Transnational Threats: Blending Law Enforcement and Military Strategies

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On February 2-3, 2000, the U.S. Army War College, the Triangle Institute for Security Studies, and the Duke University Center for Law, Ethics, and National Security co-sponsored a conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The conference examined transnational threats, including terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction, cyber threats to the national infrastructure, and international organized crime. The goal was to evaluate the seriousness of such threats and discuss strategies for dealing with them. In particular, the conference sought to address the question of how military and law enforcement could blend their strategies to better counter transnational threats. A secondary purpose was to clarify the role of the military in meeting challenges that transcend national borders and threaten our national interests. This book highlights some of the main issues and themes that ran through the conference. After looking at the various threats and undertaking a risk assessment, the report considers the unique aspects of transnational threats, and then identifies the key challenges facing the United States, paying particular attention to the role of the military. The book concludes with discussions of some of the steps that should be taken to secure ourselves against transnational threats.

Transnational Threats

Book Description

On February 2-3, 2000, the U.S. Army War College, the Triangle Institute for Security Studies, and the Duke University Center for Law, Ethics, and National Security co-sponsored a conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The conference examined transnational threats, including terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction, cyber threats to the national infrastructure, and international organized crime. The goal was to evaluate the seriousness of such threats and discuss strategies for dealing with them. In particular, the conference sought to address the question of how military and law enforcement could blend their strategies to better counter transnational threats. A secondary purpose was to clarify the role of the military in meeting challenges that transcend national borders and threaten our national interests. This book highlights some of the main issues and themes that ran through the conference. After looking at the various threats and undertaking a risk assessment, the report considers the unique aspects of transnational threats, and then identifies the key challenges facing the United States, paying particular attention to the role of the military. The book concludes with discussions of some of the steps that should be taken to secure ourselves against transnational threats.

Transnational Threats

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Transnational Threats

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Decisive Military Force in Response to Transnational Threats

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Transnational crime is a serious threat to the international system affecting political and economic stability worldwide. Consequently, the United States National Command Authority (NCA) determined that transnational threats undermine the nations vital interests. These transnational threats are organized criminal acts that transcend national borders and are normally committed by non-state actors. Traditional diplomatic, economic and law enforcement ways and means are the primary method for fighting these threats. However, globalization, information age technology and the large profits gained from these illegal enterprises allow transnational criminal leaders to gain power by militarizing their operations. Can traditional means fight this threat or must the United States develop a decisive military force option? The purpose of this paper is to answer the following questions. Is the current United States Strategy to respond and preferably preempt transnational threats sufficient? Or is there a need to develop a comprehensive decisive military force strategy that supplements the United States International Organized Crime Control Strategy (ICCS) to effectively combat transnational organized crime and the subsequent transnational threats to the International system? This paper answers first by defining the threat, and briefly reviewing the ICCS and the current Department of Defense (DOD) support to the ICCS. Then, describes a decisive military force strategy to enhance the ICCS. Next, conducts an analysis examining the case for and against the current policy as well as the case for and against the suggested decisive military force options. Finally, the paper concludes with a policy/strategy recommendation for the future.'

Transatlantic Perspectives on Security Imperatives

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The third volume of the Transatlantic Public Policy Series contains papers prepared by members of the Transatlantic Policy Consortium (TPC), representing American and European universities and institutions. The 13 contributions focus on the future of NATO, the possibilities of transatlantic cooperation in the Middle East problems, and the challenges to human security. The collection serves as an illustration of the state of the debate on security problems in transatlantic relations at this specific time. It will contribute to greater synergies of thinking and studies of global security pursued in American and European institutions.

Decisive Military Force in Response to Transnational Threats

Book Description

Transnational crime is a serious threat to the international system affecting political and economic stability worldwide. Consequently, the United States National Command Authority (NCA) determined that transnational threats undermine the nations vital interests. These transnational threats are organized criminal acts that transcend national borders and are normally committed by non- state actors. Traditional diplomatic, economic and law enforcement ways and means are the primary method for fighting these threats. However, globalization, information age technology and the large profits gained from these illegal enterprises allow transnational criminal leaders to gain power by militarizing their operations. Can traditional means fight this threat or must the United States develop a decisive military force option? The purpose of this paper is to answer the following questions. Is the current United States Strategy to respond and preferably preempt transnational threats sufficient? Or is there a need to develop a comprehensive decisive military force strategy that supplements the United States International Organized Crime Control Strategy (ICCS) to effectively combat transnational organized crime and the subsequent transnational threats to the International system? This paper answers first by defining the threat, and briefly reviewing the ICCS and the current Department of Defense (DOD) support to the ICCS. Then, describes a decisive military force strategy to enhance the ICCS. Next, conducts an analysis examining the case for and against the current policy as well as the case for and against the suggested decisive military force options. Finally, the paper concludes with a policy/ strategy recommendation for the future.'

Transnational Crime

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Transnational crime, to include terrorism, drug trafficking, alien smuggling, etc., constitutes one of the most serious threats.

Cyber-Attacks and the Exploitable Imperfections of International Law

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At its current rate, technological development has outpaced corresponding changes in international law. Proposals to remedy this deficiency have been made, in part, by members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (led by the Russian Federation), but the United States and select allies have rejected these proposals, arguing that existing international law already provides a suitable comprehensive framework necessary to tackle cyber-warfare. Cyber-Attacks and the Exploitable Imperfections of International Law does not contest (and, in fact, supports) the idea that contemporary jus ad bellum and jus in bello, in general, can accommodate cyber-warfare. However, this analysis argues that existing international law contains significant imperfections that can be exploited; gaps, not yet filled, that fail to address future risks posed by cyber-attacks.

Toward a Strategy of Positive Ends

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