Transition Mathematics. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Book Description

"Transition Mathematics" aims to increase 7th- through 12th-grade students' skills in applied arithmetic, pre-algebra, and pre-geometry. This one-year curriculum also addresses general application to different wordings of problems, types of numbers, and contexts for problems and aims to promote mathematical reading skills. The curriculum uses the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP) textbook. The sequence of the topics intends to assist the transition from arithmetic to algebra and geometry. One study of "Transition Mathematics," first edition, comparing it with "Expert Mathematician," met the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) evidence standards. One study of the first edition and one study of the second edition of the intervention, comparing it with diverse curricula used in different schools, met WWC evidence standards with reservations. The three studies included more than 2,000 students in seventh, eighth, and ninth grades in schools throughout the United States. Three studies reviewed by the WWC investigated the effects of "Transition Mathematics." One study (Baker, 1997) was a randomized controlled trial that met WWC evidence standards in the original review and met WWC evidence standards in this updated review. Two studies (Hedges, Stodolsky, Mathison, & Flores, 1986; Thompson, Senk, Witonsky, Usiskin, & Kaeley, 2005) used a quasi-experiment design that met WWC evidence standards with reservations. Of the three studies that examined the impact of the first and second editions of "Transition Mathematics," one study showed a substantively important negative effect, one study showed a statistically significant positive effect, and one study showed an indeterminate effect. Thus, based on the results of the three studies, the WWC found mixed effects on students' mathematics achievement. (Contains 8 footnotes.) [This publication was produced by the What Works Clearinghouse. The following three studies are reviewed in this intervention report: (1) Baker, J. J. (1997). Effects of a generative instructional design strategy on learning mathematics and on attitudes towards achievement. "Dissertation Abstracts International," 58(7), 2573A. (UMI No. 9800955); (2) Hedges, L. V., Stodolsky, S. S., Mathison, S., & Flores, P. V. (1986). "Transition Math Field Study." Chicago: University of Chicago; and (3) Thompson, D. R., Senk, S. L., Witonsky, D., Usiskin, Z., & Kaeley, G. (2005). "An evaluation of the second edition of UCSMP Transition Mathematics." Chicago: University of Chicago School Mathematics Project.].

Transition Mathematics

Book Description

Everyday Mathematicsʼ. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report. Updated November 2015

Book Description

The "Everyday Mathematicsʼ" curriculum aims to provide students in prekindergarten through grade 6 with multiple opportunities to learn math concepts and practice skills. Since the release of the WWC's 2010 Everyday Mathematics report, the curriculum continues to be widely used and evaluated. This updated review includes 30 studies that were not in the 2010 report. Despite the new research, no additional studies meet WWC design standards and therefore, the WWC rating remains unchanged. Based on the research, the program was found to have potentially positive effects on math achievement for elementary students. The following are appended: (1) Research details for Waite, 2000; (2) Outcome measures for the mathematics achievement domain; (3) Findings included in the rating for the mathematics achievement domain; and (4) Description of supplemental findings for the mathematics achievement domain. A glossary of terms is provided. [For the 2010 edition of this report see ED511794.].

EnVisionMATH. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Book Description

"EnVisionMATH," published by Pearson Education, Inc., is a core curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 6. The program seeks to help students develop an understanding of math concepts through problem-based instruction, small-group interaction, and visual learning with a focus on reasoning and modeling. Differentiated instruction and ongoing assessment are used to meet the needs of students at all ability levels. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) identified one study of "enVisionMATH" that both falls within the scope of the Elementary School Mathematics topic area and meets WWC evidence standards. The study meets WWC evidence standards without reservations, and included 1,156 elementary school students in the second and fourth grades in eight locations across the United States. The WWC considers the extent of evidence for "enVisionMath" on the math performance of elementary school students to be small for the mathematics achievement domain, the only outcome domain examined for studies reviewed under the Elementary School Mathematics topic area. "enVisionMath" was found to have potentially positive effects on mathematics achievement for elementary school students. Appended are: (1) Research details for Resendez & Azin, 2008; (2) Outcome measures for each domain; (3) Findings included in the rating for the mathematics achievement domain; and (4) Description of supplemental findings for Year 2 for the mathematics. A glossary is included. (Contains 4 tables, 6 endnotes and 1 additional source.).

