Tree Islands of the Everglades

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PREFACE Within the Florida Everglades, tree islands, which cover only a small percentofthis ecosystem, historically have provided essential habitat for a wide variety ofterrestrial and amphibious plants, birds, and animals. These tree islands, however, have been one ofits least studied features. Because of their less flood tolerant vegetation, tree islands are one ofthe most sensitive components ofthe Everglades to changes in hydrology, and many tree islands have been lost during periods when water levels have been abnormally high or low. Their sensitivity to water level changes makes tree islands potentially one ofthe best and surest measures ofthe overall hydrologic health of the Everglades. Consequently, the maintenance of healthy, functioning tree islands and the restoration ofthose that have been lost will be an important performance measures that will be used tojudge the success ofthe Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). A symposium, Tree Islands ofthe Everglades, was held on July 14 and 15, 1998 at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida. It was sponsored by Florida Center for Environmental Studies and the South Florida WaterManagement District. This was the first scientific meeting ever devoted to tree islands. The organizers of this symposium were Drs. Arnold van der Valk, Florida Center for Environmental Studies and Iowa State University, Fred Sklar, South Florida Water Management District, and Wiley Kitchens, United States Geological Survey.

Linking Hydroperiod with Water Use and Nutrient Accumulation in Wetland Tree Islands

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Many large terrestrial ecosystems have patterned landscapes as a result of a positive feedback system between vegetation communities and environmental factors. One example is tree island habitats in the Florida Everglades. Although they only occupy a small portion of the Everglades landscape, tree islands are important features as the focus of nutrient accumulation and wildlife biodiversity in the Everglades ecosystem. The hardwood hammock community on the elevated head of tree island habitats can accumulate high phosphorus concentration in the otherwise P-limited Everglades ecosystem. In this dissertation, I examined two hypotheses derived from the chemohydrodynamic nutrient accumulation model, which suggests that high transpiration of tree island hammock plants is the driving force for nutrient accumulation in tree island soil. According to this model, I hypothesized that tree islands with lower dry season transpiration should have less phosphorus accumulated than the tree islands with higher dry season transpiration. By examining the water use and nutrient status from 18 tree islands in both slough (perennially wet) and prairie (seasonally wet) locations, I was able to compare water availability and nutrient accumulation in slough and prairie tree islands with different marsh hydroperiods. Chapter 1 uses elemental and stable isotope analysis to look at water stress and nutrient concentration in tree island plants. I showed that the prairie tree island plants suffer from drought stress during the dry season, when the marshes in the prairies dry out. Prairie tree islands also have lower soil and plant P concentration than the slough tree islands. Moreover, I showed that foliar N isotope ratio serves as a stable proxy for community level P availability for tree island plants, and prairie tree island plants have less P available than slough tree island plants. In Chapter 2, I showed that the satellite imagery derived normalized difference water index (NDWI) provides a robust indicator of community level canopy water content of these tree islands. NDWI, used as a proxy for water status, was positively related to foliar N isotope ratio, which suggests that water availability is linked to nutrient availability in the tree island hardwood hammock plant communities. These findings are consistent to the chemohydrodynamic nutrient accumulation model. In Chapter 3, I used sap flow sensors on individual trees to provide a real-time measurement of plant transpiration. I showed that tree island plant transpiration is affected by multiple factors including weather fluctuations, marsh water depth regulated by local water management, and canopy structure of different tree islands. Overall, my dissertation establishes a link between tree island plant water use and nutrient accumulation. It could be potentially important for future restoration plan of tree islands and Everglades hydrological management.

The Role of Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity in Water and Nutrient Pools in Everglades Plant Community Diversity and Function

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Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of water and nutrient pools is closely associated with the existence of different plant communities in hydrologically-controlled ecosystems such as the Everglades. These various communities differ in their flooding and fire tolerances as well as nutrient requirements. Upland plant communities are of particular ecological significance since they have high biodiversity and provide habitat to terrestrial fauna, yet comprise less than 10 % of the total area. Restoration and maintenance of such communities requires an understanding of their water and nutrient requirements. Chapter 2 compares water source utilization in hammocks and pine rocklands on the Miami Rock Ridge using stable isotopes of water. Hammocks do not flood, while adjacent pinelands may flood between 2-3 months. In the wet season, hammocks were found to use phosphorus (P) rich soilwater, a local pool of water and nutrients while pineland plants primarily relied upon groundwater, the regional pool. Access to a rich pool of P in the oligotrophic Everglades was associated with higher community-level foliar P concentration in hammocks. However in the dry season, hammocks utilized groundwater, which suggests sensitivity to extended droughts. Chapter 3 compares the hammock (upland or head) and swamp forests (lowland or tail) on tree islands in the Shark River Slough. Uplands were associated with P-rich soilwater uptake in the wet season, with regional water uptake in the dry season. Accordingly, tree island heads are rich in foliar P and thereby P-hotspots in the Everglades. Foliar nutrient concentrations can thus indicate limiting nutrient availability in the Everglades. Chapter 4 looks at how leaf phenology patterns are tied to water and nutrient pools. Leaf fall in ridge hammocks is associated with high foliar carbon isotope values over the dry season, which is not the case for tree island hammocks. However, in some species, high levels of foliar nitrogen are also associated with high foliar C13 values indicating stomatal limitation of photosynthesis. Growing season for most hammock species is the wet season coinciding with high availability of P, as reflected in high foliar P in this season. Linking water sources to foliar nutrients elucidates roles of water and nutrient pools in leading to different plant communities within an ecosystem.


