Trip Generation Rates for Transportation Impact Analyses of Infill Developments

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"TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 758: Trip Generation Rates for Transportation Impact Analyses of Infill Developments details a procedure for analyzing potential vehicular trip generation impacts in urban and urbanizing locales." -- Publisher's description

Trip Generation Rates for Transportation Impact Analyses of Infill Developments

Book Description

"TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 758: Trip Generation Rates for Transportation Impact Analyses of Infill Developments details a procedure for analyzing potential vehicular trip generation impacts in urban and urbanizing locales." -- Publisher's description

Improving Vehicle Trip Generation Estimations for Urban Contexts

Book Description

The purpose of this research is to develop and test a widely available, ready-to-use method for adjusting the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook vehicle trip generation estimates for urban context using regional household travel survey data. The ITE Handbook has become the predominant method for estimating vehicle trips generated by different land uses or establishment, providing a method for data collection and vehicle trip estimation based on the size of the development (e.g. gross square footage, number of employees, number of dwelling units). These estimates are used in traffic impact analysis to assess the amount of impact the development will have on nearby transportation facilities and, the corresponding charges for mitigating the development's negative impacts, with roadway expansions, added turning bays, additional parking or traffic signalization, for example. The Handbook is often criticized, however, for its inability to account for variations in travel modes across urban contexts. For more than fifty years, ITE has collected suburban, vehicle-oriented data on trip generation for automobiles only. Despite the provision of warnings against application in urban areas, local governments continue to require the use of the ITE Handbook across all area-types. By over predicting vehicle traffic to developments in urban developments, developments may be overcharged to mitigate these developments locating in urban environments despite the lower automobile mode shares, discouraging infill development or densification. When ITE's Trip Generation Handbook overestimates the vehicle impact of a development, facilities are also overbuilt for the automobile traffic and diminishing the use of alternative modes. When ITE's TGH underestimates this impact, adjacent facilities may become oversaturated with traffic, pushing cars onto smaller facilities nearby. Currently, there is momentum amongst practitioners to improve these estimation techniques in urban contexts to help support smart growth and better plan for multiple modes. This research developed and tested a method to adjust ITE's Handbook vehicle trip generation estimates for changes in transportation mode shares in more urban contexts using information from household travel surveys. Mode share adjustments provide direct reductions to ITE's Handbook vehicle trip estimations. Household travel survey (HTS) data from three regions were collected: Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; and Baltimore, Maryland. These data were used to estimate the automobile mode share rates across urban context using three different adjustment methodologies: (A) a descriptive table of mode shares across activity density ranges, (B) a binary logistic regression that includes a built environment description of urban context with the best predictive power, and (C) a binary logistic regression that includes a built environment description of urban context with high predictive power and land use policy-sensitivity. Each of these three methods for estimating the automobile mode share across urban context were estimated for each of nine land use categories, resulting in nine descriptive tables (Adjustment A) and eighteen regressions (Adjustments B and C). Additionally, a linear regression was estimated to predict vehicle occupancy rates across urban contexts for each of nine land use categories. 195 independently collected establishment-level vehicle trip generation data were collected in accordance with the ITE Handbook to validate and compare the performance of the three adjustment methods and estimations from the Handbook. Six land use categories (out of the nine estimated) were able to be tested. Out of all of the land uses tested and verified, ITE's Trip Generation Handbook appeared to have more accurate estimations for land uses that included residential condominiums/townhouses (LUC 230), supermarkets (LUC 850) and quality (sit-down) restaurants (LUC 931). Moderate or small improvements were observed when applying urban context adjustments to mid-rise apartments (LUC 223), high-turnover (sit-down) restaurants (LUC 932). The most substantial improvements occurred at high-rise apartments (LUC 222) and condominiums/townhouses (LUC 232), shopping centers (LUC 820), or coffee/donut (LUC 936) or bread/donut/bagel shops (LUC 939) without drive-through windows. The three methods proposed to estimate automobile mode share provides improvements to the Handbook rates for most infill developments in urban environments. For the land uses analyzed, it appeared a descriptive table of mode shares across activity density provided results with comparable improvements to the results from the more sophisticated binary logistic model estimations. Additional independently collected establishment-level data collections representing more land uses, time periods and time of days are necessary to determine how ITE's Handbook performs in other circumstances, including assessing the transferability of the vehicle trip end rates or mode share reductions across regions.

Trip Generation Analysis

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Transportation Planning Handbook

Book Description

A multi-disciplinary approach to transportation planningfundamentals The Transportation Planning Handbook is a comprehensive,practice-oriented reference that presents the fundamental conceptsof transportation planning alongside proven techniques. This newfourth edition is more strongly focused on serving the needs of allusers, the role of safety in the planning process, andtransportation planning in the context of societal concerns,including the development of more sustainable transportationsolutions. The content structure has been redesigned with a newformat that promotes a more functionally driven multimodal approachto planning, design, and implementation, including guidance towardthe latest tools and technology. The material has been updated toreflect the latest changes to major transportation resources suchas the HCM, MUTCD, HSM, and more, including the most current ADAaccessibility regulations. Transportation planning has historically followed the rationalplanning model of defining objectives, identifying problems,generating and evaluating alternatives, and developing plans.Planners are increasingly expected to adopt a moremulti-disciplinary approach, especially in light of the risingimportance of sustainability and environmental concerns. This bookpresents the fundamentals of transportation planning in amultidisciplinary context, giving readers a practical reference forday-to-day answers. Serve the needs of all users Incorporate safety into the planning process Examine the latest transportation planning softwarepackages Get up to date on the latest standards, recommendations, andcodes Developed by The Institute of Transportation Engineers, thisbook is the culmination of over seventy years of transportationplanning solutions, fully updated to reflect the needs of achanging society. For a comprehensive guide with practical answers,The Transportation Planning Handbook is an essentialreference.

Trip Generation Analysis

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