Trends in investment and performance of indian agriculture

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Agriculture sector still dominates the Indian economic scene by providing livelihood to majority of the population. In most of the developing countries including India, agricultural growth is a precondition for economic development. Agriculture and allied activities contributed nearly 50 percent to India’s national income. Around 72 percent of total working population was engaged in agriculture. Inspite of an impressive rate of growth in the GCFA, its share in the GCF in the economy has been found to be declining. Although some improvement was observed in the share of GCFA in the GCF of economy in 2001-02, at 8.65 per cent, it again fell to 6.96 per cent in 2010-11. Capital formation is usually defined as an addition to the stock of productive equipment’s over time. The terms ‘capital formation’ and ‘investment’ are used interchangeably though have some distinction. But at the present stage of development of Indian agriculture, an assessment of capital formation in the agriculture sector may miss many important items of investment which are not accounted. This is because of the fact that, majority of Indian agriculturists being poor subsistence farmers for whom farming is not a business enterprise but a mode of living, Capital investments on the farm generally take place through small bits of acquisitions and activities which lead to an improvement in their productive capacity. Sustained investment on productive assets in agriculture is a pre-requisite for augmenting agricultural growth.

Changing Contours of Indian Agriculture

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This book presents an extensive study on India’s agricultural and nonfarm sectors, examining prices, investments and policies, and suggesting various essential technological changes. It offers appropriate financial, institutional, and policy frameworks that can help to sustain agricultural growth and augment farmers’ incomes across geographical locations. Further, it addresses agricultural growth and rural poverty reduction through multiple pathways that also tackle varied geographical locations, making it a highly useful guide to understanding the changing contours in agriculture and rural areas across the country and among rural households with various social and economic backgrounds.

Revitalizing Indian Agriculture and Boosting Farmer Incomes

Book Description

This open access book provides an evidence-based roadmap for revitalising Indian agriculture while ensuring that the growth process is efficient, inclusive, and sustainable, and results in sustained growth of farmers’ incomes. The book, instead of looking for global best practices and evaluating them to assess the possibility of replicating these domestically, looks inward at the best practices and experiences within Indian states, to answer questions such as -- how the agricultural growth process can be speeded up and made more inclusive, and financially viable; are there any best practices that can be studied and replicated to bring about faster growth in agriculture; does the prior hypothesis that rapid agricultural growth can alleviate poverty faster, reduce malnutrition, and augment farmers’ incomes stand? To answer these questions, the book follows four broad threads -- i) Linkage between agricultural performance, poverty and malnutrition; ii) Analysing the historical growth performance of agricultural sector in selected Indian states; iii) Will higher agricultural GDP necessarily result in higher incomes for farmers; iv) Analysing the current agricultural policy environment to evaluate its efficiency and efficacy, and consolidate all analysis to create a roadmap. These are discussed in 12 chapters, which provide a building block for the concluding chapter that presents a roadmap for revitalising Indian agriculture while ensuring growth in farmers’ incomes.

Growth and Equity

Book Description

Research report on agricultural policies for growth with equity and agricultural production trends 1950-1979 in India - examines effects of high-crop yielding seeds on interregional disparities, special programmes for small farmers, etc., proposes new poverty-alleviating agricultural development strategy, institutional reform, and decentralization of agricultural planning, and compares with experiences in Japan, the USA and Western Europe. Bibliographys and graphs.

Agricultural Growth and Industrial Performance in India

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Research report on interrelations between agricultural development and industrial development in India - based on a simulation macroeconomic model and using trend data from 1961 to 1972, discusses the linkage between the agricultural sector and industrial sector; and finds that 1 per cent increase in agricultural production leads to an increase in agricultural income and consumer demand for industrial products, thus stimulating a further 0.5 per cent increase in industrial production. Bibliography and graphs.

Changing composition of private investment in Indian agriculture and its relationship with public investment and input subsidies

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Using the decennial All-India Debt and Investment Survey from 1981-82 to 2012-13, this paper delves into the spatial and temporal trends in private fixed capital expenditure and its composition, among rural households in India. We also assess its relationship with public investment in agriculture. Amidst sizeable ups and downs, the magnitude and rate of growth in private investment in agriculture has gained momentum from 2000s except in Odisha, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir. An increasing preference of farmers to invest in residential land and buildings, and that at the cost of asset formation in farm business, is evident in agriculturally advanced states. Within agriculture, relatively higher investments in land improvement, machinery-implements, tractors, and livestock are identified over the period. Importantly, such investments are positively influenced by public investments in agriculture and irrigation in the high and low income states and also by public spending on input subsidy in the middle and low income states. An increase in public expenditure that is well targeted and is commensurate with farmers’ investment portfolio would reinforce a complementary relation between the two across-the-board. The impact of terms of trade on private investment though positive turns out to be statistically insignificant. Land acts as a constraint, indicating need for policy interventions that augment crop yield and can bring remunerative prices to farmers. A continued effort to improve the outreach of formal financial institutions for credit is warranted for higher private capital formation.

Indian Agriculture in the New Millennium

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Contributed articles on economic aspects of agriculture in India.

Public expenditure and growth dynamics in Indian agriculture: Trends, structural breaks, and linkages

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The present study analyzes temporal and spatial trends in public expenditure on agriculture and irrigation in India. It links sub-period growth performance with expenditure based on structural breaks. The analysis pertains to the period between 1992/1993 and 2019/2020. This is a period that has witnessed a stagnation, and even a decrease in public expenditure in the agricultural sector and a resulting deceleration in productivity growth, which was then followed by a revival in both expenditure and output. Significantly expenditure on subsidies of key inputs, viz. fertilizer, irrigation, and power, however, has not incentivized farmers to increase output and productivity to achieve a higher rate of growth. Empirical findings based on the first-difference regression analysis confirm that agricultural growth is determined by public expenditure on agriculture and irrigation; across the states, however, input subsidies alone are shown to be less, or not at all, efficient. Funds to agriculture and irrigation should be increased in proportion to their contribution to the state domestic product, and input subsidies should be rationalized by weighing their positive welfare effects against their cost to the exchequer.

Indian Agriculture

Book Description

This volume examines the transitions in Indian agriculture since the 1980s, and emphasizes upon the role of neoliberal policies and their impact. The essays presented here deal with a range of pertinent and contemporary issues, including global food security, livelihoods of agricultural labourers, and public and private investment. These weave together glimpses of the impasse faced by petty commodity producers (marginal and small farmers) and their subsequent economic distress and social exclusion. Comprehensive in analysis, this book will be useful to scholars and researchers of agricultural economics, political economy, political science and public policy.