Transfer Pricing and Dispute Resolution

Book Description

This book addresses the complexity, valuation and administrative nuances, and cultural impacts of resolving this significant cross-border issue when tax disputes arise. In recent years, transfer pricing has become in financial terms the most important tax issue faced by multinational companies and tax authorities worldwide. In times of economic downturn, as experienced in recent years, when tax authorities are challenged for revenue, the handling of these issues requires great care, skill, creativity and a true awareness of the ramifications confronting each tax jurisdiction. This book sets out in detail not only the general laws in each tax jurisdiction impacted by the multinational companies' transfer pricing practices, but also the ancillary concerns of how the issue is interpreted locally as well as related to the OECD Guidelines; the varied approaches to administrative resolution of these issues, including specific alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and the effective uses of advance pricing agreements; correlative adjustment procedures in the event of transfer pricing adjustments; cross-border exchange of information concerns; and how to proceed to litigation if all else fails administratively. It is here that the book delves into the specific procedures for litigation in each country which must be evaluated as part of the overall strategy for controversy resolution. Unfortunately, today litigation is on the rise in numerous jurisdictions and the presumption of an administrative resolution is no longer correct. An additional feature of this book is how practical anecdotes are intertwined into the analysis to give the reader a sense of pragmatism for these issues. To this point, there are the various case studies which highlight the technicalities of the local rules, customs, and practices.

Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes

Book Description

Via a global analysis of more than 180 transfer pricing cases from 20 representative jurisdictions, Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes explains how the law on transfer pricing operates in practice and examines how disputes between taxpayers and tax administrations are dealt with around the world. It has been designed to be an essential complement to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations, which focus on transfer pricing issues but do not refer to specific transfer pricing disputes. All of the transfer pricing cases discussed in the book are linked to the relevant paragraphs of the OECD Guidelines by means of a 'Golden Bridge', namely a table listing the cases according to the paragraphs of the Guidelines to which they refer. It therefore provides examples of the application of the Arm's Length Principle in many settings on all continents.

Transfer Pricing

Book Description

The Resolution of International Tax Disputes

Book Description

The number of international tax disputes is constantly increasing. This is a logical consequence of the pressure that is exerted on the global tax system by a rise in the number of internationally active and mobile taxpayers and tax competition between states on the one hand. On the other hand, the implementation of measures to tackle base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by multinational enterprises already gives rise to further disputes and another increase of disputes might arise from the latest reforms of the international tax system, namely the Two-Pillar-Solution to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. Against this background, the time is right for an institutionalised international tax dispute resolution mechanism that takes into account the interests of taxpayers, states, and the public and allows for a swift and binding resolution of international tax disputes ¬– exactly what this timely and thoroughgoing book offers. A comprehensive overview of existing international tax dispute resolution mechanisms – and an analysis of their procedural rules, advantages, and disadvantages – leads to a deeply informed proposal on how they can be further developed in a way that ensures greater fairness and equity for all stakeholders. Among the lines of conflict that characterise international tax disputes, the author sheds clear light on how improvements in the design of dispute resolution mechanisms may be found. This includes these questions: How should a dispute resolution mechanism be structured? Should there be a mandatory resolution if the states cannot agree? In which way should taxpayers participate in the procedure? Should agreements and decisions be published? Should there be an institution to administer the procedure? The book concludes with a draft convention that would implement the author’s suggestions. Tax lawyers and other tax professionals worldwide, as well as national tax authorities, will benefit greatly from this book. They will deepen their understanding of the variety of existing tax dispute resolution mechanisms and discover ways to strengthen them. Academics will find ample room to reflect on the key design elements of such mechanisms and how to improve them.

