Transport and Decoherence Phenomena in Quantum Dots

Book Description

The problem of a few electronic level coupling to an environmental heat bath, such as in quantum dots (QDs), is well-known in modern quantum physics. These systems have been widely studied as they can dictate the dephasing properties in many practical opto-electronic devices. In this thesis we focus on the electron-phonon (quantized lattice vibrations) coupling in QDs that are embedded within semiconductor nanowires. For interband optical transitions, the electron-phonon interactions are treated using a cumulant expansion approach which includes the non-Markovian dynamics. Both the longitudinal optical (LO) and longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons are included, and structural variations of the QDs are investigated, which, typically the LO phonons and structural asymmetry have been neglected in the literature. We find that the linewidth can have variations on three orders of magnitude when changing the QD geometry due to LO phonon interactions, which obviously has significant implications in mitigating phonon-induced dephasing. Comparison to experimental results is shown for validation of the theoretical model. Finally, we elucidate these effects for single photon emitters composed of different materials. In the intersublevel regime, we study the electron transport dynamics in a quantum dot cascade laser (QDCL), which is a promising candidate as the semiconductor gain medium for THz lasing. The quantum kinetics are included by means of an intuitive and accurate density matrix approach, valid for weak to intermediate e-phonon interaction strength. We find that at low temperatures, the LA phonons can help to inject electrons into the upper lasing state. We believe these findings should be considered and utilized in future opto-electronic device designs.

Dissipative Quantum Mechanics of Nanostructures

Book Description

Continuing miniaturization of electronic devices, together with the quickly growing number of nanotechnological applications, demands a profound understanding of the underlying physics. Most of the fundamental problems of modern condensed matter physics involve various aspects of quantum transport and fluctuation phenomena at the nanoscale. In nanostructures, electrons are usually confined to a limited volume and interact with each other and lattice ions, simultaneously suffering multiple scattering events on impurities, barriers, surface imperfections, and other defects. Electron interaction with other degrees of freedom generally yields two major consequences, quantum dissipation and quantum decoherence. In other words, electrons can lose their energy and ability for quantum interference even at very low temperatures. These two different, but related, processes are at the heart of all quantum phenomena discussed in this book. This book presents copious details to facilitate the understanding of the basic physics behind a result and the learning to technically reproduce the result without delving into extra literature. The book subtly balances the description of theoretical methods and techniques and the display of the rich landscape of the physical phenomena that can be accessed by these methods. It is useful for a broad readership ranging from master’s and PhD students to postdocs and senior researchers.

Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Book Description

Semiconductor quantum dots represent one of the fields of solid state physics that have experienced the greatest progress in the last decade. Recent years have witnessed the discovery of many striking new aspects of the optical response and electronic transport phenomena. This book surveys this progress in the physics, optical spectroscopy and application-oriented research of semiconductor quantum dots. It focuses especially on excitons, multi-excitons, their dynamical relaxation behaviour and their interactions with the surroundings of a semiconductor quantum dot. Recent developments in fabrication techniques are reviewed and potential applications discussed. This book will serve not only as an introductory textbook for graduate students but also as a concise guide for active researchers.

Quantum Phenomena in Mesoscopic Systems

Book Description

This book is a snapshot of the vision shared by outstanding scientists on the key theoretical and experimental issues in Mesoscopic Physics. Quantum properties of electrons in solid state devices and transport in semiconducting and superconducting low-dimensional systems, are discussed, as well as the basis of quantum computing (entanglement, noise decoherence and read-out). Each chapter collects the material presented at a Varenna School course of last year, by leading experts in the field. The reader gets a flavor, how theorists and experimentalists are paving the way to the physical realization of solid state qubits, the basic units of the new logic and memory elements for quantum processing. He will be surprised in finding that mesoscopic solid state devices, which were invented just yesterday ( think of the Single Electron Transistor, or the Cooper Pair Box) are currently used as charge-sensing applications in the equipment of frontier research laboratories. These devices contribute as probing systems to produce evidence on still unsettled questions in topics like the metal-insulator transition in disordered two dimensional systems, quantum Hall conductance in heterostructures, or Kondo conductance in quantum dots.

Electron Transport in Quantum Dots

Book Description

When I was contacted by Kluwer Academic Publishers in the Fall of 200 I, inviting me to edit a volume of papers on the issue of electron transport in quantum dots, I was excited by what I saw as an ideal opportunity to provide an overview of a field of research that has made significant contributions in recent years, both to our understanding of fundamental physics, and to the development of novel nanoelectronic technologies. The need for such a volume seemed to be made more pressing by the fact that few comprehensive reviews of this topic have appeared in the literature, in spite of the vast activity in this area over the course of the last decade or so. With this motivation, I set out to try to compile a volume that would fairly reflect the wide range of opinions that has emerged in the study of electron transport in quantum dots. Indeed, there has been no effort on my part to ensure any consistency between the different chapters, since I would prefer that this volume instead serve as a useful forum for the debate of critical issues in this still developing field. In this matter, I have been assisted greatly by the excellent series of articles provided by the different authors, who are widely recognized as some of the leaders in this vital area of research.

Decoherence, Entanglement and Information Protection in Complex Quantum Systems

Book Description

This book is a collection of articles on the contemporary status of quantum mechanics, dedicated to the fundamental issues of entanglement, decoherence, irreversibility, information processing, and control of quantum evolution, with a view of possible applications. It has multidisciplinary character and is addressed at a broad readership in physics, computer science, chemistry, and electrical engineering. It is written by the world-leading experts in pertinent fields such as quantum computing, atomic, molecular and optical physics, condensed matter physics, and statistical physics.

Quantum Dots: a Doorway to Nanoscale Physics

Book Description

Quantum dots, sometimes called artificial atoms, are exquisite tools by which quantum behavior can be probed on a larger scale than the atomic, namely on the nanometer scale. While the physics exhibited by these devices is closer to classical than atomic physics, quantum dots are still sufficiently small to clearly exhibit quantum phenomena. This volume, intended for graduate students and young researchers, offers an introduction to many of these fascinating aspects. In the first lecture, R. Shankar treats the general theoretical aspects of Fermi liquids, in particular the renormalization group approach, and then applies this to large quantum dots. A completely different approach is encountered in the second contribution, by J.M. Elzerman et al., which thoroughly details current and likely experimental developments in the study of small quantum dots. Here the emphasis lies on the electron spin which is to be used as a qubit. In the third lecture series, by M. Pustilnik and Leonid I. Glazman, mechanisms of low-temperature electronic transport through a quantum dot -- weakly coupled to two conducting leads -- are reviewed. The fourth and final lecture series, by C.W.J. Beenakker, deals with a peculiar property of superconducting mirrors, a very interesting aspect of nanophysics discovered by Andreev about forty years ago and still a challenge to experimental physicists.