Travail - The Lost Art of Intercession

Book Description

Priscilla Wazara's life changing book "Travail: The Lost Art of Intercession" takes this earthly license for heavenly intervention to its highest level of expression. In this life changing book she eloquently shows us, how God's Spirit uses the lost art of take us into superior realms of intercession that are beyond the veil of mere human comprehension.

The Lost Art of Intercession

Book Description

The Supernatural Bridge That Connects Heaven to Earth "Fire shall be kept burning continually on the altar; it is not to go out" --Leviticus 6:13 If you desire to have a burning passion for prayer--and to see authentic revival sweep the land--it's time for you to rediscover The Lost Art of Intercession. Unfortunately, many Christians falsely believe that intercession is a practice reserved for a select spiritual few. Through his timeless work, respected prophet and author, James W. Goll reveals how intercession is a powerful tool for every believer to unlock supernatural power and authority in heavenly places. Learn how intercession: gives you a place of spiritual favor before Heaven and Earth. empowers you to pray in alignment with God's heart and unleash Kingdom solutions into your life. enables you to plead your case and make appeals in the courts of Heaven. ushers you into a lifestyle where supernatural encounters start becoming normal. Get ready to be mentored in the kind of prayer that partners with God to transform your world!

The Lost Art of Intercession

Book Description

Finally there is something that really explains what is happening to so many folk in the Body of Christ. What does it mean to carry the burden of the Lord? Where is it in Scripture and in history? Why do I feel as though God is groaning within me? No, you are not crazy; God is restoring genuine intercessory prayer in the hearts of those who are open to respond to His burden and His passion.

Lost Art of Intercession Expanded Edition

Book Description

Over two hundred and fifty years ago, this verse was burned into the hearts of Moravian refugees in the tiny community of Herrnhut in eastern Germany. Their commitment to restore the Watch of the Lord, through 24 hours of unbroken prayer and intercession continued for more than 100 years. God is calling His warriors once again to mount the Watch of the Lord. When God s people send up the incense of prayer and worship, God will send down supernatural power, anointing, and acts of intervention. Author James W. Goll combined with the writings of E.M. Bounds paints an inspiring picture of prophetic clarity and prayerful urgency that sound God s clarion call to His Church. Now is the time to mount the walls with prayer and praise, and restore The Lost Art of Intercession.


Book Description

The words of the intercessor are a power force for healing the wounds of the past and shaping the course of history. This book will help the intercessor release those words into the heavens and bring down God's will on earth. Goll shifts the focus of intercession away from the typical "shot gun" approach of praying for the whole world in a single prayer. At the same time he impressively portrays how you can focus your prayer on what God desires as opposed to what you need.

The Art of Intercession

Book Description

This book teaches the art of intercession with the Lord.

The Art of Intercession

Book Description

You Can Be an Intercessor To intercede is to truly pray with power. How do you know God is not calling you to be an intercessor? As you read this book with its study of the great intercessors in the Bible - from Abraham and Moses to Daniel and Nehemiah to Paul and Epaphras to Jesus himself - you will never be the same again. You will catch a new glimpse of the importance of intercession. You will see the great need for intercessors and understand if God is calling you to be one. Above all, with all the Biblical models presented, you will be challenged to join this godly company. "The challenge is disturbing as the reader realizes how short of the mark is even the most spiritual of Christians," writes Dr. Lester Sumrall in his Foreword. "Dr. Fomum practices what he teaches, as do some churches in Cameroon. Who of us prays for several hours each day? Who among us fasts and prays in spiritual warfare for From 21 to 40 days at a time, several times per year? This book is MUST reading for the serious Christian."

The Practice of Intercession

Book Description

DON'T GET ON YOUR KNEES WITHOUT IT! This book is the sequel and companion to The Art of Intercession. The current volume, as its title suggests, focuses on the more practical aspects of intercession: the use of time, discipline, goals, fasting, resisting the devil, the use of the Bible, and knowledge of facts. From a practical perspective, Professor Fomum leads us through the levels of intercession - from the beginner to the advanced. He goes on to give practical lessons on high-level spiritual warfare against principalities and powers - for those who are called into this ministry. There are sections on intercessory prayer chains and a full-time ministry of intercession. All this from the pen of one who has himself advanced through the school of calloused knees. If God is calling you to be an intercessor, this is the single best, most practical manual to get you started or advancing on your knees.

The Prophetic Intercessor

Book Description

God's Soldiers Are Strongest When They're on Their Knees A look at God's greatest warriors shows that the secret to moving heaven and earth lies in kneeling--humbling ourselves before God in prayer and reminding Him of His promises to His people. Only then are we ready to take aim and fire our spiritual weapons. James W. Goll challenges you to pray God's promises and experience a whole new level of effectiveness in personal, corporate and even international concerns. An established voice in the prophetic community and cofounder of Encounters Network, he shares from his personal life and experience in the ministry to exhort, equip and impart wisdom from the trenches. This inspiring reading--including a practical 21-day devotional--will transform your prayer life. "The Prophetic Intercessor will add needed ammunition to the prayer arsenal to inspire effective, fervent prayer from the heart."--Mike Bickle, ministry director, Friends of the Bridegroom; International House of Prayer "James Goll has done it again! Few can put it together like him in concept and application. Touch this work and you will be touched."--Jack Taylor, president, Dimension Ministries "If the Lord eternally titled His own house as a 'House of Prayer,' there must be incredible depths and dimensions of prayer we have yet to discover. I know of no man more qualified to take us on that journey than James Goll."--Dr. Ché Ahn, senior pastor, Harvest Rock Church; president and founder, Harvest International Ministry "Here is a call to prayer that understands the prophetic, a call to intercession that understands the importance of Israel, a call to supplication that understands the Spirit. James Goll is one of the few leaders in the Body today who could write such a book."--Dr. Michael L. Brown, founder and president, ICN Ministries

Engaging the Hand of God

Book Description

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30. if there is ever a time that we need someone to stand in the gap for our families, communities, and the cities of our world, now is the time. The spirit of intercession is missing in our lives today and because of that the enemy is unleashing his attacks upon the believers and the church. God in this dispensation of grace is looking for one to stand in the gap, engage Him through prayer and supplication and to enforce the mandate of God in the affairs of men. This book is design to awaken the passion of intercession, and to bring you into the awareness of the miracles of engaging the hand of God in every aspect of your life. I trust that as you read this book, your life and prayer life will never be the same. Be bless, live long and prosper