Transforming Visions

Book Description

This volume includes nine essays that move Ezekiel's creative reuse of older materials to the foreground of discussion. The essays highlight the transformation of earlier texts, traditions, and theology in Ezekiel. They explore the diverse ways thatEzekiel reshapes Israel's legal texts, rituals, oracles against foreign nations, royal ideology, conception of the individual, remembrance of the past, and hope for the future. The work concludes by noting the subsequent transformation of Ezekiel inscribal transmission and in the New Testament.

Women and Leadership

Book Description

Over the past thirty years the number of women assuming leadershiproles has grown dramatically. This original and important bookidentifies the challenges faced by women in positions ofleadership, and discusses the intersection between theories ofleadership and feminism. Examines models of feminist leadership, feminist influences onleadership styles and agendas, and the diversity of theoretical andethnic perspectives of feminist leaders Addresses how diverse women lead, how feminist principlescontribute to leadership, the influence of ethnic groups and thebarriers that women face as leaders Transforms existing models of leadership by incorporatinggender issues Looks to the future of feminist leadership and identifies whatmust be done to train and mentor the next generation of feministleaders

The Transforming Vision

Book Description

Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton offer a vision for transforming economics, politics, technology and every part of contemporary culture.

this bridge we call home

Book Description

More than twenty years after the ground-breaking anthology This Bridge Called My Back called upon feminists to envision new forms of communities and practices, Gloria E. Anzaldúa and AnaLouise Keating have painstakingly assembled a new collection of over eighty original writings that offers a bold new vision of women-of-color consciousness for the twenty-first century. Written by women and men--both "of color" and "white"--this bridge we call home will challenge readers to rethink existing categories and invent new individual and collective identities.

Shaping a Christian Worldview

Book Description

Shaping a Christian Worldview presents a collection of essays that address the key issues facing the future of Christian higher education. With contributions from key players in the field, this book addresses the critical issues for Christian institutions of various traditions as the new century begins to leave its indelible mark on education.

Epiphany Z

Book Description

A trend expert predicts what’s next for fields like education and government while sharing how readers can shape their own futures. Epiphany Z is a dynamic approach to envisioning, comprehending, and ultimately thriving in the radically different futures emerging around us at the speed of light. Distilling decades of research, experience, and proven success in correctly identifying and accurately extrapolating today’s trends and innovations into tomorrow’s realities, futurist Thomas Frey gives you an advance ticket to the most explosive period of change in all of human history. Frey’s unparalleled ability to detect emerging trends from the smallest of clues gives him an edge on other futurists. Now he’s sharing the edge with you! · What are tomorrow’s hottest industries? · What huge industries of today are doomed to extinction? · How will our lives be changed by advancements in robotics, in drone technology, and in manufacturing and transportation? · How can education cope with the explosive new world of enhanced information, hyperactive business environments, and unimaginable cultural shifts? · Who will be the masters of tomorrow’s universe—and who will be left behind? · Above all, how can you protect yourself from the most disruptive aspects of the changes sweeping your way—as well as become one of the masters of these changes? Those changes are taking place now. Thomas Frey shows where they will be taking all of us tomorrow and offers a roadmap for the future.

Viable Vision

Book Description

Developed by industry guru and mega best-selling author Eli Goldratt, Viable Vision is a proven strategic plan and approach that lays out the steps to transform an organization's current total sales into net profits within 4 years. This book explains the Viable Vision concept and provides readers the proven frame of reference and roadmap for achieving exponential growth in profits, without relying on minor miracles such as some new major product breakthrough. Concisely packed with the proven principles of 25 years of scientific research and real life application, readers will learn about the holistic implementation of constraints management in strategic planning, operations, supply chain/logistics, sales and marketing, project management, technology, metrics and finance.

Transforming Vision

Book Description

Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza describes the theoretical and liberative theological commitments that orient her pioneering biblical scholarship, including the use of critical theory, analysis of interacting social, political, economic, and religious oppressions, and promotion of a genuinely emancipatory and democratic community of equals--in academy, church, and wider society alike.

Transforming Care

Book Description

Nursing involves skill, judgment, compassion, and respect for human life whether or not the nurse is a Christian. Is there anything distinctive, then, about Christian nurses? The authors of Transforming Care address the question of how Christian faith molds nursing practice. Suggesting that such faith entails something more essential than evangelism or a certain position on moral dilemmas, they deal with the ordinary, everyday nature of nursing practice. The first part of the book articulates the relationship between Christian faith and nursing practice while analyzing the concepts of nursing, person, environment, and health common to nursing literature. The second part describes and evaluates nursing practice in three different health care contexts: acute care settings, mental health facilities, and community care contexts. Sidebars throughout the book offer thought-provoking quotations from well-known authors and nursing experts. Contributors: Cheryl Brandsen Bart Cusveller Mary Molewyk Doornbos Mary Flikkema Ruth E. Groenhout Arlene Hoogewerf Kendra G. Hotz Clarence Joldersma Barbara Timmermans

Transforming Leadership

Book Description

Combining a fresh examination of Jesus' ministry with the insights of the best recent discussions of leadership, Leighton Ford challenges readers to become transformational leaders on the job, in the church and in the public arena. Includes a study guide.