Transportation Enhancements

Book Description

At least 10% of the 24 billion dollars, 6-year authorization in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) that created the surface transportation program was required to be set aside exclusively for 10 categories of "transportation enhancements", or projects designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, or environmental aspects of transportation or to encourage greater use of nonmotorized transportation. In examining this set-aside, the General Accounting Office (GAO) addressed the following questions: (1) How do the obligation rates for transportation enhancement funds for fiscal years 1992-95 compare with the obligation rates for other major highway programs? (2) How do the obligation rates for transportation enhancement funds vary by state, and what factors have affected the states' use of these funds? (3) What types of projects are being funded with transportation enhancement funds? and (4) What are stakeholders' views on reauthorizing the transportation enhancement set-aside?

Transportation Enhancements: Status of the $2.4 Billion Authorized for Nonmotorized Transportation

Book Description

Covers (1) How do the obligation rates for transportation enhancement funds for FY 19921995 compare with the obligation rates for other major highway programs? (2) How do the obligation rates for transportation enhancement funds vary by state, and what factors have affected that states' use of these funds? (3) What types of projects are being funded with transportation enhancement funds? and (4) What are stakeholders' views on reauthorizing the transportation enhancement set-aside? An analysis of national data and interviews with transportation officials in 16 states.


Book Description

TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 672: Roundabouts: An Informational Guide - Second Edition explores the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of roundabouts. The report also addresses issues that may be useful in helping to explain the trade-offs associated with roundabouts. This report updates the U.S. Federal Highway Administration's Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, based on experience gained in the United States since that guide was published in 2000.

AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide

Book Description

Aims to encourage transportation agencies to address strategic questions as they confront the task of managing the surface transportation system. Drawn form both national and international knowledge and experience, it provides guidance to State Department of Transportation (DOT) decision makers, as well as county and municipal transportation agencies, to assist them in realizing the most from financial resources now and into the future, preserving highway assets, and providing the service expected by customers. Divided into two parts, Part one focuses on leadership and goal and objective setintg, while Part two is more technically oriented. Appendices include work sheets and case studies.

Building on the Past, Traveling to the Future

Book Description

Under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, historic preservation and highway communities have opportunities, such as the funding for Transportation Enhancement Activities, to reaffirm existing partnerships and establish new ones. The National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Federal Highway Administration prepared this booklet to describe some of the Transportation Enhancement projects. These projects demonstrate that historic preservation is not only rewarding on its own terms; investment in historic preservation can also help revitalize a neighborhood, rebuild a community, and stimulate economic growth.

Gravel Roads

Book Description

The purpose of this manual is to provide clear and helpful information for maintaining gravel roads. Very little technical help is available to small agencies that are responsible for managing these roads. Gravel road maintenance has traditionally been "more of an art than a science" and very few formal standards exist. This manual contains guidelines to help answer the questions that arise concerning gravel road maintenance such as: What is enough surface crown? What is too much? What causes corrugation? The information is as nontechnical as possible without sacrificing clear guidelines and instructions on how to do the job right.

Implementation of the Rails to Trails Act

Book Description