Connected Mathematics Project. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Book Description

The "Connected Mathematics Project" is a problem-centered mathematics curriculum designed to help students in grades 6 to 8 develop mathematical knowledge, understanding, and skills. It contains eight student units for each grade level and covers five content strands: number and operations, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability, and algebra. Characterized by an inquiry mode, instruction is conducted in three phases: launch, explore, and summarize.

Core-Plus Mathematics. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Book Description

"Core-Plus Mathematics" is a four-year curriculum that replaces the traditional sequence with courses that each feature interwoven strands of algebra and functions, statistics and probability, geometry and trigonometry, and discrete mathematics. The first three courses in the series provide a common core of broadly useful mathematics, while the fourth continues the preparation of students for college mathematics and statistics courses. The curriculum emphasizes mathematical modeling, using technology to emphasize reasoning with multiple representations (verbal, numerical, graphical, and symbolic) and to focus on goals in which mathematical thinking and problem solving are central. Instructional materials promote active learning and teaching centered around collaborative small-group investigations of problem situations, followed by teacher-led whole-class summarizing activities that lead to analysis, abstraction, and further application of underlying mathematical ideas. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviewed 17 studies on "Core-Plus Mathematics" for high school students. One of these studies meets WWC evidence standards with reservations; the remaining 16 studies do not meet either WWC evidence standards or eligibility screens. Based on the one study, the WWC found potentially positive effects on mathematics achievement for high school students. The conclusions presented in this report may change as new research emerges. Appendices include: (1) Study characteristics: Schoen & Hirsch, 2002; (2) Outcome measures for the mathematics achievement domain; (3) Summary of study findings included in the rating for the mathematics achievement domain; (4) Summary of subgroup findings for the mathematics achievement domain; (5) "Core-Plus Mathematics" rating for the mathematics achievement domain; and (6) Extent of evidence by domain. (Contains 6 footnotes.).

University of Chicago School Mathematics Project 6-12 Curriculum. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Book Description

The "University of Chicago School Mathematics Project ("UCSMP") 6-12 Curriculum" is a series of yearlong courses--(1) Transition Mathematics; (2) Algebra; (3) Geometry; (4) Advanced Algebra; (5) Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry; and (6) Precalculus and Discrete Mathematics--emphasizing problem solving, real-world applications, and the use of technology. The program is designed to allow schools to offer the appropriate math to students regardless of grade level. Beginning with the Algebra course, technology is used in the classroom to aid in the development of properties and skills, and graphing calculators are used to complete assignments at all levels. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) High School Math topic area reviewed 20 studies on the "UCSMP". Two of these studies meet WWC evidence standards with reservations; the remaining 18 studies do not meet either WWC evidence standards or eligibility screens. Based on the two studies, the WWC found potentially positive effects in math achievement for high school students. The conclusions presented in this report may change as new research emerges. Appended are: (1) Study characteristics; (2) Outcome measures for the math achievement domain; (3) Summary of study findings included in the rating for the math achievement domain; (4) "UCSMP" rating for the math achievement domain; and (5) Extent of evidence by domain. (Contains 9 footnotes.).

