Book Description

Abstract : Sulfur (S)-containing amino acids are key sources of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur involved in protein synthesis, protein function, and providing energy for microbial growth. Dissolved free and combined methionine is one of two S-containing amino acids incorporated into proteins and has been attributed to their stability and function. The oxidation of methionine has received considerable attention given its ubiquitous presence in most biological systems and has been associated with losses in protein function and pathological disorders. In natural waters, methionine is rapidly and selectively taken up by microorganisms to achieve cellular requirements of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. The abiotic transformation of methionine is ultimately a sink of key macronutrients and attributed to cycling across environmental compartments. In particular, the photochemical transformation of methionine in the presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important component of cycling in sunlit surface waters globally, yet knowledge is lacking on the fate and transformation of methionine in the environment. In this study, we investigated the photo-transformation products involved in the photochemical fate of dissolved free methionine in the presence of surrogate and standard isolate dissolved organic matter (DOM). Temperature-dependent, bench-top photolysis experiments under simulated sunlight at 10, 20, and 30 oC were conducted and a wide array of analytical analyses were employed to elucidate transformation products and provide insights into reaction mechanisms. Two surrogate DOM compounds structurally unique and relevant to complex mixtures of DOM were employed, including 1,4-naphthoquinone and 2-naphthaldehyde. The two surrogate DOM have common base structures and critical functional groups known to be important photosensitizers in the natural environment generating photochemically-produced reactive intermediates including excited triplet-state chromophoric DOM, singlet oxygen, and hydroxyl radicals. The quinone and carbonyl functionalities in 1,4-naphthoquinone and aldehyde and naphthalene functionalities in 2-naphthaldehyde generated unique transformation pathways for methionine and novel photo-transformation products were identified, providing key insights into the mechanisms of transformation. Photolysis experiments were expanded to two unique standard isolate DOM (Suwannee River Humic Acid, Elliott Soil Humic Acid) and previously identified transformation products were quantified to validate results in environmentally-relevant solutions of DOM. Mass balance analyses were performed to assess the transformation of key macronutrients including carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur present in methionine.

Amino Acid Biosynthesis – Pathways, Regulation and Metabolic Engineering

Book Description

This book presents the current knowledge of fundamental as well as applied microbiology of amino acids. Coverage details the amino acid biosynthetic pathways, their genetic and biochemical regulation, transport of amino acids and genomics of producing microorganisms. The book also examines the metabolic engineering of microorganisms for the biotechnological production of amino acids for use as pharmaceuticals and as food and feed additives.

Prokaryotic Metabolism and Physiology

Book Description

Extensive and up-to-date review of key metabolic processes in bacteria and archaea and how metabolism is regulated under various conditions.

Cell Signaling in Host–Pathogen Interactions: The Host Point of View

Book Description

The ability of pathogens, such as parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses to invade, persist and adapt in both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts is multifactorial and depends on both pathogen and host fitness. Communication between a pathogen and its host relies on a wide and dynamic array of molecular interactions. Through this constant communication most pathogens evolved to be relatively benign, whereas killing of its host by a pathogen represents a failure to adapt. Pathogens are lethal to their host when their interaction has not been long enough for adaptation. Evolution has selected conserved immune receptors that recognize signature patterns of pathogens as non-self elements and initiate host innate responses aimed at eradicating infection. Conversely, pathogens evolved mechanisms to evade immune recognition and subvert cytokine secretion in order to survive, replicate and cause disease. The cell signaling machinery is a critical component of the immune system that relays information from the receptors to the nucleus where transcription of key immune genes is activated. Host cells have developed signal transduction systems to maintain homeostasis with pathogens. Most cellular processes and cell signaling pathways are tightly regulated by protein phosphorylation in which protein kinases are key protagonists. Pathogens have developed multiple mechanisms to subvert important signal transduction pathways such as the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and the nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) pathways. Pathogens also secrete effectors that manipulate actin cytoskeleton and its regulators, hijack cell cycle machinery and alter vesicular trafficking. This research topic focuses on the cellular signaling mechanisms that are essential for host immunity and their subversion by pathogens.

Salmonella Infections

Book Description

Integrated view of clinical, molecular and immunological aspects of the biology of Salmonella enterica infections.

Trace Metals and Infectious Diseases

Book Description

Experts explore the influence of trace metals on the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. Many parts of the world in which common infectious diseases are endemic also have the highest prevalence of trace metal deficiencies or rising rates of trace metal pollution. Infectious diseases can increase human susceptibility to adverse effects of metal exposure (at suboptimal or toxic levels), and metal excess or deficiency can increase the incidence or severity of infectious diseases. The co-clustering of major infectious diseases with trace metal deficiency or toxicity has created a complex web of interactions with serious but poorly understood health repercussions, yet has been largely overlooked in animal and human studies. This book focuses on the distribution, trafficking, fate, and effects of trace metals in biological systems. Its goal is to enhance our understanding of the relationships between homeostatic mechanisms of trace metals and the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. Drawing on expertise from a range of fields, the book offers a comprehensive review of current knowledge on vertebrate metal-withholding mechanisms and the strategies employed by different microbes to avoid starvation (or poisoning). Chapters summarize current, state-of-the-art techniques for investigating pathogen-metal interactions and highlight open question to guide future research. The book makes clear that improving knowledge in this area will be instrumental to the development of novel therapeutic measures against infectious diseases. Contributors M. Leigh Ackland, Vahid Fa Andisi, Angele L. Arrieta, Michael A. Bachman, J. Sabine Becker, Robert E. Black, Julia Bornhorst, Sascha Brunke, Joseph A. Caruso, Jennifer S. Cavet, Anson C. K. Chan, Christopher H. Contag, Heran Darwin, George V. Dedoussis, Rodney R. Dietert, Victor J. DiRita, Carol A. Fierke, Tamara Garcia-Barrera, David P. Giedroc, Peter-Leon Hagedoorn, James A. Imlay, Marek J. Kobylarz, Joseph Lemire, Wenwen Liu, Slade A. Loutet, Wolfgang Maret, Andreas Matusch, Trevor F. Moraes, Michael E. P. Murphy, Maribel Navarro, Jerome O. Nriagu, Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens, Elisabeth G. Pacyna, Jozef M. Pacyna, Robert D. Perry, John M. Pettifor, Stephanie Pfaffen, Dieter Rehder, Lothar Rink, Anthony B. Schryvers, Ellen K. Silbergeld, Eric P. Skaar, Miguel C. P. Soares, Kyrre Sundseth, Dennis J. Thiele, Richard B. Thompson, Meghan M. Verstraete, Gonzalo Visbal, Fudi Wang, Mian Wang, Thomas J. Webster, Jeffrey N. Weiser, Günter Weiss, Inga Wessels, Bin Ye, Judith T. Zelikoff, Lihong Zhang

Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance

Book Description

This book is for commercial brewers of all scales and their ingredient and equipment suppliers. Highly practical, it clearly describes the factors effecting brewing yeast fermentation performance and how they may be controlled. Contributions from leading brewing technologists in industry and universities ensure that coverage is both commercially relevant and academically rigorous. This is an essential reference source and overview of the latest technological developments which no-one connected to the industry can afford to be without. Practical up-to-date review of technology and how it can be controlled. Written by experts from leading brewers and university-based scientists. Essential reference source and entry-point for the surrounding literature.