The Rapture Trap

Book Description

'The Rapture' as believed by many today is Satan's theological horror story for end-times evangelicals, to send as many of them to hell as possible.This is the bold contention of evangelical theologian Nathanael Lewis. Building on his previous works that smashed pillar after pillar of 'Pre-Trib Left Behind' belief with detailed research in the New Testament and the early church, he presents a compelling argument that covers all the major arguments and proof texts, and much more, showing: * In an already highly praised chapter, how the covenant structure of the bible renders all need for artificial 'dispensations' utterly unnecessary, and exposes their deeply troubling theological roots* How Paul's letter to the Romans demonstrates that 'the mystery' is not something brand new and revealed only to Paul, but something thoroughly grounded in many promises in the Old Testament about Gentiles coming to worship with Israel* How all claims that Paul had a new gospel or was the herald of a separate dispensation are utterly undercut by Paul's own testimony and the account of Acts* The New Testament's theology on the vital spiritual role of suffering and Tribulation in God's plan for the church* How the bible does not teach imminence as commonly taught, but directly contradicts it in both gospels and epistles, and also the true meaning of 'thief in the night' imagery* By a detailed examination of end time phrases such as 'Day of the Lord' through the whole Bible that dispenational interpretations are badly adrift* The key to understanding the structure of Revelation in relation to the wrath of God* That at the core of the Left Behind teaching is a heretical position that is designed to deceive evangelicals in such a way as to be vulnerable to last-days apostasy and therefore eternal damnation.Along the way he shows that treasured evangelical doctrines about salvation, eternal life and Judgement Day are very different to the true New Testament teaching.Nathanael Lewis is a sinner saved by grace, a theologian with an MTheol (Hons) from St Andrews University, poet, composer and pianist and expert on the situation of Christians in Pakistan.A minimum of 6% of the sale price of this book will go to charities and NGOs, mainly those helping persecuted Pakistani and/or Middle Eastern Christians

Trapped by the Pre-Trib Rapture

Book Description

If you are a Christian believer and you have exclusive faith in the pre-Tribulation Rapture, this book is for you. You need to consider its 7 Rapture timing secrets. This book presents, in simple balanced logical steps, the major Biblical inferences for the pre-Trib and the post-Trib Rapture theories. The author does not dogmatically preach only one of the theories; rather he proposes that believers should balance their Rapture faith based on the various strengths of the evidence for each theory. The book gives a fair presentation of the two major theories, and then asks the reader to make an informed evaluation and only then apportion Rapture faith. It is the author's opinion that a dogmatic 100% faith in any one of the Rapture theories is not justified and could in the future be dangerous to spiritual stability.In the Sections explaining the post-Tribulation Rapture inferences, Dr. True presents evidence that the "7-year" portion of the "Future" section of the book of Revelation (6:1-20:6) describes 7 self-contained concurrent narratives, each ending with YHWH's wrath and the 24-hour Day of the Lord. He also presents a theory about the "mystery" in chapter 10.Dr. True has retired from his formal career as a licensed physician and a board certified psychiatrist. He likes to say he is a sinner in recovery, not unlike alcoholics who know they must continue practicing recovery. He became a believer at age 12, the oldest of 7 siblings in a blended family. Secular education in the absence of enlightened teachers led to a period of agnosticism and unenlightened selfishness. A serious re-evaluation in mid-life led back to the solid rock of a historical risen Savior/Creator. Ever the oldest brother therapist, his concern is that fellow believers not stumble on paths strewn with unnecessary dogmatism.

The Rapture: A Pre- or Post-Tribulation Event?

Book Description

God tells us not to be deceived about the timing of us being caught up to meet Jesus in the air, an event Christians refer to as the rapture. He would not have said that unless there was going to be an avalanche of false teaching with regard to the timing of the rapture in the sequence of end-time events. Diligently studying pertinent Scriptures in God's Word is the only way one can be free of deception and be spiritually prepared for the times that may befall us. This book helps the reader to deeply study the Word of God to see the truth. "I've read a large number of books on the rapture debate, and in my opinion, this excellent book is by far the best. While reading this book I felt like my spiritual glasses were being cleaned so I could see the simplicity of the truth of scripture again. Well done, Colleen. Marvelous! Five gold stars from me." "I have read several books about the rapture and end-time prophecy including Pre-Tribulation and Mid-Tribulation, and when I come across this book, it was so clear, logical, and well-written based solely on the scripture that I could grasp the subject clearly and convincingly which has helped me tremendously in making up my mind where to stand on the subject of the timing of the rapture at the end time. Really recommended."

