Trial Consulting

Book Description

In its roughly 25 years of existence, the trial consulting profession has grown dramatically in membership, recognition, and breadth of practice. What began as a small activist group of social scientists volunteering their expertise to assist in the defense of Vietnam War protestors has evolved into a diverse set of professionals from a range of educational and professional backgrounds. In spite of such enormous growth, the work of trial consultants has gone largely unexamined. Trial Consulting takes an in-depth look at the primary activities of trial consultants, including witness preparation, focus groups and mock trials, jury selection, change of venue surveys, and attorney presentation style. It also examines the profession's struggle to define itself, resisting certification and licensure requirements and settling instead for a set of practice standards. The authors draw upon empirical and other scholarly work in the social sciences, recommended "best practices" from trial lawyers, and the written and spoken recommendations and reflections of the trial consultants themselves. Addressing a broad spectrum of topics ranging from handwriting analysis to medical malpractice cases, they also suggest reforms for improving the profession and the efficacy of the trial consultant in the courtroom. The result is a critical analysis of what trial consulting truly adds to, and detracts from, the administration of justice. This book is an indispensable guide for practicing and aspiring trial consultants as well as the judges, attorneys, and psychologists who work with them. Trial Consulting provides a thought-provoking statement on the state of the profession, and students and professionals alike will benefit from the challenges it offers.

Handbook of Trial Consulting

Book Description

This volume will be a handbook that treats trial consulting as applied psychology. The purpose of the volume will be to collect the viewpoints of leaders in the field of psychology and law who apply the discipline’s theoretical models, methods, and ethics to assist litigators to try cases in the most effective way possible. As a whole, the collection of chapters will describe the theory, business, and mechanics of trial consulting for those interested in learning and practicing the profession. However, it will do so from the perspective of organized theories of jury-decision making. In other words, the work of juror researchers will inform the recommendations and suggestions in the handbook. The volume consists of six sections, each pertaining to a different topic. Multiple chapters with different authors will cover each topic. The topics and corresponding seven sections will be 1) An Introduction to the Theory and Psychology of Jury Decision-Making, 2) Applied Research Methodologies for Trial Consultants, 3) Education and Ethical Considerations for Trial Consultants, 4) Preparing and Cross Examining Witnesses, 5) Technology and Demonstrative Evidence at Trial, and 6) Special Topics in Trial Consulting. Each section will begin with the editors’ short introduction reviewing that section and explaining its goals, objectives, and content. Separate individuals, recognized as leaders in their areas will write the remaining chapters in each section. These individuals come from the fields of both psychology and law, and represent viewpoints on these topics from a practice-oriented perspective, but a perspective that is emerges from research results. They are affiliated with a number of academic institutions, including University of Nebraska, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, University of Texas, University of Chicago Simon Fraser University, and private law firms.

Career Opportunities in Law and the Legal Industry

Book Description

Provides comprehensive coverage of careers in the legal industry. Career profiles include court administrator, elder law attorney, family court judge, and more.

Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law

Book Description

Over 350 entries provide an authoritative & comprehensive A-Z list of topics in psychology and law, including criminal behaviour and treatment, juvenile offenders, eyewitness memory, forensic assessment and diagnosis, and trial processes.

Stack And Sway

Book Description

A new — and largely hidden — profession has emerged during the past three decades. Drawing on the techniques of modern social science, psychology, and market research, its practitioners seek to remake the way we pursue justice in the United States. Trial consultants help lawyers to pick - some would say, stack — juries predisposed to render the "right" verdict. And consultants apply sophisticated research methods to predict how jurors are likely to respond to arguments, witnesses, and evidence. Based on the results of the research, they craft case strategies, help to prepare witnesses, and test and retest arguments — all before a single word is uttered in open court. For fees that sometimes approach six, or even seven, figures, the new jury experts offer attorneys and their clients what they most desire — a way to remove uncertainty.What are we to make of this new industry? Do the techniques work? Is this, as some critics have argued, a new form of high-tech jury-rigging, not much more acceptable than cruder forms of jury tampering? Or do the methods of jury consultants amount to little more than an extension of what attorneys have always done? One thing is clear. The profession is growing steadily. Jury consultants have already made their mark in big-money civil cases. And they have played key roles in prominent criminal trials. After hearing jurors acquit in the O. J. Simpson case, the first person thanked by defense attorney Johnnie Cochran was his jury expert. The burgeoning of the trial consulting industry seems destined to continue. During the past few years, firms have started to offer low-cost consultations, sometimes conducting research for as little as 2000 per case. For better or worse, the wares of the trial consultant are now within the reach of many who previously deemed them too expensive. When a new trade roams the halls of our legal system, aspiring to change America's road to justice, we had all best pay attention. This book will reveal the "tricks of the trade" and explore the many ways in which trial consultants have infiltrated the courtroom. The authors — a social psychologist and an attorney — present cases where consultants arguably have been responsible for huge jury awards and controversial criminal verdicts. However, it is not their purpose to launch an all-out attack on this growing industry. Instead, they aim to pull back the curtains, allowing a fair and balanced assessment of a new phenomenon in American justice.To achieve this objective, the authors must address issues that lie at the very heart of the American jury system. Are juries fickle? Are they easily swayed? Are jurors influenced — as many have charged — by their age, gender, race, ethnicity, occupation, intellect, personality, or politics? Here, the authors sort through the work of many jury researchers, arriving at conclusions that are balanced and credible. They conclude with sensible and far-reaching proposals for change.


Book Description

A legal scholar exposes the psychological forces that undermine the American criminal justice system, arguing that unless hidden biases are addressed, social inequality will widen, and proposes reforms to prevent injustice and help achieve true equality before the law.

Jury Selection

Book Description

Jury selection is the process by which attorneys remove people from the jury pool whom they judge to be undesirable, presumably because they fear that the potential juror would be biased against their side. In this book, the authors review the law governing attorneys' decisions to remove potential jurors from jury service, including laws prohibiting the systematic removal of particular categories of people from the jury.

Life After Graduate School in Psychology

Book Description

With the diverse array of career opportunities for psychologists--ranging from academics and practice, to business and industry--this book offers a wide-ranging career guide for graduate and postdoctoral students, as well as interns and new psychologists, seeking employment opportunities in the field of psychology and beyond.

Principles and Practice of Trial Consultation

Book Description

A pragmatic guide to a growing area of professional practice, this book describes the multiple roles of the trial consultant and provides tools for carrying them out competently and ethically. Leading authority Stanley Brodsky uses examples from actual trials and depositions to illustrate how knowledge and skills from psychology and related fields are applied in the legal context. He shows how to use scientific methods and findings to assist with jury selection, help attorneys focus their arguments, prepare witnesses for the rigors of cross-examination, and conduct change of venue evaluations. The examples are drawn from a wide range of civil and criminal cases. In addition to behavioral scientists, legal professionals also will find important insights and strategies in this book.

Membership Directory

Book Description