Dispute Resolution Under Tax Treaties

Book Description

As the interrelationship among tax bases continues to parallel the rapid development of the global economy, disputes among governments as to their right to tax international trade and investments under income tax treaties are expected to increase in number and scope. This study takes an in-depth look at the mechanisms used to resolve such disputes and how they interact with the interests of the various parties involved in the process. The study presents an analysis of the available literature, supplemented by statistical data from North America, Europe and Asia. Analysis of this data leads to interesting insights into the way the dispute resolution process functions when it is applied in different contexts. A comprehensive common framework of analysis, based on a checklist for governments, international organizations and taxpayers, is also developed in the study. This framework lists the main advantages and disadvantages of treaty-related international income tax dispute resolution procedures. The checklist is formulated with the aim to assist readers informing policies and in arguing positions, taking into account the subjective value given by each reader to each listed item. The study concludes by suggesting the creation of a new mechanism for the resolution of tax treaty-related disputes, and advocates, in part, the establishment of a new international organization with links to domestic judicial networks. This mechanism is then subjected to the same common framework analysis and checklist used in earlier parts of the study. The analysis suggests how such a mechanism would mitigate some of the most formidable challenges associated with the current dispute resolution procedures.

Transfer Pricing Litigation Trends and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Book Description

Transfer pricing is one of the most litigious areas of taxation. This article discusses transfer pricing litigation trends in India and various dispute resolution mechanisms available to taxpayers for resolving transfer pricing disputes. In addition, analyses of statistical data relating to results achieved by various dispute resolution mechanisms are also presented.

Transfer Pricing & Dispute Resolution

Book Description

Consists of the first three chapters of the 2011 edition which have been updated based on information available up to 15 September, 1 August, and 31 July 2014, respectively.

Tax Treaty Dispute Resolution

Book Description

Stakeholders in the international taxation community agree that existing dispute resolution processes are in serious need of improvement, and a global consensus must be achieved. This book offers a potential restructuring of the tax treaty dispute resolution system based on a comparative analysis of the dispute resolution mechanisms under tax treaties, as prescribed in the OECD and UN models, on the one hand, and the UN Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) on the other. This comparative study is the first of its kind and is premised on certain key geopolitical similarities that underpin the international tax regime (ITR) and the law of the sea regime while taking into consideration the differences in the institutional context of both regimes. The author proposes a new tax treaty dispute resolution system based on the LOSC system for resolving multilateral tax disputes, focusing on the following: mapping of the institutional arrangements that make up the dispute resolution mechanisms to understand how each system works; comparative analysis of the patterns of interaction and outcomes generated across the two dispute resolution systems to identify relevant aspects of the LOSC system that may be adapted in the ITR to improve tax treaty dispute resolution; and analysis of the inclusivity levels across the decision-making structures under each system to identify specific consensus-building techniques that may facilitate the implementation of the new proposed tax treaty dispute resolution system and also enhance international cooperation across the ITR. The proposed restructuring of the tax treaty dispute resolution system expands the existing mutual agreement procedure and forms a comprehensive legal framework that aims to achieve a more effective, predictable and equitable resolution of multilateral tax disputes in the 21st-century ITR by striking a balance between countries’ right to tax sovereignty and the rule of law. Just as the design of the dispute resolution system under the LOSC paved the way for universal consensus of the Convention among almost 160 countries, the author’s new tax treaty dispute resolution system also offers a solid foundation for consensus-building towards a universal treaty in the ITR. Everyone concerned with international tax dispute resolution – whether policymaker, in-house counsel, national tax authority official, judge, tax lawyer or academic – will find the truly valuable analysis here, not elsewhere.

Transfer Pricing

Book Description

This is a cross-jurisdictional reference book covering over 38 jurisdictions. It is split into two sections. Part one focuses upon transfer pricing. It gives the legislative framework, national policies and administrative approaches to transfer pricing; case law - current and past; penalties; special or notable cases related to penalties and finally, national and relevant international dispute resolution mechanisms. Part two is focused upon providing an overview of tax avoidance (and even more specifically, abusive tax avoidance). In order to help distinguish between legitimate tax avoidance plans or schemes, the first section identifies plans that remain valid as legitimate ways to minimize tax. Defining abusive tax avoidance is the second section - some nations are still struggling to define a satisfactory definition or parameters that constitute abusive tax avoidance. Other states have fully outlined the scope of abusive tax avoidance. The third section deals with the legislative framework. Followed by a section on case law and following that a section on penalties and finally, a section on current trends. This last section covers current national policy and legal trends and how international policies have in any way effected/shaped a jurisdiction's national policies.