Trends in Educational Equity of Girls & Women

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This statistical report responds to a request by Congress for a report on educational equity for girls and women. The report assembles a series of indicators that examine the extent to which males and females have access to the same educational opportunities, avail themselves of these opportunities, perform at the same level, succeed at the same rate, and obtain the same benefits. Data are drawn mainly from surveys conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics. The report begins with an overview that summarizes the major findings. A series of 44 indicators follows, beginning with preparation for school and moving through elementary and secondary education to postsecondary education, with a consideration of outcomes of education. Data show that in school and in college females are now doing as well or better than males on many indicators, and that the large gaps in educational attainment that once existed between men and women have in most cases been eliminated, and in others have significantly decreased. Women continue to lag behind males in mathematics and science achievement in high school, and they are less likely to major in these fields in college. Women are still under-represented in doctoral and first-degree professional programs, although they have made substantial gains in the last 25 years. (Contains 57 tables and 63 figures.) (SLD)

How Schools Shortchange Girls

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Reports on inequality of education between boys and girls.

Where the Girls are

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This report presents a comprehensive look at girls' educational achievement during the past 35 years, paying special attention to the relationship between girls' and boys' progress. Analyses of results from national standardized tests, such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the SAT and ACT college entrance examinations, as well as other measures of educational achievement, provide an overall picture of trends in gender equity from elementary school to college and beyond. Differences among girls and among boys by race/ ethnicity and family income level are evaluated. Together these analyses support three overarching facts about gender equity in schools today: (1) Girls' successes don't come at boys' expense; (2) girls' and boys' educational performance has improved; and (3) understanding disparities by race/ethnicity and family income level is critical to understanding girls' and boys' achievement. The report finds that many girls as well as boys are not acquiring the educational skills needed to succeed in the 21st-century economy. The report dispels the myth of a boys' crisis and calls for a refocused public debate on the deep divisions among schoolchildren by race/ethnicity and family income level. This report illustrates that while educational trends for both girls and boys are generally positive, disparities by race/ethnicity and family income level exist and are critical to understanding the landscape of education in America today. Two appendixes include: (1) NAEP Supplementary Figures; and (2) SAT and ACT Supplementary Figures. (Contains 59 figures and 25 footnotes.) [Funding for this publication was provided by Lilo and Gerard Leeds and the Mooneen Lecce Giving Circle. For the Executive Summary, see ED501320.].

Girls' Education in the Twenty-first Century

Book Description

Persuasive evidence demonstrates that gender equality in education is central to economic development. Despite more than two decades of accumulated knowledge and evidence of what works in improving gender equality, progress on the ground remains slow and uneven across countries. What is missing? Given that education is a critical path to accelerate progress toward gender equality and the empowerment of women, what is holding us back? These questions were discussed at the global symposium Education: A Critical Path to Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, which was sponsored by the World Bank in October 2007. Girls' Education in the 21st Century is based on background papers developed for the symposium. The book's chapters reflect the current state of knowledge on education from a gender perspective and highlight the importance of, and challenges to, female education, as well as the interdependence of education and development objectives. The last chapter presents five strategic directions for advancing gender equality in education and their implications for World Bank operations. Girls' Education in the 21st Century will be of particular interest to researchers, educators, school administrators, and policy makers at the global, national, regional, and municipal levels.

Trends in Educational Equality of Girls and Women

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The National Center for Education Statistics within the Office of Education Research and Improvement of the U.S. Department of Education offers the full text of the March 2000 paper entitled "Trends in Educational Equality of Girls and Women," written by Yupin Bae, Susan Choy, Claire Geddes, Jennifer Sable, and Thomas Snyder. The text is available in PDF format. The report presents data that shows females in the United States are doing as well or better than males in educational attainment, except in the subjects of mathematics and science.

Women and Education

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