Human Implantation

Book Description

This book explains and reviews some of the significant events involved in human implantation and the establishment of the placenta in the uterus. This critical phase in human reproduction has proved to be an elusive and challenging area of research, not least because of the immunological and genetic interactions between the mother and fetus. The volume focuses on the most recent advances in our understanding of the basic mechanisms involved, with a particular emphasis on cell biology and immunology. This lucid volume will benefit all those studying and undertaking research in reproductive biology and immunology, perinatal pathology, fetal medicine and obstetrics.

Trophoblast Invasion and Endometrial Receptivity

Book Description

Interest in mechanisms of embryo implantation is increasing, particularly with the realization that failure of implantation after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer places significant limits on the success of treatment. In addition, there is a need to provide hypotheses, and ultimately mechanisms, for the high rates of embryonic loss in women in the population at large. Traditionally, implantation research has concentrated on genetics and endocrinology without providing many therapeutic benefits. A new era is now beginning with the application of modem cellular and molecular approaches to the investigation of the relationship between trophoblast and endometrium. At the same time, older data can be reevaluated in the light of current research into cell cell and cell-matrix interactions. The feeling that new avenues of research are open was apparent when an international group of scientists came together at a workshop on "The Cell Biology of Trophoblast Invasion In Vivo and In Vitro" held during the XXIV Annual Meeting of the Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Study Group (C.T.O.C.) at Heidelberg in 1986. What was unusual about this Conference was the interdisciplinary dialogue between implantation researchers and tumor biologists, highlighting aspects common to invasion of trophoblast and tumor cells.

Placenta and Trophoblast

Book Description

The aim of the two-volume set of Placenta and Trophoblast: Methods and Protocols is to offer contemporary approaches for studying the biology of the placenta. The chapters contained herein also address critical features of the female organ within which the embryo is housed, the uterus, and some aspects of the embryo–fetus itself, particularly those of common experimental animal models. In keeping with the organization used effectively in other volumes in this series, each chapter has a brief introduction followed by a list of required items, protocols, and notes designed to help the reader perform the expe- ments without difficulty. In both volumes, sources of supplies are given and illustrations highlight particular techniques as well as expected outcomes. A key aspect of these volumes is that the contributors are at the forefronts of their disciplines, thus ensuring the accuracy and usefulness of the chapters. Placenta research has progressed rapidly over the past several decades by taking advantage of the technical advances made in other fields. For example, the reader will note that many techniques, such as reverse transcriptase po- merase chain reaction, northern and western blotting, microarray analyses and in situ hybridization experiments, are routinely used for dissecting a wide range of experimental questions. Protein analysis and functional experiments on tissues and cells that comprise the maternal–fetal interface benefit from studies in en- crinology, immunology, and developmental biology. These volumes also present new ideas on investigating gene imprinting and gene transfer via viral vectors.

Genetic Regulation of Placental Development, and Immunology

Book Description

This work, the 11th Volume of Trophoblast Research series, comprises collected papers presented to the 13th Rochester Trophoblast Conference (Summer 1996), held for the first time at Banff, Alberta, Canada. This edited volume hopes to recreate the main scientific themes discussed at this meeting for the reader. Established in 1961, the Rochester Trophoblast Conference is the oldest international conference on the placenta, and it became a formal corporate member of the International Federation of Placental Associations at the Banff conference.

Immunobiology of Trophoblast

Book Description

Biology and Pathology of Trophoblast

Book Description

Originally published in 2006, this book provides an in-depth account of trophoblast: the tissue derived from the fertilised egg that nourishes and protects the developing fetus. The cells of the trophoblast have many unique qualities, and exhibit great variability across different species. It has a fascinating role in the development of the placenta and as a regulator during early growth of the embryo. These aspects are all fully covered as well as studies on why it is not rejected by the mother as 'foreign' tissue. Disorders of trophoblast during development also manifest themselves in several clinical conditions during pregnancy, including gestational trophoblastic disease and pre-eclampsia. From stem cells through to epigenetics, implantation and X-chromosome inactivation, there is a lot to be learned about trophoblast, this volume provides a detailed summary of knowledge regarding the subject.

Reproductive Immunology

Book Description

Discrimination of self from nonself is the major function of the immune system and understanding the mechanism(s) involved a main employer of immunologists. Hence, the age-old puzzle of why a fetus that contains a panel of major histocompatibility (MHC) antigens derived from its mother and its father is not rejected (spontaneously aborted) by lymphocytes from its mother who should theoretically recognize foreign MHC molecules from the father has remained of great interest. This dilemma has enticed immunologists and developmental biologists for many years. This volume was created to present the information currently on hand in this subject to the scientific public. The guest editor, Professor Lars Olding, has a long and distinguished history of contributions in this field, having been one of the main propo nents of the argument that lymphocytes from the fetus play an active role in this process by suppressing lymphocytes from the mother from proliferating and thereby acting as killer cells. His work has defined the phenomenon and identified suppressor molecules (factors) involved in the process. In a different but related chapter, Margareta Unander extends such observations to the clinical study of women with repeated "habitual" mIS carriages.

Immunology of Pregnancy and its Disorders

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to describe the nature of the materno-fetal immunobiological relationship and to suggest the direction in which the management of reproduction and its failure in man is moving. The several authors, who have written about their special fields of interest, need to be read within a framework designed to blend their contributions into a whole. This preamble provides a part of that framework, by describing the early development of the embryo, that of the placenta and its membranes and their anatomical relationship with maternal tissues: in other words, the stage upon which this materno-fetal dialogue takes place. Professor Maureen Young's 'tour de force', encapsulating the whole of fetal physiology into a single chapter, completes the background information. After Maureen Young's summary of fetal physiology, Matteo Adinolfi describes the development of the immune system in the fetus, including new information that allows more accurate speculation concerning the gestational age at which fetal immune responses of various kinds may begin. Charles Loke examines the nature of antigens which are found in the placenta, concentrating on those which occur on syncytiotrophoblast and suggesting roles for them in fetal development. Arnold Klopper covers the wide range of proteins and hormones which have been studied during pregnancy and found to vary in a potentially significant way. He has been careful to distinguish between observation and hypothesis, as far as any immunomodulating action is concerned, and his analysis is a model of scientific scepticism.

Immunology of Pregnancy

Book Description

This book covers in detail contemporary hypotheses and studies related to the immunology of implantation and provides a practical approach for the application of basic reproductive immunology research to pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, pre-term labor and IUGR. Provides complete and up to date review of current knowledge of the role of the immune system during pregnancy and the interactions between the placenta and the maternal immune system.