differentiation into GC B cells and autoantibody producing antibody forming cells (AFC). Specifically, IRF7 regulates activated B cell differentiation into GC and antibody forming cell (AFC) pathways during an autoimmune response by controlling the metabolic and transcriptional program required for differentiation. These findings highlight the critical involvement of IRF7 as a primary driver of dysregulated B cell responses in systemic autoimmunity. Collectively, the findings presented in this body of work advance in our understanding of the transcriptional control of protective and autoimmune B cell responses.

Transcriptional Regulation of Hematopoietic Differentiation

Book Description

Gene expression is critical for the development, patterning, and homeostasis of the organism. Precise temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression at the level of transcription requires a large network of sequence-specific factors, general transcription factors, co-factors, and epigenetic regulators. Malignancies of specific tissues often arise from perturbation of various gene expression levels. Hematopoiesis is one of the most sensitive biological processes to mis-regulation of transcription. To generate all blood cell types from embryonic development throughout the lifetime of the organism, hematopoiesis requires an intricate balance between the maintenance of a permanent stem cell pool and differentiation of multi-potent stem cells into cell types with unique functions. To generate a terminally differentiated, functional immune cell, multiple lineage-restricting steps are involved, with each governed by a specific transcription program. Therefore, gene expression regulation in hematopoietic differentiation is particularly important for an organism to properly develop, maintain oxygen transport to all tissues, and fight against infections. Furthermore, because of detailed understanding of how to isolate cells at different stages and lineages of hematopoietic differentiation, it provides an important model to study the development and differentiation of other adult tissues. Hematopoietic stem cells can be driven to differentiate along three main lineages: myeloid, erythroid, and lymphoid. Despite the discoveries of several transcription factors for specific lineages of hematopoietic differentiation, understanding the gene expression program that allow stem cells to make the decision to initiate lymphoid development still remains incomplete. For example, how is the preinititation complex of transcription (PIC) recruited to the gene promoters? Additionally, how are interactions, if any, coordinated among various sequence-specific factors that were identified via gene-by-gene knockout (KO) approaches? To form the PIC at any gene promoter, transcription factor (TF) IIA, B, D, E, F, and H, and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) must coordinate their promoter-binding and enzymatic activities. TFIID, especially, is important for promoter recognition. As a multi-subunit complex containing TATA-box binding protein (TBP) and 13-14 TBP-associated factors (TAFs), TFIID binds to sequences in the proximal promoter and allows the recruitment of other TFs and Pol II. Previously thought to be invariant from one cell type to another, recently tissue-specific roles for certain TAFs have been uncovered. TAF4B is one of the first TAFs found to have cell-specific expression, since it was identified in human B cells {Dikstein:1996wk}, though a role for its function in hematopoiesis has remained elusive. I used a Taf4b KO mouse line to study its function in both myeloid and lymphoid differentiation. I found that Taf4b KO mice were able to generate myeloid and lymphoid progenitors as well as their wild-type (WT) littermates. Furthermore, both of these types of progenitors from Taf4b KO mice can terminally differentiate into mature cells as well as those from WT mice. Finally, TAF4B-null cells are as competent as heterozygous cells (equivalent to WT in terms of Taf4b expression) to reconstitute the hematopoietic compartment of lethally irradiated mice in all cell lineages tested. In conclusion, TAF4B is dispensable in both myeloid and B cell differentiation. This could be due to TAF4B's high sequence homology with TAF4A. Alternatively, TAF4B can play a role in fine-tuning expression levels of certain B cell or myeloid-specific genes, together with another transcription factor, which cannot be uncovered in a KO mouse approach. I have made a TAF4B-specific polyclonal antibody that can be used to identify its transcriptional targets, as well as identify any potential interaction partners. Though the basal machinery does not seem to play a role in hematopoietic lineage determination, sequence-specific factors have long been implicated in this process. A study using an inducible hematopoietic-specific KO mouse line found that myocyte enhancer factor 2c (MEF2C) is necessary for multi-potent progenitors to differentiate into the lymphoid lineage {StehlingSun:2009df}. Through a candidate approach, I have identified early B cell factor 1 (EBF1) to be a specific interacting partner of MEF2C. Together, they co-occupy and functionally co-activate many B cell specific genes. When MEF2C is depleted in mice, the animals had reduced B cell gene expression as well as increased myeloid gene expression, consistent with MEF2C's role as a lineage fate regulator. I have identified and confirmed several B cell-specific genes that are co-regulated by EBF1 and MEF2C through a genome-wide survey of their binding via chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by exonuclease treatment and deep-sequencing (ChIP-exo). Furthermore, I found that p38 MAPK is the pathway through which MEF2C is phosphorylated and activated to drive B cell differentiation. When phosphorylated, MEF2C prefers to bind its co-activator EBF1, and not its co-repressor HDAC7. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis elucidated the mechanism of activation, binding partners, and downstream targets by which MEF2C is able to regulate lymphoid-specific differentiation. This study contributes to understanding how transcriptional regulation of genes can drive progenitor cells to differentiate down a particular lineage, and provide a novel mechanism for a transcription repressor to switch to an activator during cellular differentiation.

Molecular Analysis of B Lymphocyte Development and Activation

Book Description

The B lymphocyte lineage represents an important paradigm for exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying cell fate specification, differentiation and cellular activation. In the past five years, major advances have been achieved in our understanding of the transcriptional control of early B cell development and terminal plasma cell differentiation.