Saxon Math. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Book Description

"Saxon Math," published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, is a core curriculum for students in grades K-5. A distinguishing feature of the curriculum is its use of an incremental approach for instruction and assessment. This approach limits the amount of new math content delivered to students each day and allows time for daily practice. New concepts are introduced gradually and integrated with previously introduced content so that concepts are developed, reviewed, and practiced over time rather than being taught during discrete periods of time, such as in chapters or units. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) identified 26 studies that investigated the effects of "Saxon Math" on the math performance of elementary school students. The WWC reviewed 14 of those studies against group design evidence standards. One study (Agodini, Harris, Thomas, Murphy, & Gallagher, 2010) is a randomized controlled trial that meets WWC evidence standards without reservations, and one study (Resendez & Manley, 2005) is a quasi-experimental design that meets WWC evidence standards with reservations. Those two studies are summarized in this report. Twelve studies do not meet WWC evidence standards. The remaining 12 studies do not meet WWC eligibility screens for review in this topic area. Appended are: (1) Research details for Agodini et al. (2010); (2) Research details for Resendez and Manley (2005); (3) Outcome measures for the mathematics achievement domain; (4) Findings included in the rating for the mathematics achievement domain; and (5) Summary of supplemental findings for the mathematics achievement domain. A glossary of terms is included. (Contains 5 tables and 10 endnotes.).

Connected Mathematics Project (CMP). What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Book Description

The "Connected Mathematics Project" ("CMP") is a mathematics curriculum designed for students in grades 6-8. Each grade level of the curriculum is a full-year program and covers numbers, algebra, geometry/measurement, probability, and statistics. The curriculum uses an investigative approach, and students utilize interactive problems and everyday situations to learn math concepts. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviewed 79 studies of "CMP." No studies of "CMP" meet WWC evidence standards, and one study meets WWC evidence standards with reservations. The one study included more than 12,000 students from grades 6-8 in Texas. Based on this study, the WWC considers the extent of evidence for "CMP" to be small for math achievement. "CMP" was found to have no discernible effects on math achievement. Appended to this report are: (1) Study characteristics: Schneider, 2000 (quasi-experimental design); (2) Outcome measure for the math achievement domain; (3) Summary of study findings included in the rating for the math achievement domain; (4) Summary of cohort findings for the math achievement domain; (5) "CMP" rating for the math achievement domain; and (6) Extent of evidence by domain. (Contains 9 notes.) [The following study is reviewed in this intervention report: Schneider, C. L. (2000). "Connected Mathematics and the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills" (Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2000). Dissertation Abstracts International, 62(02), 503A. (UMI No. 3004373). For previous WWC intervention reports on the "Connected Mathematics Project," see ED499297 (2007) and ED485389 (2004).].

DreamBox Learning. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Book Description

"DreamBox Learning" is a supplemental online mathematics program that provides adaptive instruction for students in grades K-5 and focuses on number and operations, place value, and number sense. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) identified one study of "DreamBox Learning" that both falls within the scope of the Elementary School Mathematics topic area and meets WWC evidence standards. This study meets standards without reservations and included 557 elementary school students in kindergarten and first grade in three charter schools in San Jose, California. The WWC considers the extent of evidence for "DreamBox Learning" on the math performance of elementary school students to be small for the mathematics achievement domain, the only domain specified in the review protocol. "DreamBox Learning" was found to have potentially positive effects on mathematics achievement for elementary school students. [On February 5, 2014, the WWC modified this report in response to new information provided by the study authors. Following the release of the intervention report on December 10, 2013 (ED544506), the WWC received a request from the study authors for another opportunity to respond to an author query to which the authors had previously not responded. The authors then provided information that the WWC had previously requested--specifically, regression-adjusted impact estimates using the full sample. The authors' original report included regression-adjusted impact estimates only for a sample that excluded students whose outcomes were classified as outliers by the study authors. Based on the new information provided, the review team updated the characterization of the study finding and the intervention rating in this report. The characterization of the study finding changed from "indeterminate effect" to "statistically significant positive effect." The intervention effectiveness rating changed from "no discernible effects" to "potentially positive effects." The WWC has not added studies to the body of evidence or updated the literature search since the December 2013 release of this report. The following study is reviewed in this intervention report: Wang, H., & Woodworth, K. (2011). "Evaluation of Rocketship Education's Use of DreamBox Learning's Online Mathematics Program." Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Retrieved from].