Book Description

Travailer Barbara J. Robinson is an end-time apostle covered under the apostolic anointing with signs and wonders following. Through wag-ing war and travailing, the Lord has birthed through her loins, several books namely “The Gender of the Woman; the female” , Soul-winner, The Way of a Transgressor, End-time Sodom & Gomorrah and Film, The Candle of the Wicked, The Book on Fables, Folklores, and Superstitions. This book or guide on Tra-vailing will wet your appetite and encourage you to consecrate and dedicate yourself to a life of laboring in prayer. These steps, if applied, will guarantee a supernatural harvest beyond what one can imagine or think. This book exhibits the importance of hav-ing intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ. Conception takes place. Then comes the birthing. If you are an intercessor or prayer war-rior, this book will instruct you on ways to become more effective in spiritual warfare. Having experienced this fi rsthand, author realizes the importance of efforts and results demanded. When your obedience is fulfi lled, you will be able to pull down every stronghold of the enemy. For truly one must press towards the mark for the prize of the higher calling. It’s the only way to move forward and this book will spark your evangelistic fi re. This mid-wife is well equipped to engage in warfare and have witnessed the captive set free. Having suffered a series of blows or buffets from the enemy, experience has taught her how to progress, to war, and having done all to stand. She affi rms that some things are delayed in our lives, but they are not denied. So Travail.....until the Lord brings it forth......

Travailing Intercession

Book Description

Both our Lord and the devil know there isn't anyone on earth more powerful than a travailing intercessor who truly knows how to pray effectively. God stands ready to open heaven to those believers who learn the art of intercession. Angels await divine instructions that will cause the darkness over our families, our nations and the world to be pierced by marvellous breakthrough.On the other hand, the enemy is absolutely terrified at the thought this could happen. He knows it would release God's best for us and for our families. Marriages would be healed and financials fortunes reversed. Nations would be changed and set free. It is for this reason that he has done everything he can to discredit the intercessory prayer ministry and cause so much misunderstanding to surround it.Apostle Natasha has done an remarkable job in teaching us how to explore these exciting new dimensions of prayer and intimacy with God. She does so in a way that is wonderfully helpful to us by breaking down this mysterious aspect of prayer into practical steps any believer can follow and come to love. Reading this book will leave you feeling as though you have opened a door and taken a step into another world, marvellous and life-changing, that previously was only understood and accessible to a select and chosen few. I should point out this book isn't about theory or hypotheticals. Natasha leads an incredible group of intercessors who have for years been journeying through these extraordinary realms of life changing territory. I have prayed with them on many occasions and been blessed by them. You not only need this book, it needs to sit beside your Bible and be picked up and referred to often. It will help change who you have been in prayer into the incredible and powerful world changer you were created to be by God.Dr. R. Heard, PhD.Christian TabernacleHouston, Texas

Travailing in Prayer

Book Description

Jesus travailed at Gethsemane, interceding, and agonizing ...for the whole creation. He prayed, "Not my will, but thou will be done." The Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. For years, at 3:00 am, the Holy Spirit woke me up to pray. One morning, I was awakened by a bright light shining in one corner of my bedroom. I felt led to pray for specific individuals. Later that day, the first person I prayed for called saying they woke up early that morning with chest pains and difficulty breathing. They're fine now. When I told God I wanted to be a Missionary, He made me a missionary in the workplace; I've spearheaded lunchtime Bible Study groups and was an Intercessor. The workplace is a big mission field. God taught me about demon spirits. I interceded on behalf of people possessed with or oppressed by demons. Betty A. Collins is an Intercessor and has the gift of Prophesy. She is the mother of one grown son, Robyn, who is blessed with an eye for photography. For over twenty years, she trained, mentored, and encouraged young people in church and in the secular. She was a volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for thirteen years representing abused, neglected, and at-risk youth in both Contra Costa and Alameda County Courts. She was a first grade Sunday school teacher. While working at different companies, she spearheaded lunchtime Bible Study and prayer groups. Before she retired, she was a Technical Writer in Information Technology developing company manuals.

