Trattato dell'arte della pittura, scoltura, et architettura, di Gio. Paolo Lomazzo milanese pittore, diuiso in sette libri. Ne' quali si discorre De la proportione, De' moti, De' colori, De' lumi, De la prospettiua, De la prattica de la pittura. Et finalmente de le istorie d'essa pittura. Con vna tauola de' nomi de tutti li pitttori [sic !], scoltori, architetti, et matematici antichi, et moderni. Al serenissimo Duca di Savoia. Con Priuilegio de la Santità di N. S. Papa Gregorio XIII. & de la Maestà Catholica del Rè Filippo

Book Description

Technology and Performance during the Renaissance

Book Description

This book opens a new window to understanding the important role music played in the Renaissance. It was a means of popular and court entertainment and a tool for displaying the magnificence and power achieved by the lords of the time. Leonardo da Vinci, despite not being very well known for this skill, was one of the most famous improvisers and performers of the lira da braccio. However, his multifaceted scientific and technological knowledge pushed him far beyond the limit of being a good performer; his codices contain reflections on music, studies on the origin of the sound, and an extraordinary catalogue of new musical instruments. The book highlights the fact that Leonardo's profound knowledge of the workings of machines and natural phenomena was the starting point in foreshadowing many of the innovations that would be introduced after his death. This book will be of interest to academics and students in fields such as music, engineering and the arts.