Tree Breeding: Principles and Strategies

Book Description

It has become apparent, during discussions with students and colleagues in forest genetics, that a universal concern is the achievement of diverse goals of forestry from fiber production in industrial as well as farm forests to conserving forest ecosystems. Although we generally have several breeding methods available and several species to breed, we seek to satisfy multiple-use goals on diverse sites by management techniques that at best can only partially control edaphic environmental variation. The dominant approach, which was agriculturally motivated, has involved inten sive effort with complicated breeding plans on single species for uniform adaptability and single-product plantations. However, this is obviously neither the only, nor necessarily the best, solution for the genetic management of tree species, and thus our intent in this volume is to develop ways to achieve multiple objectives in tree breeding. We include an array of breeding plans from simple iterated designs to sets of multiple populations capable of using gene actions for different traits in different environments for uncertain futures. The presentation is organized around the development of breeding from single-to multiple-option plans, from single to multiple traits, from single to mUltiple environ ments, and from single to multiple populations. However, it is not a complete "How To" book, and includes neither exercises nor instructions on data handling. It also does not include discussion of all modes of reproduction and inheritance encountered in plants.

Tree Breeding: Principles and Strategies

Book Description

It has become apparent, during discussions with students and colleagues in forest genetics, that a universal concern is the achievement of diverse goals of forestry from fiber production in industrial as well as farm forests to conserving forest ecosystems. Although we generally have several breeding methods available and several species to breed, we seek to satisfy multiple-use goals on diverse sites by management techniques that at best can only partially control edaphic environmental variation. The dominant approach, which was agriculturally motivated, has involved inten sive effort with complicated breeding plans on single species for uniform adaptability and single-product plantations. However, this is obviously neither the only, nor necessarily the best, solution for the genetic management of tree species, and thus our intent in this volume is to develop ways to achieve multiple objectives in tree breeding. We include an array of breeding plans from simple iterated designs to sets of multiple populations capable of using gene actions for different traits in different environments for uncertain futures. The presentation is organized around the development of breeding from single-to multiple-option plans, from single to multiple traits, from single to mUltiple environ ments, and from single to multiple populations. However, it is not a complete "How To" book, and includes neither exercises nor instructions on data handling. It also does not include discussion of all modes of reproduction and inheritance encountered in plants.

Tree Breeding and Genetics in New Zealand

Book Description

Dothistroma pini changed New Zealand commercial forestry dramatically. Tree breeding became concentrated on a very few species and development of selection methods and breeding strategies changed in response to the new challenges. Tree-Breeding and Genetics in New Zealand provides a critical historical account of the work on provenance research and tree breeding, often with the wisdom of hindsight, and it tracks the development of breeding strategy, especially for P. radiata, Douglas-fir and the most important eucalypt species, E. regnans, E. fastigata and E. nitens. The book is a compendium of abstracts and summaries of all publications and reports on tree improvement in New Zealand since the early 1950s, with added critical comment by the author on much of the work. It is intended for other tree breeders internationally, for interested NZ foresters and for graduate students studying genetics and tree breeding.

Introduction to Forest Genetics

Book Description

Introduction to Forest Genetics examines some of the basic genetic concepts typically used in forestry and tree improvement studies, including Mendelian and population genetics. It also describes techniques that are generally useful in tree improvement work, including individual tree selection and breeding, provenance testing, species and racial hybridization, and introduction of exotics. Organized into 19 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of forest genetics and problems associated with forest genetics. It then discusses concepts from basic genetics, including chromosome structure and function; DNA and RNA; nongenetic inheritance; and genotype versus phenotype. Other chapters focus on inbreeding: complete elimination of homozygous recessive trees; mutation and migration; and controlled pollination and vegetative propagation. The book also covers the establishment and measurement of test plantations; general principles and methods of selective breeding; choice of breeding method and type of seed orchard; heritability and genetic gain; geographic variation in Scotch pine and American trees; species and racial hybridization; chromosome studies; and polyploidy and haploidy breeding. This book is a valuable resource for foresters, professional tree breeders, and those with or without previous training in genetics or forestry.

Tree Breeding Methods

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Genetics and Improvement of Forest Trees

Book Description

Forest tree improvement has mainly been implemented to enhance the productivity of artificial forests. However, given the drastically changing global environment, improvement of various traits related to environmental adaptability is more essential than ever. This book focuses on genetic information, including trait heritability and the physiological mechanisms thereof, which facilitate tree improvement. Nineteen papers are included, reporting genetic approaches to improving various species, including conifers, broad-leaf trees, and bamboo. All of the papers in this book provide cutting-edge genetic information on tree genetics and suggest research directions for future tree improvement.

The Tree Breeder

Book Description

Applications of Biotechnology in Forestry and Horticulture

Book Description

Major and exciting changes have taken place recently in various aspects of bio technology and its applications to forestry. Even more exciting is the prospect of major innovations that the entire field of biotechnology holds for plant growth in general. The importance of these developments for the forestry sector is considerable, particu larly since forestry science has not received the kinds of technical and R&D inputs that, say, agriculture has received in the past few decades. Y ct the problems of defor estation as well as stagnation in yields and productivity of existing forests throughout the world are becoming increasingly apparent, with consequences and ecological ef fects that cause growing worldwide concern. Policies for application of existing knowl edge in biotechnology to the field of forestry and priorities for future research and development are, therefore, of considerable value, because it is only through the adop tion of the right priorities and enlightened policies that scientific developments will move along the right direction, leading to improvements in forestry practices through out the world. It was against this backdrop that the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) or ganised a major international workshop on the "Applications of Biotechnology in For estry and Horticulture" at New Delhi in January 1988. The present volume covers the proceedings of this international workshop.