Be Still

Book Description

Be still. For some, these two simple words a welcome invitation to slow down. For others, they feel impossible, out of reach in our increasingly noisy world, or simply just too hard to maintain. There is another way. In fact, there are many. In this practical, easy-to-read guide, Brian Heasley explores the multitude of rhythms of Christian prayer and devotion available to every believer. From memorizing scripture and prayer running to noticing beauty everywhere, he demonstrates how we don't need to be static for our hearts to be still, and how even in the midst of a full, busy life, we can spend quiet time with God. Be Still is a prayer book for anyone looking for ways to revitalise the way they pray or who is struggling to make space for devotional time with God. Packed full of ideas for different ways to pray and tips and advice for how to build prayer practices into everyday life, Be Still will change the way you think about prayer and devotion and equip you with all the tools you need to deepen your relationship with God. You can use Be Still individually or in small groups, or read it alongside 24-7 Prayer's new Be Still prayer course. It also makes a great resource for youth leaders looking to help teenagers cultivate daily rhythms of prayer and spend more quiet time with God, or as a gift for people starting out on their faith journey or those returning to faith after a while. Join Brian Heasley, and discover the different ways in which we can all be still.

Travail to Prevail

Book Description

This is one of the most unique and inspiring books ever written on prayer. In it Joseph Mattera uses the Bible, memoirs from powerful revivalists, and personal experience to shed light upon the most effective (but least understood) form of intercession. This book dispels the idea that mere perfunctory prayer is enough to birth revival. The writer also shows the lifestyle change and personal sacrifice needed if Christians are truly going to bring global societal transformation. There has never been another book like this in recent memory! This book is a must for all believers who yearn to see God answer their prayers and move powerfully in their midst!

Spiritual Travail

Book Description

What is spiritual travail? And is it necessary for the believers to enter into it? The Lord Jesus travailed for the souls of men and it took Him to the cross. He is even now travailing as High Priest for the house of God to be built. He travails for His people to know Christ in an intimate relationship. He travails for His children to grow up into sonship. The travail of Jesus meant agony, suffering, the giving up of His life. He humbled Himself and became obedient to the cross. In the same way His followers are called to travail for His full purpose to be fulfilled, His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. This means burden, agonizing, suffering, and brokenness over His will and purpose. This is spiritual travail. If there is a willingness to give up one's life for God to have full control, the Holy Spirit will do the rest of the work in the vessel to prepare it to carry His burden and travail for it. This is the highest ministry one can have in the kingdom.

Called to Travail

Book Description

Called to Travail explains in depth the process and purpose of our fiery trials and God's ultimate desire to birth His presence and power into His end-time intercessors. We are on the verge of an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit and a double-portion anointing that will cause devils to tremble and the gates of hell to crumble. Jesus will choose us in our "furnace of affliction" as we respond in trust and faith. Through deep travail and intercession, we will see millions of captive souls released from the strongholds of sin. Hear the cry of Jesus in this book, calling you to a place of deeper intimacy and trust and to abandon everything and run with Him into the harvest field.

The Happy Intercessor

Book Description

As we dive into the Father s heart we are overwhelmed by His presence, the fullness of joy. From this place we begin to see from His perspective. As we see and understand His world we are compelled to intercede.We are now praying and speaking with fresh insight.We see that we no longer have to pray from a place of defense. Instead we pray offensive prayers from His presence. When we speak our petitions and most important our declarations into the atmosphere, authority and breakthrough come. From the intimate place with our Father everything is birthed.

Pastoral Ministry

Book Description

Discover the keys, strategies and principles for successful and effective pastoral work - Invaluable tips for training laity to perform priestly functions - Understanding that the presence and power of God is the key to doing great works for God - Concise instructions on how to receive an anointing - Helpful hints on how to make advancements in Ministry - Insightful instructions for the personal development of a pastor One night while studying in a remove town of Ghana, God miraculously anointed Dag Heward-Mills as he waited upon the Lord. He supernaturally heard the words, "From now on you can teach..." This supernatural call is what has ushered him into a worldwide ministry. Today, his Healing Jesus Crusades are conducted throughout the world with thousands in attendance and many accompanying miracles. These phenomenal miracles, attested to by medical doctors have included the opening of the eyes of the blind, the restoring of hearing to the deaf, the emptying of wheel chairs and even the raising of the dead. Dag Heward-Mills, an author of several bestselling books also founded the Lighthouse Chapel International has become a worldwide denomination. His radio, TV and internet programs reach millions around the world. Other outreaches include pastors and ministers conferences and the renowned Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center. Dag Heward-Mills lives in Accra, Ghana with his wife Adelaide and their four children: David, Joshua, Daniella and Paula.

The Jalkut on Zechariah

Book Description