The Rapture Exposed

Book Description

The idea of "The Rapture" -- the return of Christ to rescue and deliver Christians off the earth -- is an extremely popular interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and a jumping-off point for the best-selling "Left Behind" series of books. This interpretation, based on a psychology of fear and destruction, guides the daily acts of thousands if not millions of people worldwide. In The Rapture Exposed, Barbara Rossing argues that this script for the world's future is nothing more than a disingenuous distortion of the Bible. The truth, Rossing argues, is that Revelation offers a vision of God's healing love for the world. The Rapture Exposed reclaims Christianity from fundamentalists' destructive reading of the biblical story and back into God's beloved community.

The Rapture Trap

Book Description

Exposing the Fallacies of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Book Description

The Pretribulation Rapture theory has had a foothold on many Christians in America for over a hundred years. This teaching is not allowed to be challenged in many Christian circles. Exposing the Fallacies of the Pretribulation Rapture takes the building blocks of this theory and dismantles them one by one in a serious, thought-provoking analogy of this doctrine. Is the seven year tribulation really a biblical term? Is the church literally raptured in Revelation chapter 4? Are there signs that precede the return of Christ? Is the rapture really an invisible event? Are Christians exempt from tribulation? Where did the true roots of the pretribulation rapture come from? What does the day of the Lord have to do with the rapture? These questions and many more are answered in Exposing the Fallacies of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Not only is there a thorough examination of the rapture, but also a detailed account is given of the numerous discrepancies among leading pretribulation teachers over Bible passages on the second coming. Billy Broadwaters in-depth Bible based research for over twenty-years brings home the truth about the rapture.

The Rapture Question

Book Description

This re-edition of the classic examines four views of the church's role in the tribulation: partial rapturism, pre-tribulationism, mid-tribulationism, and post-tribulationism, with special emphasis on the debate between pre-tribulationism and post-tribulationism. Bibliography and index are included.

Not Afraid of the Antichrist

Book Description

Despite the popular theology of our day, Christians should not expect to get out of experiencing the tribulation or the end times. Nowhere in the Bible does the Lord promise us this, say Michael Brown and Craig Keener, two leading, acclaimed Bible scholars. In fact, they say, Jesus promises us tribulation in this world. Yet this is no reason to fear. In this fascinating, accessible, and personal book, Brown and Keener walk you through what the Bible really says about the rapture, the tribulation, and the end times. What they find will leave you full of hope. God's wrath is not poured out on His people, and He will shield us from it--as he shielded Israel in Egypt during the ten plagues. So instead of taking comfort in what God hasn't promised, take comfort in the words of Jesus: He has overcome the world, and we live in his victory.

A Revelation of the End Times

Book Description

The Rapture of the Church is a remarkable prophecy from the Word of God. Due to the numerous theories and ideas about this event, many no longer know what is and isn't biblical. Timo Groot takes you through the Biblical data on the Rapture and why the Rapture is more relevant today than ever before. The Rapture is the hope of escaping the horrors that will occur on Earth and is the moment when the Church will see the Lord Jesus face to face in the Father's house of God. The Second Coming of Christ is often confused with the Rapture. However, these are two different events. This book explains what the Second Coming is and what will happen after His coming. The Lord Jesus will physically return and establish a thousand-year reign on Earth. After reading this book, you will have knowledge about future times and look forward to the soon coming of Jesus. In this book, we cover topics including: Divine timeline What is the Rapture? Raptured before tribulation Caught up to heaven When is the Rapture? Living in anticipation of the Rapture What is the Second Coming? The judgments of God Signs of His coming Events after His coming Difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming How to be ready for the Rapture