Book Description

The 31 chapters provide a wealth of previously unpublished information, plus topic syntheses, for a wide range of ecological parameters. These include the physical driving forces that created and continue to shape the Everglades and patterns and processes of its flora and fauna. The book summarizes recent studies of the region's vegetation, alligators, wading birds, and endangered species such as the snail kite and Florida panther. This referee-reviewed volume is the product of collaboration among 58 international authors from 27 institutional affiliations over nearly five years. The book concludes with a synthesis of system-wide restoration hypotheses, as they apply to the Everglades, that represent the integration and a collective viewpoint from the preceding 30 chapters. Techniques and systems learned here can be applied to ecosystems around the world.

Biogeochemistry of Wetlands

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The globally important nature of wetland ecosystems has led to their increased protection and restoration as well as their use in engineered systems. Underpinning the beneficial functions of wetlands are a unique suite of physical, chemical, and biological processes that regulate elemental cycling in soils and the water column. This book provides an in-depth coverage of these wetland biogeochemical processes related to the cycling of macroelements including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, secondary and trace elements, and toxic organic compounds. In this synthesis, the authors combine more than 100 years of experience studying wetlands and biogeochemistry to look inside the black box of elemental transformations in wetland ecosystems. This new edition is updated throughout to include more topics and provide an integrated view of the coupled nature of biogeochemical cycles in wetland systems. The influence of the elemental cycles is discussed at a range of scales in the context of environmental change including climate, sea level rise, and water quality. Frequent examples of key methods and major case studies are also included to help the reader extend the basic theories for application in their own system. Some of the major topics discussed are: Flooded soil and sediment characteristics Aerobic-anaerobic interfaces Redox chemistry in flooded soil and sediment systems Anaerobic microbial metabolism Plant adaptations to reducing conditions Regulators of organic matter decomposition and accretion Major nutrient sources and sinks Greenhouse gas production and emission Elemental flux processes Remediation of contaminated soils and sediments Coupled C-N-P-S processes Consequences of environmental change in wetlands# The book provides the foundation for a basic understanding of key biogeochemical processes and its applications to solve real world problems. It is detailed, but also assists the reader with box inserts, artfully designed diagrams, and summary tables all supported by numerous current references. This book is an excellent resource for senior undergraduates and graduate students studying ecosystem biogeochemistry with a focus in wetlands and aquatic systems.

Invertebrates in Freshwater Wetlands

Book Description

Wetlands are among the world’s most valuable and most threatened habitats, and in these crucially important ecosystems, the invertebrate fauna holds a focal position. Most of the biological diversity in wetlands is found within resident invertebrate assemblages, and those invertebrates are the primary trophic link between lower plants and higher vertebrates (e.g. amphibians, fish, and birds). As such, most scientists, managers, consultants, and students who work in the world’s wetlands should become better informed about the invertebrate components in their habitats of interest. Our book serves to fill this need by assembling the world’s most prominent ecologists working on freshwater wetland invertebrates, and having them provide authoritative perspectives on each the world’s most important freshwater wetland types. The initial chapter of the book provides a primer on freshwater wetland invertebrates, including how they are uniquely adapted for life in wetland environments and how they contribute to important ecological functions in wetland ecosystems. The next 15 chapters deal with invertebrates in the major wetlands across the globe (rock pools, alpine ponds, temperate temporary ponds, Mediterranean temporary ponds, turloughs, peatlands, permanent marshes, Great Lakes marshes, Everglades, springs, beaver ponds, temperate floodplains, neotropical floodplains, created wetlands, waterfowl marshes), each chapter written by groups of prominent scientists intimately knowledgeable about the individual wetland types. Each chapter reviews the relevant literature, provides a synthesis of the most important ecological controls on the resident invertebrate fauna, and highlights important conservation concerns. The final chapter synthesizes the 15 habitat-based chapters, providing a macroscopic perspective on natural variation of invertebrate assemblage structure across the world’s wetlands and a paradigm for understanding how global variation and environmental factors shape wetland invertebrate communities.

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